Tuesday, September 17, 2024

UK Shocked US Missile Strike No; Blames Sullivan, Ukr Aid Dwindles; Rus Chasov Yar Pincers Closing (Alexander Mercouris)

The reluctance of further US intervention might be due to the upcoming Presidential Election. The media relays tough talk from the Biden Administration but the war is generally out of favour when it comes to the general population. 

Summary comment from You Tube:


00:06 UK faces repercussions after US refusal on missile strike plan
03:10 UK could fire storm shadows without US approval
09:01 UK depends on US support for significant ventures.
11:56 Biden administration seeks to delay decision on attacking Russia, surprising British officials
17:40 UK seeks US approval for missile strikes on Russia, blames Sullivan
20:09 UK considering limited support for US missile strike on Russia
25:48 International opposition to long range missile strikes on Russia
28:30 Western support for Ukraine diminishing
33:42 Growing concern about deepening military cooperation between Iran and Russia.
36:37 Discussion on Iranian nuclear weapon capability
41:48 Russian control over PECO mines imminent
44:29 Ukrainian troops in Ukin are surrounded by Russians
49:51 Russian infantry fighting vehicles encountered minimal Ukrainian resistance.
52:32 Russian drone attacks misinterpreted as Ukrainian buildup
57:56 Impending Russian assault on constantina
1:00:46 Russian troops advancing in Ukraine
1:06:20 Prediction of major Russian advance in Ukraine by end of this year to early next year
1:09:07 Ukrainians spinning story of Russian economic collapse in December 2025 for Western Powers' support
1:14:42 Ukrainian withdrawal from C suggested for military advantage
1:17:31 UK suffers from dwindling military aid amidst Russian aggression

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 17, 2024.]

The WHO Treaty Should Scare The H£LL Out Of You! Hw/ Dr. David Martin (Jimmy Dore)

They want to suspend your human rights and civil liberties over a 'threat' of a health emergency, with no standard of evidence. This had already been done during the pandemic in certain jurisdictions around the world with the 'no jab, no job' dictate that was completely illegal under international law.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 17, 2024.]

Breaking: After Surviving 2nd Deep State Assassination Attempt It's Time For Trump To Go To A Bunker (Infowars)

Jones warns of future attempts using a bomb on his aircraft, poison or attacks at his home. It won't take too much for a determined attacker. This is being facilitated by the mainstream media vilification of Trump and the stand down of the Secret Service when it comes to putting up an adequate security perimeter. 

This rant against the Deep State from Jones is certainly worth the listen. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 17, 2024.]

Future President Donald Trump JUST SECURED PRESIDENCY 2024 With Latest [Assassination] News (HA Goodman)

Trump has avoided a second assassination attempt. The Secret Service 'failed' again. This is undoubtedly the result of all the media fear mongering that has portrayed Trump as the next Hitler. Before running for office Trump was generally liked by everyone. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 17, 2024.]

“Americans Will Be SHOCKED By New Assassination Info!” - Says Dem Senator (Jimmy Dore)

During a recent interview in the halls of Congress, Connecticut Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal announced that the American people will be both shocked and appalled over revelations to come about the Secret Service lapses that transpired prior to the Butler, Pennsylvania assassination attempt on Donald Trump. Blumenthal refused to elaborate, leaving the rest of us to speculate over what as-yet-unreleased information could further shock the public.

Jimmy says he fears the Secret Service will merely be thrown under the bus as incompetents, allowing for the privatization of presidential security details.

It reeked of being an inside job. Expect the official report to paint it was gross incompetence. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 17, 2024.]

Sopranos Star Refused Covid Jab & Paid The Price! w/Drea de Matteo (Jimmy Dore)

When the COVID-19 vaccine became widely available, Hollywood instituted an industry-wide mandate that anyone involved in production would have to get the jab. Former Sopranos actress Drea de Matteo refused, however, causing great damage to her reputation, social life and job prospects.

De Matteo explains to Jimmy precisely why she made the decision she did and what happened to her in Hollywood as a result.

A good conversation about Covid times and people losing their minds over the jabs and mandates.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 17, 2024.]

Knock, knock, it's the thought police.(Paul Joseph Watson)

Violent crime is being ignored while people voicing political dissent are being rounded up by the globalist defending UK police. It's like a Stalinist dystopia.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 17, 2024.]

Jesse Ventura Goes BEYOND Woke - What is Wrong With Him? (Mark Dice)

He's been captured or gone mental.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 17, 2024.]

Modern Metals in Ancient Egyptian Hard Stone Vase Fragments? Discussing preliminary results! (UnchartedX)

Discussing the preliminary results after examining fragments of ancient Egyptian hard stone vases under a scanning electron microscope.

