Sunday, June 30, 2024

West Admits Ukraine’s Growing Manpower Crisis + the Evolution of Russia’s FAB-3000 Bomb (TheNewAtlas)

- Western media admits Ukraine’s forces are stretched, forcing Kiev to move troops engaged in one desperate battle to another to prevent lines from collapsing;

- Ukraine’s mobilization is faced by large numbers of Ukrainian men fleeing the country;

- Ukraine is now resorting to recruiting from prisons;

- Western arms supplies are admittedly not enough to reach all sections of the Ukrainian front;

- Moves to secure more Patriot systems do not solve the problem of too few interceptor missiles being produced annually;

- Additional Patriot missile launchers may allow Ukraine to temporarily disrupt Russian glide bomb operations, but only until Russia eliminates Patriots near the line of contact as it did earlier this year;

- Initial claims that Russia’s FAB-3000 bomb was impractical have been proven false by a series of strikes using the munition;

- Russian glide bombs have been steadily improved and built in greater numbers since their appearance in the conflict and will continue to be advanced in quantities, range, and capabilities;

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 30, 2024.]

Globalists Ditch Macron, Resignation Possible (The Duran)

Maybe they are gearing up for culture and race wars in  Europe and the USA and are aiming to put in controllable Nationalists. Certainly the Zionists have lost the media battle when it comes to Gaza, so what they want is for the Europeans to join them in a war against Muslims and foreigners. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 30, 2024.]

Never Forget They Smeared Assange & Laughed At Him! (Jimmy Dore)

Julian Assange has been released from prison and returned to his native Australia, a fact anyone who cares about press freedom should cheer. And while left-leaning commentators like Cenk Uygur and Krystal Ball are joining in the applause at Assange’s release, back when the U.S. government was pursuing criminal charges against the Wikileaks founder, Uygur and Ball felt no compunction about smearing and laughing at Julian Assange and his predicament.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss why no one who smeared Assange this way should ever be allowed to forget it.

A large portion of the left wing media turned against Assange because he trashed Hillary Clinton, helping Trump win in 2016.

Additional comment: 

Good clip from Jimmy Dore. The left dumped Assange in two waves, when he was charged with sexual assault, that was made up, and when Wikileaks helped to wreck Hillary's campaign after a Bernie Sanders supporter leaked emails showing they cheated. Rather than considering these events objectively a lot of people took a political position against him (Assange) and dumped the dude.

However, it is also truth that one cannot fully trust everything that comes from Wikileaks, because the released material can, and has been, controlled, but he's done a lot of good when it comes to exposing basic levels of corruption - the illegal wars, corporate money laundering, bribery, blackmailing - and for providing info on the more heinous aspects of Washington politics that includes Pizzagate. So he's done more good than bad for sure, but because of the smearing and political mindset of many people, a lot of ordinary people, and the tools in the mainstream media, ended up dumping him.

A lot of what happened is because he ended up indirectly helping Trump who was someone he could not find dirt on. He did not uncover such things as such as rigging votes, being involved in coups and military interventions, stealing aid money, mishandling classified information etc. That is the objective position he was in back in 2016.

And anyone that has looked into the Russiagate stuff knows that it was nonsense from the start. The fact that people bought into it is another amazing aspect of living in The Twilight Zone.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 30, 2024.]

Dementia awareness (John Campbell)

Taking into account the information in this video Joe Biden is suffering from dementia. Most people have probably already come to this conclusion. The big take away is that such people are dangers to themselves and other people. Joe is almost certainly not running anything in Washington. He's a puppet that does what he's told. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 30, 2024.]

What You MUST Know about Lost Ancient Civilizations (Bright Insight)

See the evidence yourself. Ancient civilizations were significantly more advanced and globally connected than we were led to believe.

Regardless whether you accept every argument being made in the video, what we need is more digging and investigation. This is the problem with the argument coming from the mainstream - their lack (refusal) of further investigation. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 30, 2024.]

Disney stock COLLAPSES after Elon Musk MOCKS Kathleen Kennedy?! Star Wars boss is a JOKE! (YellowFlash)

Looks like The Acolyte has not only caused Lucasfilm some problems, but Disney itself! Or is it Marvel?

The big question is when will the money run out?

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 30, 2024.]

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Russian Promise, Pentagon Worries (The Duran)

The Russians have promised to strike US targeting assets that have allowed Ukraine to aim their long range missiles. The simple fact is that the US, for some time, has been actively engaged in this war and have made themselves a legitimate target. Will the Russians take out US drones in the Black Sea or destroy overhead satellites? 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 29, 2024.]

Debate Disaster! Media Meltdown! - Biden to Drop Out? - Total Panic in Democrat Party! Whoa! (Mark Dice)

The Donald Trump vs Joe Biden presidential debate on CNN was one for the history books.

Some key points from Mark Dice about the debate is that: they never run these debates until AFTER the convention where delegates cast their votes for the Presidential Candidate. This early debate is highly unusual and was likely done so they can gain support to have the delegates cast their vote for someone else at the convention. So the plan is to dump Biden.

Normally, if the President steps down after a first term there will be pressure for the Vice President to be chosen. However, the present VP (Kamala Harris) is not well liked, and at the convention the delegates can vote for anyone they want. The suspicion is that the delegates will end up choosing someone like Gavin Newsom, the Governor of California, as the new Presidential Candidate. A wild card pick would be Hillary Clinton, but it's highly unlikely.

The reason for waiting until the convention, to make these changes, is political, so blame can be shifted around about making such a last minute change (that should have been done well before now), and so they can effectively shoe horn in someone without having them go through an open debate process. Behind the scenes the power brokers will put up limited choices that the delegates would pick from (or only one alternative choice?) In the past they were busted (via Wikileaks+in court) cheating Bernie Sanders out of the nomination so anything can happen. 13mins

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 29, 2024.]

Justice Alito RIPS Supreme Court For Siding With Censorship! (Jimmy Dore)

The Supreme Court has punted on a critical free speech case, refusing in a 6-3 decision to grant standing to a group of citizens opposed to the government telling social media companies to censor what appears on their platforms. The unfortunate result is that the federal government can continue to threaten the likes of Twitter and Facebook if they won’t remove posts the government claims are “disinformation.”

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss why even conservative Justices like Brett Kavanaugh would go along with government censorship.

They were arguing at the supreme court against the government having big tech ban Covid dissenters and banning people questioning the election. The Gov and big tech called the dissent 'disinformation' and 'misinformation' and wanted to squash free speech on these issues - ie stop open discussion. In the end the court said that the plaintiffs did not have standing because they were not an injured party? Really? Banning dissent contributed to the deaths of many people when it came to the jabs, and regardless, the is a first amendment issue and highly relevant to social media big tech that calls themselves platforms not (controlling) publishers (who could be sued for their content). 

