Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Real President of America Just Revealed Himself (Red Elephants)

The Israeli PM got 50 standing ovations the other day. This is because the Israelis bribe and blackmail almost all the federal politicians in the USA. This guarantees their security. This the reality of things.  

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, July 27, 2024.]

Local Authorities Break Ranks on Trump Assassination Attempt! - Peak Prosperity

Local cops reveal that the Secret Service knew there was a threat and they did not act to protect Trump. We know the sniper teams had eyes on the target too. The only reasonable conclusion is that they had stand down orders.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, July 27, 2024.]

BREAKING: Official Story Of Trump Shooting Is Garbage! (Jimmy Dore)

The Secret Service appears to have stood down and let the shooter shoot. And the snipers had eyes on the target, with other operators in an adjoining building overlooking the assassin.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, July 27, 2024.]

Democrat SCOUNDRELS! Trump Assassination Plot: Summary of Day 3 Congressional Hearings - Viva Frei

Propaganda was running think and fast from a number of Democrats in the hearings. Key institutions have been corrupted by the Deep State and politicised. The clip points out that that the assassination attempt was either allowed to happen or directly orchestrated by the authorities.  

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, July 27, 2024.]

Joe Biden Somehow Grew 5 inches After Coming Out of Hiding (Salty Cracker)

What's going on here? Is this for real?

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, July 27, 2024.]

The Gaslighting is Going Supernova! (Mark Dice)

The controlled media exposes itself. The gaslighting/propaganda is intended to make this new puppet seem like she has a chance in the election, where massive vote rigging will be in play. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, July 27, 2024.]

It’s Not Looking Good for Germany (Lotus Eaters)

Welfare costs are out of control in Germany, and the money is going to migrants. In return the country is becoming a dangerous hell hole.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, July 27, 2024.]

Sweden, Paris, Argentina Team Robbed, Joe Biden's Treatment (Sanity4Sweden)

People going to France for the Olympics are discovering the fact that Paris is overrun by criminal migrants. This is all part of Globalist plan. What needs to happen is the globalist need to be removed along with the newly arrived migrants that have upended Western society. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, July 27, 2024.]

Neil Oliver: Fear, Exhaustion & Collapse! - episode 27 season 2

‘…fear of invasion, fear of war, fear of starvation & fear of disease….this week Neil takes us to Rome with the barbarians at the gates!’

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, July 27, 2024.]

Friday, July 26, 2024

Syrsky Ukr MSM Admit Ukr Military Crisis, Rus 14 Km Mirnograd, Destroys Ukr Tank Base, Takes Vocha (Alexander Mercouris)

The opening of this clip deals with Biden's speech and the Israeli PM's appearance at the joint session of Congress. A good observation made by Alexander about Kamala Harris, and how the Democrat party has rallied around her, is that it reminded him of how things used to operate in the Soviet Union.  

As usual the clip gives an update on the conflict in Ukraine with the Russians making very significant progress. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, July 26, 2024.]

Battle for Donbass coming to an End (TheDuran)

The Russians are gaining ground at a much faster rate. The defense lines are slowly collapsing. You can see from the battle maps that the Russians are able to more easily encircle their opponents than before.  

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, July 26, 2024.]

The Most Anticipated Battle Begins. Dozens Of NATO Equipment Destroyed. Military Summary 2024.07.25

This video describes the military situation in Ukraine on the 25th of July 2024

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, July 26, 2024.]

Audio analysis raises troubling questions - Peak Prosperity

The information uncovered here will force any official cover up into a corner, in real time. This is important. It exposes the true nature of the Deep State and that they play dirty - killing people (and rigging elections). Remember, the US is under the control of the intelligence agencies and organised crime.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, July 26, 2024.]

RFK Jr. Discusses Kamala Harris (Tony Heller)

"In terms of the traditional Democratic principles, I don’t think she has a credible record.”

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, July 26, 2024.]