The big deal from this investigation is that no fragments of copper with found on any of the objects. Some should have been found if these were produced by ancient Egyptians who were using copper tools in the early stages of their civilisation. The systematic investigation you are seeing here is what science is all about. Further testing on modern lathe-created objects and other ancient objects are set to be done to provide a comparison to these high precision objects.  

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 17, 2024.]

Monday, September 16, 2024

Neocon Queen Victoria Nuland ADMITS Not Wanting to End Ukraine War Diplomatically (Glenn Greenwald)

A real peace deal was on the table and it was sunk by this neocon political block that had been pulling the strings in Ukraine since the coup in 2014. These neocons need to be removed from positions of power everywhere.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 16, 2024.]

WHO Pandemic Powers Stopped In Congress (Redacted)

The House of Representatives passed an act to tell the World Health Organization (WHO) to pound sand with their global powers treaty. GOOD! If we don't stop this, what other terrifying powers could be handed to globalists?

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 16, 2024.]

Meet Allen Dulles: Fascist Spymaster (2015) - Corbett Report

FROM 2015: Diplomat, spy, Wall Street lawyer, philanderer, government overthrow specialist, Nazi collaborator, MKULTRA overlord, presidential assassin. This week on the Corbett Report podcast: meet Allen Dulles, fascist spymaster.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 16, 2024.]

Watch Joe Rogan’s Reaction When Tucker Brings Up 9/11 Building 7 (Russell Brand)

The important thing about this video is that the truth about 911 is now widely disseminated in the alt media which has become the new mainstream.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 16, 2024.]

Religion of Peace, Building 7 and the Poison - People who just don't know (Sanity4Sweden)

Heavily propagandised people skip over obvious truths that anyone can discover if they simply look with objective eyes. They often fall for false explanations that seem to provide a credible explanation but do not.

The huge wake up call in recent years has been with the experimental mRNA jabs. It was obvious they were experimental and not properly safety tested, but people believed what the authorities told them rather than listen to the clear cut warnings. What the Covid jab mandates revealed, with huge numbers believing the lies, or caving into pressure, is that PEOPLE's BRAINS DO NOT WORK. They don't. People's brains follow what authority figures tell them, especially if the truth is somewhat abstracted.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 16, 2024.]

We Are Living In The Dystopic War-torn Hunger Games And The Presidential Debate Proves It (Redacted)

The Presidential Debate showed just how much we are living in what should be a fictional dystopic hell. It's not fictional. We're here. The questions around war and peace were ignorant and dishonest and show that the people in charge will keep lying about the war and send our children to their deaths if they are not stopped.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 16, 2024.]

Scott Hayes CHARGED! Another Soros-Funded DA Criminalizing SELF-DEFENSE in Massachusetts? Viva Frei

The attacker does not look good when it comes to what he did. He was much younger than the older guy he attacked and it looked like he was going for his head. It was clear that that the older guy, Hayes, was facing threat of serious injury. The big issue with defending yourself is delivering a proportional response, but one can reasonably argue that because of the age difference, the defender was in fear of serious injury and death. This is a reasonable assumption to make considering all the known instances of people being seriously injured or killed in street fights. The lesson is DO NOT instigate violence.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 16, 2024.]

The Garbage That Passes For Star Trek Nowadays (Dave Cullen)

We're in the hands of inept DEI hire philistines. Perhaps the only thing that's good about the newer material is the fact it has relatively high production standards. None of this new material should be considered canon. The same goes for Star Wars and Doctor Who.  

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 16, 2024.]

Sunday, September 15, 2024

US Backs Off Missile Strikes; Tense US/UK Talks; Rus Storms Ukr Kursk Enclave; BBC Ukr Pokrovsk 'Critical', Cauldrons (Alexander Mercouris)

Summary comment from You Tube


00:00 Meeting at the White House
01:25 US reaction
04:12 Meeting with Biden
07:04 Return to the discussion
09:28 Pentagon Reaction
11:52 Conclusion
12:12 Playing with the leader of a nuclear superpower
14:02 Military and political logic
16:29 Political and military rhetoric
19:03 Risks and consequences
23:32 Possible consequences of missile strikes on Russia
26:08 Projectile production and economic mobilization
27:50 Risks and consequences of missile strikes
28:45 Zelensky and targets for missile strikes
31:10 The offensive of Ukraine and its difficulties
36:30 Problems with communication and logistics
38:48 Conclusion and personal impressions
41:05 The situation in the Kursk region
43:59 The situation in the Sudzhansky district
50:08 The situation in Donbass
57:41 Seizure of objects in Donbass
59:58 The situation in Ugledar
01:02:46 The situation in Ukrainsk
01:04:12 Loss of strategic locations
01:07:33 Zelensky's political survivalood day.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 15, 2024.]