The central issue, as far as I can see, is that it was the Gov engaging in a first amendment violations using the big tech companies, working with, or in facilitation, to stop people from speaking freely (where there was no slander or incitement to violence etc). The court should have ruled in favour of the plaintiffs. This leaves open the door to all manner of censorship going forward.  

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 29, 2024.]

Government Forces Assange To Pay $520k For His Flight Home! (Jimmy Dore)

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange returned to his homeland Australia aboard a charter jet and raised a celebratory clenched fist as his supporters cheered Wednesday after he pleaded guilty to obtaining and publishing U.S. military secrets in a deal with Justice Department prosecutors that concludes a drawn-out legal saga. The Australian government chartered a private jet to take Assange home, but is insisting that Assange pay back the government for the flight’s $520,000 price tag

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss this final insult directed at Assange and the crowdfunding campaign underway to help him defray the costs.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 29, 2024.]

An Important Moment in Pop Culture History (Dave Cullen)

Woke activists seem to deliberately want to destroy old franchises. The clip points out that the trashing of classic male focused TV shows is similar to when we see activists tearing down old statues of historical figures. They're trying to dismantle 'the patriarchy'.  

It's behaviour from brainwashed people that don't understand there is little or no oppression of the kind they imagine in their own heads. The world might be a rough place but we do live in a meritocracy. Anyone can achieve almost anything. Women are not being held back by men. 

The video makes another great point, and that is despite idiotic and insulting new material being produced, the original classics remain. We can point to these and talk of better times, plus outright reject the woke nonsense. But, more importantly, we might recognise the past creations as 'lightning in a bottle' productions of a bygone age that is best left alone - where we should be looking to make something new today. 

Independent sci fi creators are out there. Some of the shows being made today are top notch, like The Expanse. It's only the hijacked big money studios that are churning out the junk. If good alternatives are available the audience will shift in those directions. New classics can emerge.  

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 29, 2024.]

Friday, June 28, 2024

COL. Douglas Macgregor : #Ukraine Nearing the End! #Netanyahu Desperate! (Judging Freedom)

Col. Douglas Macgregor discusses the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, providing his expert analysis on the current state and potential future developments. Macgregor, a retired U.S. Army Colonel and military historian, shares his views on the geopolitical dynamics and military strategies influencing the conflict. Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of the complexities and possible outcomes as the situation evolves.

MacGregor warns about the fact the US is in a defacto war with Russia and that the Israelis are seeking to widen their own war in the Middle East that would drag in the USA. According to MacGregor the war in Ukraine should not last past September, but no one can be certain of the actual end point.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 28, 2024.]

Worst Day Ukr Losses, Rus No Conflict Freeze; FAB-3000s Crush Ukr Defences, Rus Takes Rozdolovka (Alexander Mercouris)

Summary comment from You Tube:

00:00 Julian Assange's release
13:24 Implications for journalism
16:34 Discussion of Assange's release
21:54 Mobilization and losses
28:50 Plan to end the war
32:46 President Trump's Plan
40:30 The situation on the fronts
49:43 Fighting in Ukraine
01:00:44 Fortress cities and defense tactics
01:06:06 American aid to Ukraine
01:08:50 Discussion of the depletion of American arsenals
01:11:22 Israel and the war in Gaza
01:20:44 The future Trump administration and priorities
01:24:53 The situation in Ukraine
01:26:41 Conclusion

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 28, 2024.]

Risky Texas Rangers Operation CRUSH Mexican Cartel Base (History Legends)

United States-Mexico border crisis. In 2021, Texas Governor Greg Abbott launched Operation Lone Star and deployed thousands of Texas National Guard troops to the Southwest border. In October 2023, a special operations unit of the Texas Rangers stormed a strategic island that was used by various cartels for smuggling. This operation was part of a larger campaign to secure the islands of the Rio Grande bordering Texas and Mexico, and the territorial integrity of the United States.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 28, 2024.]

Wikileaks Deletes All Their DNC Files After Julian Assange Release (Salty Cracker)

Assange is likely still alive because of unreleased info Wikileaks still had as insurance. He ended up so persecuted because he did cross lines that would normally have others killed - like Seth Rich (his source), or someone like the Washington Madame (suicided). So be cautious about any new material that comes out from Wikileaks. We still need damaging leaks and turncoats to kick out all the sickos in power.

Remember that the DNC email leak spilt the beans when it came to Pizzagate, that there's high level pedo stuff going on with White House advisors and those in the oval office. They were talking about pizza and hot dogs out of context - like pedos do. This is not new either. It's a Washington thing going back to the Franklin Scandal decades prior. And consider it in light of what Epstein was doing too. Plus the fact that his clients were protected from prosecution thanks to the FBI.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 28, 2024.]

2024 Presidential Debate - Trump vs CNN/Biden | CobraCast 199

Live feed of the 2024 debate from DDCobra. Trump can only loose this election via massive vote fraud, as happened the last time. If he takes office he MUST clean house and fire a LOT of people in the swamp.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 28, 2024.]

Missouri v. Biden - SCOTUS Plays Pontius Pilate: NO STANDING on 1st Amendment Violations? Viva Frei

So they ducked the issue. This is about the Government censoring information online. They've allowed the Gov to censor material online by allowing the continued restriction of speech through not ruling on the matter. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 28, 2024.]

Tucker Carlson DESTROYS Woke Australian Reporter (DDayCobra)

He was accused of inciting hatred etc.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 28, 2024.]

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Hang On, Is THIS Why Assange Was Freed? (Russell Brand & Neil Oliver)

Julian Assange is free. But what led to the plea deal, and why now?

Assange and the rest of the alt media turned the tables on the establishment through the power of online information sharing. He certainly sunk the Hillary Clinton effort to win the White House. The problem for the establishment today is putting the genie back into the bottle. Is his release connected to the 2024 US election or is something else happening? The conversation then switches to Fauci and the pandemic lies, plus global conflict and the lies used to sell it. 

It's good that Oliver admits, in this discussion, that he'd been oblivious, for the longest time, to the fact that the world has been in the grip of a heinous crime syndicate. He's late to the alt media party, but he's welcome.

More of the Oliver interview can be found in the Rumble live feed here:

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 27, 2024.]


Official statement from WikiLeaks: Julian Assange is free. He left Belmarsh maximum security prison on the morning of 24 June, after having spent 1901 days there. He was granted bail by the High Court in London and was released at Stansted airport during the afternoon, where he boarded a plane and departed the UK. This is the result of a global campaign that spanned grass-roots organisers, press freedom campaigners, legislators and leaders from across the political spectrum, all the way to the United Nations.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the release of Julian Assange while also discussing the very real possibility that he is an intelligence asset who just completed his mission!

