Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Peer Reviewed Study Is Big Trouble For Big Pharma (Jimmy Dore)

A peer reviewed study has shown that 74% of sudden deaths was likely due to the jabs. It was first published in the Lancet, was withdrawn, and has now recently reappeared in another scientific (forensic) journal. Another study has shown that the jabbed have increased blood clots in the brain. 

The main thing about these findings is that the drugs are experimental, so the onus of proof is reversed. If there are signs of harm it must be assumed that it's from the experiment until proven otherwise. Studies such as the one cited here should be more than enough to shut everything down. 

Right at the end of the clip Dore talks about good friends in the entertainment industry ditching him after he spoke out against the jabs subsequent to his injury. He's obviously, and understandably, still hurt by what happened, especially considering that he was smeared by people he thought were of more upstanding character.


The main thing to remember, in the face of the MSM continuing to push the official narrative (safe and effective) is that we need everyone to snap out of this world of lies. The battle here is not over. Everyone's help is needed. YOU are needed !

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 26, 2024.]

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