Wednesday, June 19, 2024


The first two stories deal with witnesses who took pictures and video of UFOs in Australian. In the second story a couple took pictures of the sky in which UFOs were later seen. They believe the tiny objects were partly cloaked or switching in and out of our reality. However, it's more likely they were travelling at high speed and were only detected thanks to camera. A sky search with high speed cameras should be conducted to see what sort of traffic shows up on film.

The third story is about a man who claimed to have close encounters of the fourth kind - contact with other beings. It mirrors published past accounts of similar contact and descriptions of UFOs. In this case the witness provided a hair sample that showed highly unusual human DNA. This case is a lot more difficult to accept than the straight forward encounters described in the first two stories. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 19, 2024.]

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