Ukraine's Kursk Operation Crumbles, Crisis on Frontline Grows (TheNewAtlas)

- Ukraine’s incursion into Kursk has predictably begun to collapse as overextended troops are unable to sustain combat operations against better equipped Russian forces;

- Ukraine’s defenses along the line of contact also continue to collapse;

- Washington continues transitioning toward proxy guerrilla war against Russia as Ukraine and its Western sponsors continue losing in terms of conventional warfare;

The big deal in the media at this point is whether to give Ukraine long range strike weapons, cruise missiles, to which the Russians are saying this will mean war with NATO. However, we know that the precision guided HIMARS missiles were largely ineffective against Russian air defense and electronic warfare. It's unlikely that longer range cruise missiles will fare any better. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 15, 2024.]

Health advice from Florida (John Campbell)

Based on the high rate of global immunity and currently available data,

the State Surgeon General advises against the use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.

• Staying physically active,

• Minimizing processed foods,

• Prioritizing vegetables and healthy fats, and

• Spending time outdoors to support necessary vitamin D levels.

Florida Department of Health, 12th September 2024

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 15, 2024.]

Stunning Video Of Trump Doubting Official 9/11 Story! w/ Mike Benz (Jimmy Dore)

The importance of this video is that Benz talks about Government involved censorship and infiltration of groups asking questions about this attack in the online space. He mentions that You Tube did not exist at the time of 911 and neither did Facebook - so finding out what happened and spreading the information was difficult. The opening relates the story about the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Centre basement area where we know the FBI supplied the explosive materials. It was widely published that they did this after an accused FBI asset provided evidence in court that the terrorists were supposed to have taken delivery of an inert material but were actually given the real thing. 

One thing we can guess about from this clip is that Trump knows, and so do a lot of other people. 


911 Truth ~ Experts Speak Out

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 15, 2024.]

RFK Says He’ll Show Trump How To Drain Swamp! w/ Mike Benz (Jimmy Dore)

According to RFK Jr., Donald Trump had every intention of “draining the swamp” during his first administration, but was overwhelmed by the task at hand and wound up relying on the same corporate insiders as previous administrations to staff up, undermining any chance of swamp draining at the outset. But this time, with his help, will be different, RFK says, since he knows exactly how the regulatory agencies work and how to take them down from the inside.

Jimmy speaks with the Foundation for Freedom Online Executive Director Mike Benz about whether RFK is right and has any chance of success at such a revolutionary project.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 15, 2024.]

Germany dismantles Schengen. Draghi reports EU in TATTERS (TheDuran)

Reality strikes. The only reason they have reconsidered uncontrolled migration is because people are moving towards the AfD and anti-establishment leftists. All globalist political parties need to be removed.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 15, 2024.]

Importing Conflict! (Jeff Taylor)

The solution is to NOT import people. The UK does not owe people from other countries anything. Each country has enough internal problems of their own to deal with. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 15, 2024.]

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Putin Warns Missile Strikes Equal Rus West War; West Dithers, Zelensky Rages Brazil, China; Ukr Kursk Collapse (Alexander Mercouris)

The big issue with the long range missiles from NATO is they can only hit targets inside Russia with the use of Western satellite systems. This means direct involvement with NATO personnel. This intelligence sharing is already happening, but Russia is drawing a red line here. They don't want longer ranged attacks coming unequivocally from NATO officers which they consider an act of war. 

Summary from You Tube (provided by Alexander):

00:00 Putin issues strong warning to the West on potential missile strikes
03:12 NATO countries' direct involvement in Ukraine conflict
09:19 Putin warns of potential war with NATO over missile strikes
12:30 Putin warns of potential war with West
18:54 During a state of war, seizing assets of the enemy country is possible
21:31 Russian warning on seizing assets
27:06 Putin's warning about the consequences of missile strikes inside Russia
29:57 British military fragility in facing off against Russia
35:43 Russia's response to potential missile strikes
38:17 Russia warns against missile transfer to Ukraine
43:35 Putin warns against missile strikes on Russia
46:17 Putin places the point of no threat near Ukraine's Polish border
51:43 West pushing for escalation in Ukraine conflict
54:23 Controversy surrounds decisions on missile strikes in Russia
59:33 Missile strikes against Russia may eventually be carried out.
1:02:21 Zelensky rages against Russian counteroffensive
1:08:15 Zelensky furious about Western response to Ukrainian demands and lack of confirmed summit meeting with Biden
1:10:50 Russian forces advancing in western direction capturing key villages
1:16:11 Russian repelled Ukrainian counterattacks near the Nim river
1:18:56 Russian forces advancing south and preparing for a major attack on Kurakov
1:24:23 Russian forces gain control of industrial area in New York
1:27:02 Putin warns against dangerous missile strikes
Crafted by Merlin AI.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 14, 2024.]

