Saturday, June 29, 2024

Justice Alito RIPS Supreme Court For Siding With Censorship! (Jimmy Dore)

The Supreme Court has punted on a critical free speech case, refusing in a 6-3 decision to grant standing to a group of citizens opposed to the government telling social media companies to censor what appears on their platforms. The unfortunate result is that the federal government can continue to threaten the likes of Twitter and Facebook if they won’t remove posts the government claims are “disinformation.”

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss why even conservative Justices like Brett Kavanaugh would go along with government censorship.

They were arguing at the supreme court against the government having big tech ban Covid dissenters and banning people questioning the election. The Gov and big tech called the dissent 'disinformation' and 'misinformation' and wanted to squash free speech on these issues - ie stop open discussion. In the end the court said that the plaintiffs did not have standing because they were not an injured party? Really? Banning dissent contributed to the deaths of many people when it came to the jabs, and regardless, the is a first amendment issue and highly relevant to social media big tech that calls themselves platforms not (controlling) publishers (who could be sued for their content). 

The central issue, as far as I can see, is that it was the Gov engaging in a first amendment violations using the big tech companies, working with, or in facilitation, to stop people from speaking freely (where there was no slander or incitement to violence etc). The court should have ruled in favour of the plaintiffs. This leaves open the door to all manner of censorship going forward.  

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 29, 2024.]

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