Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Global Migrant Crisis Explained! w/ Neil Oliver (Jimmy Dore)

The problem is created by those in power. It's not an accident. The people moving between countries are pawns. It's causing a lot of problems. The final outcome will likely be internal warring inside Western countries. It's deliberate too. The idea is to weaken the West as a coherent thinking body that stands up for human rights. It's to turn the countries into basket cases with no middle class. The other side of this coin is an engineered economic collapse. Things are only held up in the big money financial sector via money printing (although there is a real economy that struggles along too). Once the money printing in the financial sector gets turned off, as has happened in the past, or when interest rates go WAY up, as has happened in the past, things will fall apart. If the Saudis and other countries drop the petrodollar US interest rates are likely to rise to protect the dollar, which will knock on to other countries. High interest rates vs huge debt levels = big trouble. None of this has to happen.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 18, 2024.]

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