Here’s Who Controls The Deep State & Pentagon! w/ Mike Benz (Jimmy Dore)

There is a widespread misconception that the United States Department of State operates as the diplomatic wing of the U.S. government, pursuing the interests of the American people all over the globe. The reality, as Foundation for Freedom Online Executive Director Mike Benz points out, is that the State Department in fact serves the interests of multibillion-dollar transnational corporations, and they don’t really pretend otherwise.

Dore and Benz doing a great job explaining how things really work.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 14, 2024.]

Will The Deep State Allow Donald Trump To Win Again? w/ Mike Benz (Jimmy Dore)

They'll rig the vote again. They don't care how bad things look, or how many doubt the results. The country is very far off the rails. The institutions of power, and the media, will all circle the wagons after the crime of rigging the election is enacted. Without local control over elections, with hand counted paper ballots, and voter ID, they can get away with cheating.

The best thing that can be done is have everyone get out and vote for Trump AND have spies and moles inside the DNC, and other institutions, to gather evidence on the corruption. The situation is akin to busting organised crime. It's the populist movement, and the alt media, vs the establishment.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 14, 2024.]

January 6th Convictions THROWN OUT By Judge! w/ Mike Benz (Jimmy Dore)

A U.S. appeals court has vacated the felony convictions of 12 people convicted for taking part in the Jan. 6, 2021, breach of the U.S. Capitol, a move expected to lead to the release of many of the prisoners. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on Sept. 9 threw out convictions for obstructing an official proceeding, following the U.S. Supreme Court’s summer ruling in Fischer v. United States, which found that prosecutors had been interpreting the law too broadly, in a way that “would criminalize a broad swath of prosaic conduct, exposing activists and lobbyists alike to decades in prison.”

Jimmy speaks with the Foundation for Freedom Online Executive Director Mike Benz about the case and why the much-ballyhooed criminal proceedings against so many January 6th defendants are falling apart.

Benz talks about the regime change tactic used by the CIA and State Department to weaponise legal systems around the world to persecute opposition parties, just like what we've seen in the USA. He talks about what's happened in Europe aside from the US.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 14, 2024.]

Australia Declares War On Free Speech (Nugget's News)

In this video I discuss the latest misinformation, disinformation bill being introduced in Australia. We've seen censorship, free speech & many sensitive topics being hotly debated & cracked down on of late. It appears the elite are losing grip on the tightly managed reality you are not allowed to dare question. What do you think of censorship Australia is looking to impose on it's citizens in the name of "truth".

This bill looks intended to protect globalist policies when it talks about various harms it is supposed to 'protect' against when they include things such as 'economic harms' which could be anything (relating to climate,health,immigration policy etc).

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 14, 2024.]

They're Eating The Cats! (Paul Joseph Watson)

It's true ! The big deal is that the issue has gone viral and is directing people towards the issue of unchecked mass immigration.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 14, 2024.]

Time Travelling Satellites (Tony Heller)

When academics rewrite history and make predictions based on their own misinformation, they invariably end up with egg on their faces.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 14, 2024.]

New Excavations at Abu Sir and Abu Ghorub! UnchartedX Stream Highlights #13

Watching raw footage from my recent Egypt trip - specifically the new excavations at Abu Sir and Ghorub!

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 14, 2024.]

Friday, September 13, 2024

Aaron Maté : Victoria Nuland War Criminal (Judging Freedom)

The clip opens with reported Israeli plans to attack Lebanon. Will it go ahead, or is it bluster? They also talk about Israeli military tactics in targeting civilians.

The rest of the clip deals with Vic Nuland, a key architect of the 2014 coup in Kiev and a constant voice for war. She recently admitted to blocking a peace deal for Ukraine in 2022 where they would have become a neutral state, limiting the types of weapons they could employ. This was unacceptable to neocons such as herself because they could not use the country, militarily, against Russia.  

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 13, 2024.]

Biden Admin Digs Up Fresh Russiagate Propaganda For Election! w/ Ryan Dawson (Jimmy Dore)

The Russiagate propaganda is getting old. Anyone in the alt media can see right through it. It was exposed in 2016 the first time around and it's back. They're going after RT hard again as a propaganda outfit for the Kremlin. But when it comes to providing an accurate critique of US affairs RT is doing the same job as those in the US alt media. If the US was not acting so corruptly there would not be so much content for them to air. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 13, 2024.]

New Psyop Just Dropped - Covid Causes "New" Form of AIDS (Salty Cracker)

We know that the experimental jabs can cause auto immune reactions. It's in their own list of adverse reactions. The propaganda being put out now is to cover up this fact - that what has happened is not rare.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 13, 2024.]