Assange might not be a conscious asset, but he could be someone who is being played. He's exposed/aired a LOT of truth when it comes to war and corrupt US elections, but he rejected 911 truth (like Chomsky) and has steered clear of damning information dealing with US drug running and human trafficking (although I'm sure he's touched on these issues). 

Just beware of whatever Assange proposes going forward. At the very least he will be fed information and material to serve powerful interests. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 27, 2024.]


Seven months before the mRNA and viral vector Covid gene therapy exotic technology injections were implanted into the public, Alex Jones warned the world that the 'vaccine' will colonize the entire body.

If you had listened to the information relayed by Jones in 2020 you would not have taken the shots. The bottom line is that he's saved millions of people with these warnings.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 27, 2024.]


Seth Rich almost certainly leaked the DNC emails to Wikileaks. Rogan asking questions about the death of Seth Rich from a few years ago. Is the reason that Assange is still alive is because Wikileaks retained damaging information that had more on the pedo stuff? Did they avoid putting out too much damaging material? The point is that this is not a game. Any real deal disruptor that has too much info can be killed. If they are still alive they're either protected (via hidden info they have) or smeared as a kook so badly that most people don't listen. For serious reporters and witnesses blowing the whistle, there's no way out. Remember journalist Michael Hastings who was killed in 2013 after he began looking into General David Patraeus - this was after he trashed General McChrystal. And the Washington Madame murder of 2008 after she threatened to expose those on her client list. There's boundaries that protect the cess pool of corruption. So this is not over. The system is broken. It needs fixing. A good start would be the mass release of unredacted information to expose 'everything'.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 27, 2024.]

French civil war imminent!! (Jeff Taylor)

President Macron of France has warned the French electorate that they face civil war .... unless they vote for him!

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 27, 2024.]

No One Shows Up For AOC & Bernie Rally! (Jimmy Dore)

In a last-ditch effort to get out the vote for incumbent U.S. Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) and avoid an upset in the hotly contested Democratic primary in New York’s 16th Congressional District on Tuesday, June 25, leftist political heavyweights U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) came out in support of Bowman at a rally in New York on Saturday. Unfortunately for them, their “star power” has waned to the point where turnout was embarrassingly low.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss how the rally turnout would have been even worse if not for the pro-Palestinian protesters who came to express their displeasure with Bernie, Bowman and AOC over Biden’s Israel support.

The importance of this clip shows the lack of support for Democrats in this modern era. Few people are likely to vote for Biden in the up coming election. The only way they'll get decent numbers is via fraud. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 27, 2024.]

Game Over For The Climate (Tony Heller)

Another look at the integrity and veracity-free world of the press and climate academics.

Academics predicted that it is Game Over for the climate. Every climate event is allegedly a sign that we're heading into hell. But this is false. Historical records disprove the idea there is a crisis. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 27, 2024.]

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Rus Fury ATACMS Crimea Beach Strike, Calls Rus Black Sea No Fly Zone; Dagestan Terror Attacks (Alexander Mercouris)

Summary comment from You Tube:


00:02 Russian military claims high casualties in Ukrainian Army
03:12 Ukrainian missile strike causes civilian casualties in Russia
10:16 Ukrainian missile attack on Belbeck airbase seemed reckless and endangered civilians
13:44 Russian success in shooting down ATACMS missiles
19:55 Possibility of Russia imposing a no-fly zone over the Black Sea
23:10 Russian strategy of jamming drones and surveillance aircraft
29:02 Effectiveness of missile strikes on Russian territory may be compromised
31:49 Ukrainian negligence and dangers of missile strikes inside Russia.
37:38 Russian forces making significant advances in Ukraine
40:21 Russian forces fully control the aggregate plant in Volchansk area.
45:45 Ukrainian command forced to throw units into battle due to weaknesses in defenses
48:57 Russian defense Ministry report highlights Ukrainian losses and weapon systems
54:40 Complex situation with defense systems in Ukraine-Russia conflict
57:35 Russian forces claiming high casualties among Ukrainian soldiers
1:03:38 Russian forces are getting closer to key positions in Donbas
1:06:51 Potential missile strike on Crimean bridge by Ukrainian intelligence Chief
1:12:24 Isis potentially conducting a campaign in Russia to provoke a reaction against Muslims.
1:15:10 Dagestan faced strong resistance against Jihadi groups in the 1990s and 2000s
1:21:00 Ukrainian policy of assassinations will escalate partisan war.
1:23:55 Russian response to Crimea beach strike
1:29:38 Discussing Russian military actions in Crimea and Dagestan
Crafted by Merlin AI.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 26, 2024.]

Peer Reviewed Study Is Big Trouble For Big Pharma (Jimmy Dore)

A peer reviewed study has shown that 74% of sudden deaths was likely due to the jabs. It was first published in the Lancet, was withdrawn, and has now recently reappeared in another scientific (forensic) journal. Another study has shown that the jabbed have increased blood clots in the brain. 

The main thing about these findings is that the drugs are experimental, so the onus of proof is reversed. If there are signs of harm it must be assumed that it's from the experiment until proven otherwise. Studies such as the one cited here should be more than enough to shut everything down. 

Right at the end of the clip Dore talks about good friends in the entertainment industry ditching him after he spoke out against the jabs subsequent to his injury. He's obviously, and understandably, still hurt by what happened, especially considering that he was smeared by people he thought were of more upstanding character.


The main thing to remember, in the face of the MSM continuing to push the official narrative (safe and effective) is that we need everyone to snap out of this world of lies. The battle here is not over. Everyone's help is needed. YOU are needed !

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 26, 2024.]

The government KNEW: 7 shocking RKI-files | Prof. dr. Stefan Homburg (frankploegman)


A unique data set has been uncovered in Germany: Internal minutes, which had previously been kept secret for years, show beyond doubt that experts were not advising the government during the corona crisis. Rather, experts were taking government orders and fooling the public. Internally, the experts shared many opinions of the corona protesters.

[Uploader] NOTES (1/2)

German journalists sued the German government for access to internal communication by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), which is the German equivalent of the CDC. The court case was required since the journalists’ FOIA request was not honored. When the documents finally became available after the court order, most of it was redacted. After further pressure, it has now been unredacted.

Prof. dr. Stefan Homburg presents the 7 most shocking facts:

1. The experts knew as early as January 2021 of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis as a life-threatening complication of the AstraZeneca clot shot. They ‘forgot’ to inform the public about this fact. In short, the experts were ‘anti-vaxxers’ 🤣 It was said that prominent politicians got jabbed, but there is legitimate doubt whether this is true.

