Saturday, June 29, 2024

An Important Moment in Pop Culture History (Dave Cullen)

Woke activists seem to deliberately want to destroy old franchises. The clip points out that the trashing of classic male focused TV shows is similar to when we see activists tearing down old statues of historical figures. They're trying to dismantle 'the patriarchy'.  

It's behaviour from brainwashed people that don't understand there is little or no oppression of the kind they imagine in their own heads. The world might be a rough place but we do live in a meritocracy. Anyone can achieve almost anything. Women are not being held back by men. 

The video makes another great point, and that is despite idiotic and insulting new material being produced, the original classics remain. We can point to these and talk of better times, plus outright reject the woke nonsense. But, more importantly, we might recognise the past creations as 'lightning in a bottle' productions of a bygone age that is best left alone - where we should be looking to make something new today. 

Independent sci fi creators are out there. Some of the shows being made today are top notch, like The Expanse. It's only the hijacked big money studios that are churning out the junk. If good alternatives are available the audience will shift in those directions. New classics can emerge.  

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 29, 2024.]

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