Friday, June 28, 2024

Wikileaks Deletes All Their DNC Files After Julian Assange Release (Salty Cracker)

Assange is likely still alive because of unreleased info Wikileaks still had as insurance. He ended up so persecuted because he did cross lines that would normally have others killed - like Seth Rich (his source), or someone like the Washington Madame (suicided). So be cautious about any new material that comes out from Wikileaks. We still need damaging leaks and turncoats to kick out all the sickos in power.

Remember that the DNC email leak spilt the beans when it came to Pizzagate, that there's high level pedo stuff going on with White House advisors and those in the oval office. They were talking about pizza and hot dogs out of context - like pedos do. This is not new either. It's a Washington thing going back to the Franklin Scandal decades prior. And consider it in light of what Epstein was doing too. Plus the fact that his clients were protected from prosecution thanks to the FBI.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 28, 2024.]

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