2. The experts realized that there was no evidence whatsoever that the jabs reduced disease transmission, but they neglected to inform the public. Instead, they weaponized compassion and spread official disinformation that everyone should get jabbed “to protect grandma” and reach herd immunity through vaccination, even though both are impossible if the jabs don’t even reduce transmission. In short, the experts were ‘quacks’ 🤣

3. The experts knew that even N95 masks were ineffective outside hospital settings, but mandated them anyway. In short, the experts were ‘misinformation spreaders’ 🤣

4. The experts recommended against closing schools, yet the government did this anyway. In short, the experts were complicit in ‘killing grandma’, because young children will get ‘infected’ in school and then pass the virus on to grandma, which will inevitably kill her 🤣

5. The experts said that ‘COVID’ should not be compared to the flu, because it is LESS dangerous than the flu. They also knew only old and sick people were at increased risk, yet they made it seem that even young, healthy people had severe health risks. In short, the experts were ‘COVID deniers’ 🤣

NOTES (2/2)

The average age of death of ‘COVID’ patients was 83 years, which happens to be ABOVE the average life expectancy of 81.26 years in 2019. So the ‘killer virus’ INCREASED life expectancy by 1.7 years 🤣

6. The government ordered the experts to ‘recommend’ what the government wanted. So the government did not “follow the science” as was claimed ad nauseam, but “The Science™” followed government orders. The RKI was ordered to keep risk levels high even though clearly nothing out of the ordinary was going on. The RKI was nothing more than the government press office, tasked with selling political decision as scientific, while in reality nothing could be further from the truth. In short, the experts were ‘conspiracy thinkers’ 🤣

7. Why did RKI follow government orders? Because they feared being bypassed and become irrelevant. Their behavior proves clearly that they thought this worse than misleading the public.

This is from Germany. Did other Governments act in the same way?

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 26, 2024.]


WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange was released from a UK prison on Tuesday morning, his team has said. He has spent five years in the Belmarsh Prison in London while fighting extradition to the US, where he was indicted on 18 counts of disseminating classified information.

Assange has agreed to plead guilty to one count of espionage in a plea deal. He should not have been charged at all. What they have done is criminalised journalism.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 26, 2024.]

So THIS Is Why They’re Coming For Alex Jones (Russell Brand)

The media are coming for Alex Jones’s supplements business – is this about their own relationship with big pharma?

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 26, 2024.]


Those that stood up are not regretting all the bad things about the jabs that are being revealed these days. For those who fell for the propaganda the least they can do is to now stand up, no matter what's happened, and tell the authorities to get lost.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 26, 2024.]


The only way Biden can win is via another round of massive vote fraud. Trump is up against machine fraud and possible ballot stuffing. There is no way Biden won 2020 otherwise we would have seen proper audits of the ballots, which was refused. It's good that Trump is beating Biden in these (likely rigged) polls.  

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 26, 2024.]

Sadiq Khan Finds the English Flag Distracting (Lotus Eaters)

Khan's reaction to the English flag is proof the country has been invaded by hostile people intent on wiping out the British. This cannot stand. People that do not like the flag and culture of countries to which they have moved should LEAVE. They're in the wrong country. One should want to move to a country because one likes the existing cultural norms.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 26, 2024.]

FDIC Warns About Big Four Banks' $168 Trillion Derivatives Book.(maneco64)

This is an excellent look into the dangers of the derivatives market. This leveraged side betting needs to stop and all derivatives contracts, and moneys, voided. These things are traded because the traders get fees for dealing with these things. They're a scam. If they fail, and payments need to be made to cover losses, the payments will be so large that they will bankrupt all the major institutions. All this on conjured up fake money. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 26, 2024.]

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Gates foundation funding [viral research] - John Campbell

Gain of function research is a huge threat to humanity. Even if the pathogens discovered, or produced, are mild the 'vaccines' they are likely to develop will be more poison for the populations of the world. This sort of activity must be stopped. We are not clear of this ongoing threat. The best ordinary people can do is support legal and political action to hold people like Gates accountable. Vote for anti globalists that stood against the pandemic mandates and are trying to ban the mRNA  technology. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 25, 2024.]


Victor Tey reflects on his court battle and the ongoing fight for freedom after Australia's COVID-19 lockdown protests.

This dude in Sydney was charged for protesting the lockdowns by carrying signs during exercise time. The cops just dropped the charges. Would the case have uncovered the underlying advice for the mandates? The advice for the southern State of Victoria is set to be released soon. The fact that it was a secret is disturbing. Either it was based on good scientific evidence or they made it up to get people to comply to what they wanted, where we know from the USA (Fauci), that their advice was made up. The whole idea was to get people to take those experimental shots in the end. They banned safe alternative treatments, scared people to death, and then heinously coerced them into being guinea pigs with false stories that the shots would stop transmission and keep you from being hospitalised. None of this was true.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 25, 2024.]


There's hope that the UK and France, and maybe Italy, will dump the EU and other globalist institutions. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 25, 2024.]

Historic Heatwave (Tony Heller)

"we live in an unscientific age in which almost all the buffeting of communications and television-words, books, and so on-are unscientific. As a result, there is a considerable amount of intellectual tyranny in the name of science." Richard Feynman

They're claiming there is a record heatwave in the USA at this time, but it's false.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 25, 2024.]

Monday, June 24, 2024

Is Ukraine Using an "Elastic Defense?" Or Just Losing the War? (TheNewAtlas)

- Western narratives continue to suggest Ukraine is buying time for additional arms and ammunition to arrive at the front;

- However, Western military production is unable to supply sufficient arms and ammunition to turn the tide in the fighting;

- Articles discussing an "elastic defense" admit the lopsided nature of fighting in Russia's favor;

- Other signs of flagging Western aid is the desperate decision to delay Patriot missile orders to redirect missiles to Ukraine;

- The US only produces 550 interceptors a year while Russia launches over 4,000 missiles at targets across Ukraine over the same period;

- "Factories" Western arms manufacturers claim they are building in Ukraine are mis-advertised, and instead small repair shops with negligible strategic value;

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 24, 2024.]

Massive ATACMS VS FAB-3000 Strikes | Terrorist Attack In Russia. Military Summary For 2024.06.24

Latest map updates, plus the recent terrorist attacks in Russia.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 24, 2024.]

CORRUPTION! Red States FIGHTING LAWFARE WITH JUSTICE? Trump is Wants Nipple Judge RECUSED! (Viva Frei)

The clip opens with video of an assault on a Rebel News reporter in Canada reporting the Gaza War protests. The main part of the clip is about legal action in defense of Trump, raising the gag order on him, removing the 'Nipple Judge' and (very briefly) action against Pfizer. The key thing about all the injustice is that they cannot be allowed to stand without some sort of push back.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 24, 2024.]

New Britain Culture Shock (Lotus Eaters)

The culture shock in the UK is the fact that the country is becoming colonised by people who have not integrated into the society. The comments section to this video on You Tube call for those in the UK to vote for the Reform Party to stop what is happening and preserve the heritage of the nation.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 24, 2024.]

