Thursday, June 27, 2024

Hang On, Is THIS Why Assange Was Freed? (Russell Brand & Neil Oliver)

Julian Assange is free. But what led to the plea deal, and why now?

Assange and the rest of the alt media turned the tables on the establishment through the power of online information sharing. He certainly sunk the Hillary Clinton effort to win the White House. The problem for the establishment today is putting the genie back into the bottle. Is his release connected to the 2024 US election or is something else happening? The conversation then switches to Fauci and the pandemic lies, plus global conflict and the lies used to sell it. 

It's good that Oliver admits, in this discussion, that he'd been oblivious, for the longest time, to the fact that the world has been in the grip of a heinous crime syndicate. He's late to the alt media party, but he's welcome.

More of the Oliver interview can be found in the Rumble live feed here:

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 27, 2024.]

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