Tuesday, June 18, 2024

YOUNG HEARTS PART 55 - 16TH JUNE 2024 (Check Ur6)

The latest summary of sudden deaths and injuries from around the world due, almost certainly, to the experiment injections. The mRNA jabs must be banned and those that coerced people to take them prosecuted. Lots of injured and dead soccer players, and other athletes, current and former, at the start of this video. 

What is the purpose of airing this material? We're in a crisis. It's political. When you get the chance, vote for candidates and parties that stood against what happened in order to get justice, plus an overdue ban on the technology. If you went along with the lies at any stage don't be ashamed. Confess to yourself that you made a very bad mistake and stand up now you know the truth.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 18, 2024.]

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