Friday, June 21, 2024

From UFO Disclosure to UAP Transparency | The Richard Dolan Show

UFO historian Richard Dolan explores the shift from the term UFO to UAP, as well as the shift from Disclosure to Transparency. For years people talked about “UFO Disclosure.” Now we hear about “UAP transparency.” These are not the same things. With a focus on the language and terminology changes over the years, Richard discusses how these shifts reflect broader societal and institutional attitudes towards these mysterious phenomena, as well as an attempt at narrative control.

With his extensive knowledge, Richard offers thought-provoking insights, analysis, and discoveries that challenge preconceived notions. Explore video content where Richard shares meticulous research and engages in enlightening discussions about intelligent disclosure.

A good clip about soft or misleading language (psychological ploys) obscuring reality and obstructing efforts to get full disclosure - obstructing efforts to get to the truth as far as we can determine (ie as far are the Gov/Military has determined). Dolan points out that the term "transparency" is being used as a way to virtue signal, as a 'process', rather than to actually come clean with the facts.  

This clip is about more than just UFOs, it's about being manipulated by language and authority. Dolan explicitly references recent abuses where we've heard things like 'trust the science' which was used as a tool to squash questioning about the medical mandates during the pandemic. He tells the viewer that the public should not take everything authority says at face value, that we have our own minds and can evaluate certain things for ourselves - where it's implied that a lot of the gaslighting we face is over things that are not hard to comprehend.  

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 21, 2024.]

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