Disney Star Wars DISASTER Gets Worse! | Woke Activist Rey Movie Director Tells Fans To F*CK OFF! (RK Outpost)

She wants to teach men a lesson! She wants to make a film that appeals to her own interests.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 24, 2024.]

Sunday, June 23, 2024

The Worst News Possible For Big Pharma! (Jimmy Dore)

Preliminary evidence from a recent study suggests a potential link between COVID-19 vaccination, particularly mRNA vaccines, and increased incidences of Alzheimer’s Disease and mild cognitive impairment. The study took place in South Korea and included more than 550,000 participants, all over age 65.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss this latest adverse effect to be identified from Covid vaccination.

the implications of what is here are very disturbing. There's video on Twitter with Japanese scientists flipping out about the results of this Korean study. The problems they were looking at, aside from the straight up mild cognitive impairment, was the degenerative (fatal) issues of Alzheimer's and prion disease. You can watch short clips of them talking about it. The Japanese researchers and officials are a lot more cautious and careful when it comes to this research. Some of them were flipping out about this too, in terms of the future damage.

The best thing you can do now is refuse to take any more of this shit and stand up with those calling for a ban. With more research we might be about stop these adverse reactions, but DENYING there is any problem means nothing happens. Officials that are denying there is anything to look at are, through their gross negligence (once again!), killing people. It's why they need to be prosecuted. They caused this, and now they need to do something to stop it, while being kicked out the door to face trial.

Note: This news was all over Twitter. Go there for the latest updates. Follow people like Dr Peter McCullough and Dr Naomi Wolf.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 23, 2024.]

Col. Douglas Macgregor : IDF vs. Netanyahu (Judging Freedom)

The Israelis are suffering casualties and have not finished off HAMAS while it looks like they are turning north towards Lebanon. If war breaks out against Lebanon it will involve other countries of the region, and then, likely, the USA.

Note: The clip opens with Putin's last peace offer to Ukraine, that was rejected by the warmongers in the West, before turning to cover his visit to North Korea. MacGregor points out that war with the West, and occupying Western Ukraine, is the last thing Putin wanted, but that he was forced into such a position. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 23, 2024.]

Debunking the State of Israel (GDF)

The Palestinians are more likely related to the ancient Hebrews than the current settler population of Israel. Historical, archaeological, and scientific research reveals the truth, which many people don't want to know about. 

The bottom line is that mass migration into ANY country causes a lot of problems. It should be avoided to stop future fighting. In the current land of Israel there are only a few options when it comes to making peace: either one side 'wipes out' the other, or viable borders created for a Two State solution (with the Israelis in the North and not in Jerusalem?).  

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 23, 2024.]

“Something BIG is about to happen” - EXCLUSIVE Alex Jones Interview on INFOWARS shut down - 391 (Russell Brand)

Join us for an explosive episode featuring Alex Jones, the outspoken host of InfoWars and a relentless critic of the deep state. Jones delves into allegations that the FBI and CIA are conspiring to shut down his show, he discusses the reasons behind the current push to censor him, the likely situation of a full-scale thermo-nuclear war with Russia, and the targeting of those who dare to criticize powerful entities. We also explore the intriguing possibility of the deep state communicating with aliens. Don't miss this eye-opening discussion!

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 23, 2024.]

Watch Crowd Roar As Nigel Farage DESTROYS Opponent Over Immigration Claim (Russell Brand)

As Nigel Farage mocks his Conservative opponent over the government’s immigration record, what is the truth behind the probable next Prime Minister, Keir Starmer? I reveal his dark authoritarian past.

Most of this video deals with Starmer. This dude pick Davos over local government.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 23, 2024.]

Everyone Hates The Acolyte as Much as Disney Hates Star Wars (Nerdrotic)

Star Wars: The Acolyte is a PR disaster and it's our fault?

Everyone knows that the Highlander 2 film is complete rubbish, while the original film was great. If something is trash, it's trash. One should not be defending something simply because it's a franchise film/TV show.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 23, 2024.]

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Behind the Myth of “Billions in Arms” Flowing into Ukraine (TheNewAtlas)

- Despite the US and Europe sending "billions in arms" to Ukraine, the quantities and quality of these weapons fall far short of what is necessary to effect change on the battlefield;

- Javelin missile production, for example is approximately 200 per month, with a 19% hit rate versus 375 armored vehicles produced by Russia monthly;

- Even if all Javelin missiles produced went to Ukraine (which they do not), it would still fall far short in being able to destroy Russian armor produced over the same period of time;

- Numbers for TOW missiles and NLAW systems are likewise low, when added together, still are not enough to degrade Russian armor on the battlefield sufficiently;

- A similar story can be told regarding Western artillery shell and air defense system production;

- Western rhetoric regarding the renewed flow of US weapons to Ukraine is not based on sound analysis, but is instead propaganda aimed at overriding the catastrophe real analysis says will unfold if this proxy war continues;

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 22, 2024.]

Vovchansk is About to Fall, Ukraine Prepares Counterattack (History Legends)

Kharkiv Front. Heavy fighting in and around Vovchansk. Both Russia and Ukraine are sending all available reserves into the melee. Ukraine is preparing a counteroffensive in Kharkiv Oblast to push Russian forces back to the border. Awaiting the assault, Russian soldiers dig in.

The Russians have much larger reserves that are waiting outside of the battlefronts and an endless supply of heavy weapons. The Ukrainian reserves will be ground up which is what Russia wants. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 22, 2024.]


With the amount of vilification and targeting of infowars over the years, particularly in the MSM, legal action might end up directed more towards the mainstream media than the CIA or FBI.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 22, 2024.]


They're trying to concoct the idea that it is the alt media taking things out of context when it has been the mainstream media misleading the public about all sorts of things. They're basically trying to find excuses to censor the alt media.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 22, 2024.]


Benny Peiser talks to Ian Plimer about his new book, "The Climate Change Delusion and the Great Electricity Ripoff".

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 22, 2024.]

