Monday, June 24, 2024

Is Ukraine Using an "Elastic Defense?" Or Just Losing the War? (TheNewAtlas)

- Western narratives continue to suggest Ukraine is buying time for additional arms and ammunition to arrive at the front;

- However, Western military production is unable to supply sufficient arms and ammunition to turn the tide in the fighting;

- Articles discussing an "elastic defense" admit the lopsided nature of fighting in Russia's favor;

- Other signs of flagging Western aid is the desperate decision to delay Patriot missile orders to redirect missiles to Ukraine;

- The US only produces 550 interceptors a year while Russia launches over 4,000 missiles at targets across Ukraine over the same period;

- "Factories" Western arms manufacturers claim they are building in Ukraine are mis-advertised, and instead small repair shops with negligible strategic value;

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 24, 2024.]

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