What The Hell Was That? (Paul Joseph Watson)

Watson briefly fact checks the debate. Kamala pushed a lot of lies, and the debate moderators said nothing. They checked Trump, but did nothing when it came to her blatant propaganda.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 13, 2024.]

Candace Owens Suspended From YouTube! (Jimmy Dore)

She got demonetised, and was suspended for one week, for her interview with Kanye. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 13, 2024.]

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Lavrov Shoigu Scorn Ukr Talks; US/UK Reverse Agree Missile Strikes; Ukr Army Falling Apart; Vuhledar Collapse (Alexander Mercouris)

Summary comment from You Tube:


00:07 Western powers pushing for negotiation process in Ukraine
03:08 Negotiations proposed with Ukraine, UK and US may authorize missile strikes inside Russia
09:14 Shoigu confirmed Kusk offense was to capture K nuclear power plant, Russians not interested in negotiations until Ukrainians driven out completely from Kque region
12:16 Disregard for territorial integrity in Eastern Europe
17:52 Lavrov emphasizes Russian security interests over Ukrainian territorial integrity concerns
20:32 Lavrov explains Russia's stance on Ukraine to Indians and Brazilians
26:01 Russians educating allies on conflict issues
28:33 Russian openness to negotiations but lack of seeking them
34:16 Western powers aim to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia
37:00 Western powers moving towards allowing deep strikes on Russian territory will not push Russians to negotiations.
42:41 Doubtful of diplomatic breakthrough in current context
45:19 Negotiations stronger since the collapse of Istanbul discussions
50:58 Prolonged resistance after war tends to happen fast victories
53:49 Ukraine's military struggling with low morale and desertion
59:07 Rumors of Russian missile strikes targeting Western advisers in Ukraine.
1:01:44 Russian involvement in Ukraine conflict intensifying
1:07:16 Russian forces capturing key Ukrainian territories
1:09:45 Russian forces occupy Korovka without much resistance
1:15:01 Russian advancement towards main supply road
1:17:48 Russian advance in northeastern Toret and capture of G grigoreva
1:23:09 Analysis of Russian strategy in Ukraine
1:25:46 Russia won't negotiate until Ukraine leaves occupied territory
Crafted by Merlin AI.

Best comment from You Tube:


Brazil and India must decide if they want to be part of NATO or BRICKS and stop being errant boys for the US

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 12, 2024.]

Neil Oliver: It’s us or them!!!

‘…the establishment are abusing the very nature of democracy…’

The relationship of the people to our rulers is the same as being in an abusive relationship. They blame the victims for their actions, and then fake contrition, and do the same thing again in throwing the public under the bus (because they are pandering to their donors).

Thankfully the public is waking up to what's really going on, where they see things are becoming more and more like a dystopian nightmare, and are voting for the populist anti globalist parties. Naturally the establishment is trying to delegitimise those voting against them. The establishment power block wants permanent rule, and they're doing near everything to avoid having their puppets voted out of power. It does not mean that the alternatives vying for power are unproblematic, but these alternatives are being strongly opposed, which is a good sign, they have the right message, and having some chance for change is better than none.  

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 12, 2024.]

Kamala’s Mind Blowing Reaction To Dick & Liz Cheney’s Endorsement! w/ Ryan Dawson (Jimmy Dore)

What’s the best way to describe one’s feelings when endorsed for public office by one of the nation’s great villains and war criminals? In Kamala Harris’ case, when bestowed with an endorsement from Dick Cheney, the term she chose was “honored.”

Jimmy and podcaster Ryan Dawson discuss the depths of depravity it takes for a Democrat like Harris to welcome the endorsement of the detestible Dick Cheney.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 12, 2024.]

My Perspective On The 2024 Presidential Debate (Tulsi Gabbard)

Tulsi Gabbard's perspective on the 2024 Presidential debate between former President Donald Trump and Kamala Harris from just moment ago.

Tulsi points out that Trump was concerned about the economy, whereas the media was trying to focus on a wedge issue like abortion, that Trump actually does not want to ban. Most voters today would be very aware that since Trump left office the price of fuel has gone up by double and grocery bills by triple. If the Trump campaign simply repeats this fact the people who are generally undecided would certainly not end up voting for Kamala.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 12, 2024.]


War and deception go hand in hand. Some history about false flag terrorism going back to the 1950s. This is normal. Peace is not a normal state when it comes to the history of the world. So be vigilant or be conned.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 12, 2024.]