Disney Just Got DESTROYED By Gina Carano | Disney LOSES In Court, Lawsuit Officially MOVING FORWARD (RK Outpost)

It looks like she was fired for not being an out and out (woke) leftist. She Tweeted material that was no different from what leftist entertainers have put up and was fired. It looks like she was fired for her politics, for expressing a view that should be covered under the 1st Amendment.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, July 26, 2024.]

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Blinken Talks Escalation with Iran (TheDuran)

Will the neocons try to widen the wars in the Middle East, and kick off action against Iran, before Trump potentially gains office? With Biden on the way out his controllers might try anything where they will blame him for any failure. However, not everyone within the US military and establishment thinks that expanded war is a good idea.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, July 25, 2024.]

Scott Ritter : Netanyahu’s Dangerous American Trip (Judging Freedom)

The clip opens with a discussion about the Trump assassination attempt and that people in the Secret Service needed to stand down in order for this to happen. The rest of the video deals with the fact that Israel has a near iron grip on US politicians such that they'll cover for almost everything Israel tries. One of the concerns is a widened Middle Eastern war that involves Yemen after the Houthis launched attacks on Israel. The US and Israel might not be able to easily strike Iran, but a new adventure in Yemen is likely something that could be tried, if plans to attack Lebanon are shelved. Expect both things to happen. The overall goal would be to kick off as much chaos as possible because of the growing strength of Israel's enemies and let US forces deal with the mess. It's essentially a limited WW3 scenario.   

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, July 25, 2024.]

EXCLUSIVE: MTG Says Globalist Coup Against America In Full Swing After Trump Assassination Failure! (Infowars)

US Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene joins Alex Jones live to break down the latest information that has emerged about the deep state's failed attempt to assassinate Trump.

Almost certainly a deliberate set up, and this is without considering the audio data that indicates more than one shooter. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, July 25, 2024.]

Black Activist SHREDS Kamala Harris & Refuses To Vote For Her! (Jimmy Dore)

Black activist and online commentator Afeni X recently posted a video explaining why, under NO circumstances, will she be voting for Kamala Harris, nor should anyone else who cares about the African-American community. Harris was a proud prosecutor — a cop who kept inmates in prison after their sentences were served just so they could perform what amounted to slave labor, Afeni says.

Jimmy and Revolutionary Blackout Network host Nick Cruse discuss Afeni X’s commentary and how her CV is filled with activities that should make any true Democrat shudder.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, July 25, 2024.]

Immigrants to be given houses! (Jeff Taylor)

This was always going to be the case with a Labour government - more worried about helping newcomers than looking after Brits!

Woke globalist politicians are traitors to the countries, cultures and people they are supposed to protect and represent. You don't see any of these policies playing out in countries outside of the West.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, July 25, 2024.]

Welsh Leadership in Turmoil (Lotus Eaters)


[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, July 25, 2024.]

Doctor Who: Is Disney Pulling The Plug? (Dave Cullen)

Destroyed by woke Philistines.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, July 25, 2024.]

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Biden Quits Election, Continues Disastrous Presidency; Rus Breakthrough Toretsk, Ukr Troops Trapped (Alexander Mercouris)

Summary comment from You Tube:


00:03 President Biden quits election
03:19 President Biden abruptly quits election
09:18 Biden and Pelosi's reluctance to endorse Kamala Harris
12:22 Biden quits election but intends to continue as president until January, facing calls to step down
18:17 Critique of Biden's presidency and incapability
21:13 Impact of past US presidencies on global power dynamics
27:14 Biden's controversial remarks lead to global tensions and US prestige decline
30:08 Biden's presidency criticized for worsening global crisis
35:49 General Cly believes the war in Ukraine is being lost
38:23 Russian forces advancing in Ukraine, Ukrainian troops retreating in Donbass.
43:41 Russian forces advancing, Ukrainian troops trapped
46:29 Russian forces making major advances in Eastern Ukraine
52:17 Toret area crucial for Russian victory in Dbas theater of war
55:01 Russian troops advancing in Ukraine
1:00:45 Russian initiative in Ukraine
1:03:13 Russian forces making significant advancements in Toretsk region
1:09:05 Russian breakthrough in Toretsk poses threat to Ukrainian troops
1:11:45 Russian advancement and potential annexation of territories
1:17:18 Russian refurbishing Soviet era tanks and armored vehicles.
1:20:04 Biden announces candidacy, amidst disastrous presidency
Crafted by Merlin AI.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, July 24, 2024.]

