Monday, June 17, 2024

Sandy Hook Families Just Legally Robbed Alex Jones (Salty Cracker)

The no trial court action (that is being appealed) is an attempt to strip Alex Jones of all his assets and shut down the Infowars news network. What's happening is WAY out of proportion to whatever misinformation(?) he briefly aired. Just remember that the mainstream media constantly airs misinformation and engages in disinformation (lies) in order to serve the corrupt agenda of people in power - and they are never held to account. The MSM airs lies about war, about the pandemic, the environment, and many other things that actually kills people, or drives them into depression, and we don't see billion dollar lawsuits. 

It's likely that the main aim of this persecution is that it is intended to intimidate others in the alt media. They don't want the public waking up to the truth of things, where they are given a broader picture (context!) that shows what's really happening.

Remember, Jones has been right about most of the big political and geopolitical events playing out over the last few decades. If you had listened to his show concerning the experimental jabs you would not have taken them. He's actually saved millions of people's lives. This is something the corrupt shadow government is trying to stop; dissent and genuinely independent critique. The next step will be to shut down other alt media voices and platforms that don't go along with the dictates of the corrupt technocratic elites/globalists.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 17, 2024.]

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