This four-part series on Israeli spying in the United States is pretty shocking. It originally aired on Fox News in December 2001. The videos remained on the Fox News web site for just a couple of days after the fourth installment before being taken down without comment -- in other words, being censored. Fox News must have received a great deal of pressure from Israel and the US government to completely throw away the efforts of this investigation.

Of note is that the Israels arrested included "military intelligence, electronic surveillance intercept and or explosive ordinance units". EXPLOSIVE ORDINANCE. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 12, 2024.]

RECAP: Structural Engineer Roland Angle, P.E., delivers WTC FACTS: Building 7 (AE911Truth)

Earlier this year, AE911Truth's Roland Angle, P. E., spoke at two separate meetings of Stand Up for Idaho — a political organization of Idaho citizens that advocates on behalf of issues reflecting the concerns of most rural areas in middle America.

The first presentation above, which took place on February 23rd, focused on World Trade Center 7, and the second, on March 1st, was centered around the Twin Towers.

The official NIST explanation for the collapse of WTC7 is a pack of lies. Data within their OWN report shows that what they claim is impossible. They massively contradict themselves. You only have to spend a few minutes (20mins out of a 1 hour talk) before releasing the fraud. What they tried on here is insane.

The truth about 911 was a lesson about thinking objectively when it came to a confronting subject (false flag terror). Not many people carried this lesson over to the pandemic.

Story thanks to Trump is Right blog. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 12, 2024.]

9/11: A Conspiracy Theory (Corbett Report)

Everything you ever wanted to know about the 9/11 conspiracy theory in under 5 minutes.

 We simply cannot believe anything the US Government says about terrorists or terrorism. Without any sort of proof one cannot make any judgments, except to remain doubtful.

In the case of the Osama Bin Laden killing propaganda, the body was allegedly thrown overboard from a US aircraft carrier. And there were no photos or video of what happened (none that the public ever saw). The whole thing was a joke. Bin Laden had been dead since the end of 2001:

 Osama Bin Laden DIED in Late 2001 - Don't fall for the "We Killed Him in 2011" Propaganda

[Use the Wayback Machine to view the blocked link above. It comes from the original Spookyweather blog that was censored by Google. or see this link with the pasted material on Spooky2.]

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 12, 2024.]

The Truthseeker: 9/11 & Operation Gladio (RECAP)

'Bigger than Watergate': US 'regular' meetings with Al-Qaeda's leader; documented White House 'false flag terrorism' moving people 'like sheep'; the father of Twin Towers victim tell us why he backs this month's 9/11 campaign on Times Square and around the world; and the protests calendar for September.

And today everyone knows that the West, Gulf Countries, and Turkey have been supporting Al Qaeda gangs in Syria to bring about regime change in that country. The Al Qaeda groups are the puppets of the intelligence agencies who used them as patsies on 911 and as mercenary fighters in Syria.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 12, 2024.]

Pensioners left to die by Starmer! (Jeff Taylor)

Early released prisoners [almost 7000] will be put up in hotels whilst pensioners freeze to death after having their winter fuel allowance removed ... pure evil!

They have endless money for migrants and the war in Ukraine but nothing for the poor. The people in power are globalist traitors. It's that simple.

Best comment on You Tube


250,000 elderly died from the cold in the 10 years up to 2018. That's one every 21 minutes. (From a parliamentary briefing by Age UK).
More have been put at risk for less than the cost of two pints of lager per week per person.
Meanwhile the MPs who voted for this still claim their second home heating allowance, some if them over £2,000 and still remain nice and toasty in the Houses of Parliament thanks to us paying the £7,000,000 energy bill.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 12, 2024.]

Which Part Isn't True? (AOH)

A great summary that standards have been dropped in place of marketing when it comes to US basketball.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 12, 2024.]

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Prof. Jeffrey Sachs : Neocons and World Dominance (Judging Freedom)

The neocons want the US world to destroy Israel's enemies, which is at the heart of what they are doing. They also want general US world dominance to ensure that they get what they want, and Russia stands in their way, hence that country being a long term target of these people.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 11, 2024.]

UKRAINE ceasefire and the Negotiation Trap (TheDuran)

A ceasefire will only advantage the Ukrainians and allow them to build up their forces and equipment. The Russians must demand a surrender or else they'll be fighting against their opponents again in a short period of time.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 11, 2024.]

BREAKING: Harris Campaign In Total Freefall As The Rock & Elton John Now Endorse Trump!! (Infowars)

We're in a huge battle against civilisation-ending globalists. People in the establishment, and adjacent to it, need to side with Trump in order to give the West any chance. We have no chance of addressing open borders or further experimental jabs if Kamala wins the election. It's simple. Take a chance with Trump, who at least is a Nationalist and wants to return jobs and industry to the US, or let things slide with the finance globalists who include people who are happy to see you dead.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 11, 2024.]