Dementia (John Campbell)

[Research] Results, Increased incidence of MCI and AD in vaccinated individuals, particularly those receiving mRNA vaccines, within three months post-vaccination.

The researchers believe that an immune response from the shots is damaging to the brain. More research will uncover what is going on. Are we seeing the impact of an auto immune response on neurological systems or prion disease (something that was warned about) or a combination of both?

These jabs must be banned immediately and treatments developed to prevent, or reverse, this sort of damage. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, July 24, 2024.]

Three Audio Files Align and Agree: There Were Two Shooters - Peak Prosperity

We have the audio data. The official story seems to be a lie. The big question is what happens next. One thing we do know for certain is that the Secret Service cannot be trusted.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, July 24, 2024.]


More arrows pointing to the fact that the US is run by the intelligence agencies and organised crime. A professional agency such as the Secret Service could never be this incompetent. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, July 24, 2024.]

France Stunned By Voting FRAUD? (Michael Heaver)

Ballot stuffing in the National Assembly voting? Was the general election also subject to fraud? Where are the French Generals who are sworn to protect the country from corruption? They threatened to intervene in order to save the country from Macron's policies. Where are they? 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, July 24, 2024.]

Ancient Precision Vases, Out-of-Place Artifacts: Connecting the Dots! Full UnchartedX Presentation

Ancient technology, precision stone vases, and other seemingly out-of-place artifacts, what is the connection between them? This is the topic I addressed in my presentation given earlier this year at the Cosmic Summit, and I wanted to share it with you all.

A little different to my normal produced content, this presentation will cover some ground and we get into a number of topics, tubular drills, vases scan project update, the tale of two industries, and more.

I hope you enjoy the video! As always this is brought to you via the value-for-value model, and my amazing supporter community - a huge thank you to everyone who contributes in any way!

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, July 24, 2024.]

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Rus Crosses Zherebets, Ukr Troops Routed; Ukr Donbass Defence Collapsing; Trump: Ukr EU's Problem (Alexander Mercouris)

The bottom line is that Ukraine is in a state of slow motion collapse. 

Summary comment from You Tube:


00:00 The situation on the battle fronts
04:51 Drones and communication systems
08:00 The situation in Krasnogorovka and Ugledar
15:51 The situation at the front
18:30 Battle for the roads in Readovka
20:53 The situation in the Pokrovsk area
24:23 Battle for the city of Toretsk
27:09 The situation at the front
34:48 The situation in Volchansk
40:05 Telephone conversation between Trump and Zelensky
45:43 Russia's attitude to Ukraine's accession to NATO
52:27 US attitude towards Ukraine
58:01 Production of shells and missiles
01:02:18 Production of Patriot interceptor missiles
01:11:50 Supply problems and the political situation in the United States
01:15:36 Europeans and interaction with Russia
01:17:15 Search for a mediator for negotiations with Russia
01:20:31 Russia's influence on Europe
01:23:10 Implications for Europe

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, July 23, 2024.]

Biden Drops Out & Endorses Kamala Harris! (Jimmy Dore)

Dore points out that the Democratic primary has now been rigged so that it is stacked with establishment lackeys who could select an alternative candidate. Will it be Kamala or will they install Hillary or Newsom? Dore thinks the Dems will stick with Kamala and circle the wagons in support.  

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, July 23, 2024.]