Friday, June 21, 2024

Pepe Escobar on Putin Crushing NATO's Strategy (Dialogue Works)

An excellent summary of the political situation from veteran journalist Pepe Escobar. Russia offered generous peace terms that were rejected. The next stop is a demand for an unconditional surrender. Escobar warns of a false flag attack to vilify Russia to escalate NATO involvement. The Russians can clearly see what is happening, and likely their allies, and are making moves to counter what is planned. India and China can step in more forcefully and undermine Western plans here (plans that are driven by globalist maniacs). 

Pepe also covers the rising chaos in France as the country is split politically - a broken country - which is what the powers that be want. The video offers further insights into the political situation in the rest of Europe that is being puppeteered by the (treasonous) globalists.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 21, 2024.]

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