Tuesday, June 25, 2024


Victor Tey reflects on his court battle and the ongoing fight for freedom after Australia's COVID-19 lockdown protests.

This dude in Sydney was charged for protesting the lockdowns by carrying signs during exercise time. The cops just dropped the charges. Would the case have uncovered the underlying advice for the mandates? The advice for the southern State of Victoria is set to be released soon. The fact that it was a secret is disturbing. Either it was based on good scientific evidence or they made it up to get people to comply to what they wanted, where we know from the USA (Fauci), that their advice was made up. The whole idea was to get people to take those experimental shots in the end. They banned safe alternative treatments, scared people to death, and then heinously coerced them into being guinea pigs with false stories that the shots would stop transmission and keep you from being hospitalised. None of this was true.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 25, 2024.]

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