Friday, June 21, 2024

Putin Kim Military Ties, Rus N.Korea To Defend Each Other, Weapons Tech Exchange; Rus Plans Cauldron (Alexander Mercouris)

00:00 Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a new comprehensive strategic partnership document with North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un.
03:29 Kim Il-sung played an important role in Korean resistance supported by the Soviet Union
10:03 Russia plays crucial role in North Korea's international relations
13:18 Russia's supportive relationship with North Korea amidst tensions with China
19:16 North Korea and Russia became strong allies during the Ukraine crisis.
22:16 Russia and North Korea maintain friendly military ties
27:51 Russia seeks to develop strong relations with North Korea for military and geopolitical leverage.
31:04 Russia and North Korea have formed a formal alliance for mutual assistance in case of aggression.
36:52 North Korea seeking Russian help for advanced military technologies
39:51 Russia and North Korea's strengthening ties pose concerns in the West
45:29 Russia and North Korea forming military ties and exchanging weapons technology.
48:40 Russia reestablishing economic ties with Cuba and North Korea to provide support amid economic crisis.
54:28 Cuba's military is outdated and in need of modernization.
57:22 Russian ties with North Korea strengthening, Chinese support
1:03:05 Russia strengthening ties with traditional allies in Asia
1:06:02 Growing trade relationship between Russia and Vietnam
1:11:41 Russian forces redeployed to Gorlovka area for decisive battle
1:14:30 Russian advances near key Ukrainian supply line.
1:20:40 Russia firmly opposes Ukraine's entry into NATO.
Crafted by Merlin AI.

Russia has been pushed into a corner thanks to Western aggression. 


Massive Strike With Drones And Missiles | Putin Gathers a Coalition. Military Summary For 2024.06.20

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 21, 2024.]

Pepe Escobar on Putin Crushing NATO's Strategy (Dialogue Works)

An excellent summary of the political situation from veteran journalist Pepe Escobar. Russia offered generous peace terms that were rejected. The next stop is a demand for an unconditional surrender. Escobar warns of a false flag attack to vilify Russia to escalate NATO involvement. The Russians can clearly see what is happening, and likely their allies, and are making moves to counter what is planned. India and China can step in more forcefully and undermine Western plans here (plans that are driven by globalist maniacs). 

Pepe also covers the rising chaos in France as the country is split politically - a broken country - which is what the powers that be want. The video offers further insights into the political situation in the rest of Europe that is being puppeteered by the (treasonous) globalists.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 21, 2024.]

CAUGHT: Pentagon Was Biggest Spreader Of Anti-Vaxx Disinformation! (Jimmy Dore)

At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States military launched a secret campaign to counter what it perceived as China’s growing influence in the Philippines, a nation hit especially hard by the deadly virus, an investigation by the Reuters news agency has found. Through phony internet accounts meant to impersonate Filipinos, the military’s propaganda efforts morphed into an anti-vaccination campaign, Reuters reported in a story released on Friday. Social media posts decried the quality of face masks, test kits and the first vaccine that would become available in the Philippines – China’s Sinovac inoculation.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss how the U.S. government was actually the biggest spreader of vaccine misinformation during the pandemic.

Chinese territorial claims on Philippine Islands is causing a lot of trouble in the region, but at the same time the military operation to stop the Sinovac would have ended up putting the people in the hands of the dangerous mRNA jabs. A key thing to note about this lying operation is that it is organisations and government that engages in disinformation, not ordinary people. There's almost always some larger entity pushing disinformation. When the public pushes mistaken information it's unknowingly (misinformation). Keep this in mind with recent attempts by Government to introduce disinformation and misinformation bills that would be used to crack down on (genuine) dissent and protect official policies, which in this case were harmful and built upon lies.  

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 21, 2024.]

From UFO Disclosure to UAP Transparency | The Richard Dolan Show

UFO historian Richard Dolan explores the shift from the term UFO to UAP, as well as the shift from Disclosure to Transparency. For years people talked about “UFO Disclosure.” Now we hear about “UAP transparency.” These are not the same things. With a focus on the language and terminology changes over the years, Richard discusses how these shifts reflect broader societal and institutional attitudes towards these mysterious phenomena, as well as an attempt at narrative control.

With his extensive knowledge, Richard offers thought-provoking insights, analysis, and discoveries that challenge preconceived notions. Explore video content where Richard shares meticulous research and engages in enlightening discussions about intelligent disclosure.

A good clip about soft or misleading language (psychological ploys) obscuring reality and obstructing efforts to get full disclosure - obstructing efforts to get to the truth as far as we can determine (ie as far are the Gov/Military has determined). Dolan points out that the term "transparency" is being used as a way to virtue signal, as a 'process', rather than to actually come clean with the facts.  

This clip is about more than just UFOs, it's about being manipulated by language and authority. Dolan explicitly references recent abuses where we've heard things like 'trust the science' which was used as a tool to squash questioning about the medical mandates during the pandemic. He tells the viewer that the public should not take everything authority says at face value, that we have our own minds and can evaluate certain things for ourselves - where it's implied that a lot of the gaslighting we face is over things that are not hard to comprehend.  

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 21, 2024.]

FBI Kicking Trump Supporters & Vaxx Skeptics Out Of FBI! (Jimmy Dore)

The FBI, CIA and other agencies are now so untrustworthy that they need to be disbanded.

Best comment from You Tube:


So if you're not a scumbag, you're not fbi material.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 21, 2024.]

How We Are Forced To Fund Our Enemies (Lotus Eaters)

The UK bureaucracy is working against the interests of ordinary people and wasting vast sums of money.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 21, 2024.]

Nintendo of America boss HATES white customers and fans! Wants them to learn their place! (Yellow Flash)

Just in time for the new Nintendo Direct, one of their higher ups just had a meltdown on social media.

Mentally ill, self-hating, or anti white, activists are lining up in many industries and setting things on roads to ruin. Typical SJW tripe that leads to failure. The big issue here is an anti white agenda at foot. Everyone needs to be shown respect. This sort of behaviour is a disgrace. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 21, 2024.]

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Kansas SUES Pfizer For Misleading Public About COVID Vaccines! (Jimmy Dore)

The state of Kansas has filed a lawsuit against pharmaceutical company Pfizer, Inc. for alleged consumer protection violations related to the company's manufacturing of the COVID-19 vaccine, saying the company marketed the shot as "safe" even though it "knew" the vaccine was connected to "serious adverse events."

"Pfizer misled the public that it had a ‘safe and effective’ COVID-19 vaccine," the 69-page lawsuit filed Monday in the District Court of Thomas County alleges.

They're not even vaccines. They're experimental gene therapies.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 20, 2024.]

Pfizer court case, Kansas (John Campbell)

Pfizer misled the public that it had a “safe and effective” COVID-19 vaccine.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 20, 2024.]

THEY'RE GETTING VERY WORRIED [about Trump Winning] - Mark Dice

The mainstream media is going crazy in the lead up to the first Presidential debate. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 21, 2024.]


Joining us today is Michael Connett, lead attorney for the plaintiffs' in the #FluorideLawsuit. We discuss the history of the lawsuit, what's at stake, and how people who are concerned about the fluoridation of the water supply can get involved in the fight against this uncontrolled medical intervention.

The lawsuit is directed against the US EPA because of the neurotoxic risk - with fluoride being associated with a reduction in IQ. Lead was phased out of use in petrol and other products for similar reasons, where the effects were also relatively subtle, and thus it took a long time before a ban was introduced. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 20, 2024.]

