Saturday, June 29, 2024

Debate Disaster! Media Meltdown! - Biden to Drop Out? - Total Panic in Democrat Party! Whoa! (Mark Dice)

The Donald Trump vs Joe Biden presidential debate on CNN was one for the history books.

Some key points from Mark Dice about the debate is that: they never run these debates until AFTER the convention where delegates cast their votes for the Presidential Candidate. This early debate is highly unusual and was likely done so they can gain support to have the delegates cast their vote for someone else at the convention. So the plan is to dump Biden.

Normally, if the President steps down after a first term there will be pressure for the Vice President to be chosen. However, the present VP (Kamala Harris) is not well liked, and at the convention the delegates can vote for anyone they want. The suspicion is that the delegates will end up choosing someone like Gavin Newsom, the Governor of California, as the new Presidential Candidate. A wild card pick would be Hillary Clinton, but it's highly unlikely.

The reason for waiting until the convention, to make these changes, is political, so blame can be shifted around about making such a last minute change (that should have been done well before now), and so they can effectively shoe horn in someone without having them go through an open debate process. Behind the scenes the power brokers will put up limited choices that the delegates would pick from (or only one alternative choice?) In the past they were busted (via Wikileaks+in court) cheating Bernie Sanders out of the nomination so anything can happen. 13mins

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 29, 2024.]

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