This is Stunning (Paul Joseph Watson)

Even the rigged mainstream polls show Trump in the lead, by a long way in many instances. Only massive levels of fraud will get Kamala over the line. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 11, 2024.]

RECAP: 911 Truth: Architects and Engineers ~ Experts Speak Out

The mother of the War on Terror is the 911 False Flag Attack. The truth about this attack is the only thing that can end the conflict. The architects and engineers featured in this clip explain the physical evidence, the forensic proof, that CLEARLY shows the destruction of the World Trade Centre buildings involved inside help.

Please watch the documentary and reflect upon the endless conflict we continue to face. There are powerful, yet identifiable, forces at work within "the establishment" that set our world on course for perpetual war.

Related Info (who dun it):

911 and War by Deception

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 11, 2024.]

Architects and Engineers: Solving the Mystery of Building 7 - w/ Ed Asner (RECAP)

Building 7 collapsed at freefall speed on the afternoon of the 911 attacks after bombs (undoubtedly controlled demolition charges) were set off in the building. There is no physical way for the building to have collapsed, as if there were nothing but air resistance, without the use of explosives. The official NIST model that tried to explain what happened failed to model this reality.

There were also witnesses to the bombs going off inside this building:

Two Barry Jennings Interviews (WABC-TV, 2001 / LTW, 2007)

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 11, 2024.]

RECAP: Jonathan Cole - 9/11 Experiments: Eliminate the Impossible - AE911Truth.org

When you have competing hypotheses (expert vs expert) you can do an experiment to prove who is right. Two quotes. "Experiment is the final arbiter of competing hypotheses" and "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."

The clip is 14 minutes, refuting the official story and debunking the so called debunkers. Either basic fundamental scientific principles are wrong or the official story is a lie in terms of this forensic material. The most important thing here is ANYONE can check this evidence for themselves and juxtapose it to the official narrative.

The only real issue is one's psychological aptitude when it comes to dealing with 'difficult' subjects and one's political/economic position which makes people reluctant to speak out - people speaking out may, and have, lost their jobs, or suffered varying levels of ostracisation and harassment.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 11, 2024.]

RECAP: 9/11 Explosive Eyewitness Testimony

A compilation of many witnesses (firefighters, citizens, and news reporters) to secondary explosions in the towers. May we have justice someday. God bless the heroes and victims of 9/11.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 11, 2024.]

RECAP: Blink Comparator Views of the Plane at the Pentagon - Countering 'No Plane' Disinformation

In March, 2002 five frames from one video camera were released (leaked?) as small bmp images that purportedly showed the Pentagon plane. It had an erroneous time stamp (added later it turns out; not in the original), lack of context, small image size, and it did more to sow confusion than shed light on what hit the Pentagon. Here is the first frame of that set just before impact, together with a zoomed detail view. [See link for image]
Longer videos from two cameras, one with and one without the foreground obstruction, were released in 2006 in response to a FOIA request for surveillance camera videos at or near the Pentagon on 9/11. One of the videos contained the original five frames. These images are archived by the 911datasets.com project through the 911encyclopedia.com website, which also documents the source FOIA.
Many people viewing these as still frames over the years (ourselves included) failed to see the plane. The lack of a clear visual image of the plane led to speculation that there was instead a small plane or a missile, and it opened the door to speculation that there was no plane at all. By the time the two longer videos were released in 2006, "no-plane at the Pentagon" speculation was well established to the point that this belief was virtually synonymous with the 9/11 Truth movement, in many people's minds.
The images shown below "blink" the frames that contain the plane with the frames just prior to them. These png images, blinked with a custom Javascript routine, use the images provided in the 2006 FOIA release. Animated GIF images were tried earlier, but the GIF compression reduces the color resolution. We have done no image enhancement: only magnification of the zoomed image pairs.

This is a zoomed-in detail of the view from what we shall call Camera 1.

The view from Camera 2 shows the plane a fraction of a second earlier. The wide angle lenses introduce barrel distortion, so the earlier image of the plane, which is closer to the edge of the frame, appears shortened.

Go to the linked article to see the blinked images and a full explanation.

Here is a video explaining the above:

The attacks of 911 were a false flag event. Aircraft were used to strike both the Twin Towers and the Pentagon in order to kick off the global 'war on terror'. Explosives were used at the Twin Towers and most likely at the Pentagon to 'finish the job' in terms of destroying their intended targets. World Trade Centre Building 7 was also brought down by explosives, and may have been timed to go down with the Twin Towers (in the dust clouds), except that it failed and didn't come down until 5:20pm. We know explosives had been set off inside WTC7 at an early stage due to the testimony of Barry Jennings.