Neil Oliver: ‘…it’s time to STAND UP!!!’

‘…deny the establishment crooks, deny the Globalists and the One World Government types who are all enthralled to the World Economic Forum and the central banks…they’re bringing the country to its knees!!!’

Oliver has the right idea about voting in the UK election - picking independent anti globalist candidates (and ones that were/are against the medical mandates, plus are anti war).

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 20, 2024.]


More strategies to rig the vote. AJ points out that in the previous election up to 15% of votes cast were fraudulent.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 20, 2024.]


Cases of animal mutilation in Australia in the first story. The other cases are sighting reports with varying levels of credibility.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 20, 2024.]

The Acolyte shills BURN it all down! Nerdrotic, Critical Drinker and Star Wars Theory ATTACKED?! (Yellow Flash)

Looks like Disney Lucasfilm and Kathleen Kennedy have made some phone calls.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 20, 2024.]

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

“It Was NEVER A V*ccine!” Court Drops BOMBSHELL Covid mRNA Ruling (Russell Brand)

In a contentious case involving the Health Freedom Defense Fund and other plaintiffs versus the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), the court acknowledged the plaintiffs’ claim that the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines do not meet the traditional definition of vaccines because they do not prevent the spread of the virus but only mitigate symptoms.

It's likely that big pharma put out information about their products not stopping transmission because they knew they would not work, or that their manufacturing process would be so poor that they would not work.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 19, 2024.]


The video makes a very good point that some people in authority, that thought the jabs were actually safe, are now waking up to the lie and turning against Pfizer (with legal action by the AG in Kansas).

Big pharma blatantly lied about their product which makes them criminally responsible for the harms that happened. The murderer in the house is big pharma!

The bottom line is not everyone in the power structure is corrupt. As a result, Justice is slowly breaking out in a number of places because the underlying crime is so obvious and it's caused direct impacts on many many people (ie it's not some abstract, far away, thing).

There's a  LOT of highly qualified, and fairly powerful, people taking up the fight. It's not a few people pushing for justice but thousands. A lot more than in previous times when the few fighting for justice could be sidelined and derided as 'conspiracy theorists'. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 19, 2024.]

Kharkiv Meat Grinder | Another Breakthrough West Of Avdiivka | Military Summary For 2024.06.18

Latest map update.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 19, 2024.]

Why Is Venus So Hot? (Tony Heller)

"It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are. If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong." Richard P. Feynman

Where the air pressure on Venus is the same as on Earth, high in the Venusian atmosphere, the temperatures are comparable to Earth. And the atmosphere is 96 percent carbon dioxide. The idea that a CO2 driven 'green house effect' is heating the Earth is provably wrong. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 19, 2024.]


The first two stories deal with witnesses who took pictures and video of UFOs in Australian. In the second story a couple took pictures of the sky in which UFOs were later seen. They believe the tiny objects were partly cloaked or switching in and out of our reality. However, it's more likely they were travelling at high speed and were only detected thanks to camera. A sky search with high speed cameras should be conducted to see what sort of traffic shows up on film.

The third story is about a man who claimed to have close encounters of the fourth kind - contact with other beings. It mirrors published past accounts of similar contact and descriptions of UFOs. In this case the witness provided a hair sample that showed highly unusual human DNA. This case is a lot more difficult to accept than the straight forward encounters described in the first two stories. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 19, 2024.]

Disney Merchandise NIGHTMARE: The Unsellable JUNK Gets WORSE (WCB)

All the toys that used to sell were for franchises that were good. Now the franchises are trash and uninspiring to boys and adults that would buy these toys. They therefore don't sell. Also, a lot of people are more interested in online activities these days than buying these physical objects.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 19, 2024.]

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Bombshell Drops: Israel Was In On It! w/ Ben Swann (Jimmy Dore)

Investigative journalist Ben Swann has compiled substantial evidence demonstrating that the Israeli government was aware well in advance that Hamas was planning the October 7th attacks. Not only did Egypt warn Israel and the IDF had collected their own intelligence, but Hamas was staging obvious military exercises leading up to the fateful date.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Swann about why the Netanyahu government might have allowed this attack to take place.

The leadership on both sides wants the other to commit to large scale kinetic actions in order to score public relations points that benefit them. The October attackers were a 'let it happen on purpose' thing. The overarching issue is that we're looking at the results of mass migration and ethnic cleansing. Now more extreme elements have taken over, and this is the result. What is the solution? Two outcomes seem likely, either one lot wipes out the other or they create a viable two state solution.



[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 18, 2024.]

Can Israel Sustain Ground Operations in Gaza? (History Legends)

Israel-Hamas War. Gaza Update.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 18, 2024.]

CRAZY Developments | Russian Full Recapture Of Dnipro River | Ukrainian Kharkiv Counterattacks (Weeb Union)

The Ukrainians have counter attacked in a number of places and taken territory. However, this is what the Russians want so they can strike the attacking forces with artillery, drones and glide bombs. The counter attacks are using up Ukrainian Army reserve forces. As the video states, there are larger numbers of Russian troops still sitting back from the front lines.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 18, 2024.]

YOUNG HEARTS PART 55 - 16TH JUNE 2024 (Check Ur6)

The latest summary of sudden deaths and injuries from around the world due, almost certainly, to the experiment injections. The mRNA jabs must be banned and those that coerced people to take them prosecuted. Lots of injured and dead soccer players, and other athletes, current and former, at the start of this video. 

What is the purpose of airing this material? We're in a crisis. It's political. When you get the chance, vote for candidates and parties that stood against what happened in order to get justice, plus an overdue ban on the technology. If you went along with the lies at any stage don't be ashamed. Confess to yourself that you made a very bad mistake and stand up now you know the truth.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 18, 2024.]

Global Migrant Crisis Explained! w/ Neil Oliver (Jimmy Dore)

The problem is created by those in power. It's not an accident. The people moving between countries are pawns. It's causing a lot of problems. The final outcome will likely be internal warring inside Western countries. It's deliberate too. The idea is to weaken the West as a coherent thinking body that stands up for human rights. It's to turn the countries into basket cases with no middle class. The other side of this coin is an engineered economic collapse. Things are only held up in the big money financial sector via money printing (although there is a real economy that struggles along too). Once the money printing in the financial sector gets turned off, as has happened in the past, or when interest rates go WAY up, as has happened in the past, things will fall apart. If the Saudis and other countries drop the petrodollar US interest rates are likely to rise to protect the dollar, which will knock on to other countries. High interest rates vs huge debt levels = big trouble. None of this has to happen.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 18, 2024.]

"What this DHS guy said TERRIFIED me to the core" | Redacted with Clayton Morris

The US government working hand in hand with Non Government Organizations... or NGO's to bring millions of illegals into the united states. If you don't think this is all planned you need to get your head examined.

There's a plan to flood Western countries with migrants that puts pressure on housing and services. The people who are coming in are pawns. You need to ask yourself why this is happening. It's not for good reasons. The people at the top in politics are puppets of the corporatists. The way to stop this is to vote for anti globalists.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 18, 2024.]

Drinker's Chasers - When You Hire Activists Instead Of Artists

The activists are fools. Western countries, that consist of Europeans, made shows that reflected themselves. The same is true of people in other countries. There's nothing wrong with that. But the activists only want material that reflects anything that is not traditionally Western. They're philistines.

Editor's comment: The clip reminds me of a comment made by Ya Boi Zack about how the activists see entertainment, like a dog watching a complex film that has a dog in it. When asked what was the best part of the film, a dog would say; "the dog!" That's what they are looking to do, above all else, with their inclusion of "The Message". It's also very likely that Kathleen Kennedy is deliberately trying to trash George's creation, as an act of vengeance.   



[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 18, 2024.]

Monday, June 17, 2024

Rus Officials Putin Offer Kiev Last Chance Next Demand Total Kiev Surrender; Putin Rus Army Ukr 700K (Alexander Mercouris)

The only sensible way forward in the face of Western warmongers is a complete victory in Ukraine. Anything less will result in further fighting in the near future. Aside from the conventional aspects to this war, imagine if the Russians moved to place ballistic missiles in Mexico. What would you expect the US to do in that situation? This is what Russia is facing in Ukraine, which is a very serious matter.

The other strategic move from this point forward (not covered in this video) is for Russia to economically wreck Western power via the dumping of the US dollar (that's happening thanks to Saudi Arabia) and making deals with countries and regions outside the West that include China, Africa, the Middle East, South America and India. This is an important video that includes direct quotes from Putin's explanation of the situation that goes over recent history.

Note: Western countries have been hijacked by mad dog globalist politicians that have put their countries on roads to ruin. There needs to be a lot of house cleaning to fix this mess. The globalists need to be replaced by Nationalists. Russia should be an ally, not an enemy.

Summary comment from You Tube:

00:00 Putin's revealing speech on Ukraine conflict
03:12 Putin criticizes Western Powers for Cold War misconceptions
09:52 NATO intervention and disregard for international law
13:19 Putin views events in Ukraine as a coup attempt
19:23 Putin felt betrayed by Western governments, especially Obama
22:10 Putin criticizes Minsk agreement implementation
28:06 Origin of Ukrainian crisis after Geneva Summit
31:08 US retracted concession to Russia, implying potential positioning of ballistic missiles in Ukraine.
37:06 Putin offers condition for returning territories to Ukraine
39:51 Putin pressures Ukraine for negotiations
45:58 Russian officials are giving Ukraine a last chance before demanding unconditional surrender.
48:56 Putin warns of the possibility of all-out nuclear exchange
54:47 Putin declares Zelensky must surrender for peace negotiations
57:35 Putin's speech aims to assert Russian ideas before the Switzerland conference
1:03:05 Russian army outnumbers Ukrainian troops
1:06:08 Russian airborne divisions play key roles in multiple battlefronts.
1:11:38 Russian troops are creating a ring around Ukrainian forces
1:14:13 Russian forces are advancing confidently in the Volchansk area.
1:19:18 Russian official warns of Ukrainian troops at risk of being surrounded in Volchansk
1:21:45 Russian officials present ultimatum to Ukraine with detailed plans for war and peace settlement
Crafted by Merlin AI.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 17, 2024.]


A bankruptcy judge in Houston Texas ordered Infowars founder Alex Jones to liquidate his personal assets to help pay roughly $1.5 billion in damages to Sandy Hook families, but handed Jones a win - dismissing a separate bankruptcy case over Infowars' parent company, Free Speech Systems that would have handed control to the plaintiffs.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the latest incremental moves that are being made to systematically take down Alex Jones in an effort to set a precedent for the stifling of free speech online.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 17, 2024.]

Sandy Hook Families Just Legally Robbed Alex Jones (Salty Cracker)

The no trial court action (that is being appealed) is an attempt to strip Alex Jones of all his assets and shut down the Infowars news network. What's happening is WAY out of proportion to whatever misinformation(?) he briefly aired. Just remember that the mainstream media constantly airs misinformation and engages in disinformation (lies) in order to serve the corrupt agenda of people in power - and they are never held to account. The MSM airs lies about war, about the pandemic, the environment, and many other things that actually kills people, or drives them into depression, and we don't see billion dollar lawsuits. 

It's likely that the main aim of this persecution is that it is intended to intimidate others in the alt media. They don't want the public waking up to the truth of things, where they are given a broader picture (context!) that shows what's really happening.

Remember, Jones has been right about most of the big political and geopolitical events playing out over the last few decades. If you had listened to his show concerning the experimental jabs you would not have taken them. He's actually saved millions of people's lives. This is something the corrupt shadow government is trying to stop; dissent and genuinely independent critique. The next step will be to shut down other alt media voices and platforms that don't go along with the dictates of the corrupt technocratic elites/globalists.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 17, 2024.]

Govt-Funded CENSORSHIP Factory Shuts Down! (Jimmy Dore)

A university program ostensibly designed to protect the public from misinformation online called the “Stanford Internet Observatory” has shuttered, undermined by criticism and legal action accusing the program of committing gross violations against personal freedoms.

Jimmy explains how this government-university collaboration was more of a fascist effort to undermine free speech that conflicted with the official narrative, in particularly about COVID.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 17, 2024.]

Saudi Arabia ABANDONS Petrodollar! (Jimmy Dore)

The Petrodollar, which is probably the most important economic concept that the vast majority of Americans are completely ignorant of, is on its way out. Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman has refused to renew his nation’s agreement to sell oil in dollars with the United States, and the potential repercussions on the U.S. economy could be catastrophic.

Jimmy discusses how the petrodollar allows the United States to sanction other nations, which serves only to drive other countries to want to abandon the dollar.

If not for the Petrodollar system the US dollar, with all the debt attached, would be worth a lot less. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 17, 2024.]

CNN Caught Blatantly Violating FEC Rules To Exclude RFK From Presidential Debates! (Jimmy Dore)

The mainstream media are simply arms of a corrupt establishment that only want controllable assets placed in power. RFK jr has certain boundaries when it comes to what he will and will not do, but his anti vaccine position is something that crosses the line for the establishment and makes him a target for strong levels of censorship. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 17, 2024.]


This episode covers the excellent 1966 mass witness sighting in the suburb of Westall in the State of Victoria, and then questionable story of a US citizen that believes he can communicate with UFOs. The third story covers a sighting in the Eastern part of the State. Posted for the first and third story in this video.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 17, 2024.]