Related Info:

A Plane Hit the Pentagon on 9/11 - Countering Disinformation and Misunderstandings

The "Pod People" And The Plane That Crashed Into the Pentagon (Countering 'no plane' Disinformation)

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 11, 2024.]

RECAP: Molten Steel in the Rubble of the World Trade Centre Collapse = Inside Job

The picture here shows superheated Molten Steel being pulled from the rubble of the World Trade Centre buildings weeks after the collapses.

We know this is steel because other materials such as copper or aluminium exhibiting a yellow or near white colour would be completely liquid. The melting point of copper is 1080 degrees Celsius whilst the melting point of aluminum is only 660 degrees Celsius. The metal in the picture is still plastic even though some of it is well above 1000 degrees Celsius.

You are looking at building steel that has been heated to an extraordinary temperature in a rubble pile that had neither the fuel or air requirements to do so. For instance in a forge, that heats iron to a red hot appearance, we require a sea of hot coals wherein the iron is submerged. Air is pumped into this mass to increase the temperature. The problem here is that the rubble pile was not a sea of coals and according to official reports, it presented conditions that were described as "oxygen poor"[US DELTA Study Group].

The ONLY other way of heating steel to such a high temperature here would necessarily require the use of large quantities of explosive incendiary materials. The building fires could never cause such melting and neither could later conventional fires in the rubble pile.

The reports of superheated metals seen throughout the rubble must be taken seriously and the implications recognised. Just from this evidence alone it would appear that large sections of the World Trade Centre Buildings were subjected to the actions of incendiary devices.

Most damningly, analysis of the slag from the steel and also from previously molten iron spheres (which were found all throughout the dust) has revealed the signature of the incendiary Thermate.[Use the Wayback Machine to view the link]

This smoking gun scientific evidence shows that the Twin Towers and Building 7 were subjected to large quantities of thermite-type incendiaries confirming that the collapses were not natural fire induced events. 911 was an Inside Job.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 11, 2024.]

RECAP: Evidence of Thermite - Dr. Steven Jones

Evidence of thermite in the World Trade Center debris.

This short 6 minute clip explains clearly the forensic signature of thermite in the World Trade Centre dust. The material that was examined had been heated until a liquid state (the spherical nature of the metal was caused due to surface tension). The metal spheres were not simply molten structural steel but the product of a thermitic reaction (see clip).

Importantly, the high number of metal spheres in the dust indicated that there MUST have been many tons of this stuff in the buildings. This metallic debris was a common feature of the WTC dust and is a certain proof that thermite was used in the demolition of the Twin Towers and Building 7 (along with high explosives most probably).

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 11, 2024.]

RECAP: Basic 911 Forensic Proofs: 9/11 Experiments - The Mysterious Eutectic (Melted) Steel

Did rubble from the WTC really cause those eutectic formations ,as we were led to believe?

Conventional fires, fuelled by office materials, will not melt steel and certainly not burn holes through steel beams. You need incendiaries or a blast furnace/blow torch environment with a high level of oxygen to generate sufficient heat to cause such damage.

A follow up experiment was done that showed how Thermite can cause the same effects as seen on the steel recovered from the 911 Crime Scene:

9/11 Experiments: The Great Thermate Debate  

And Thermite/Thermate cannot be created 'naturally' by the building contents (rusted steel) and aircraft aluminium. Creating a Thermitic mixture requires careful preparation and the correct ratio of elements, and even then the material is difficult to ignite. It is utterly ridiculous to suppose that many tons, or even pounds/kilograms of such a mixture could have been created in the building debris, yet Melted Steel was a feature of the rubble pile:

15 Ground Zero Part 1 Melted Steel Beams and Molten Iron - ESO - Experts Speak Out

In any forensic investigation such evidence of Melted Steel would be seen as proof of arson. In fact analysis of melted iron spheres taken from the debris proved that Thermite was the cause of the melting:

Evidence of Thermite - Dr. Steven Jones

In summary, it is very likely that the incendiaries used on the World Trade Centre buildings were either part of an effort to 'simulate' fire damage to the buildings (ie creating slow natural deformations at the aircraft impact points) and/or were used as a back up to the high explosives that rapidly brought down the structures (where the core columns in the basement areas could have been undermined). Regardless of how the Thermite was used, the evidence that it WAS used is irrefutable.

Related Info:

Some disinformation sites have pushed the idea that hot fire temperatures (in enclosed places) can catastrophically weaken steel (but certainly not cause Swiss cheese holes!) with fire temperatures of 600 degrees Celsius (1112 F) that causes a 60% loss in strength (yet the towers were built to carry five times their load, and the undamaged sections of the building were still near full strength). These sites do not tell the reader that the size and duration of any fire is important because steel beams require a significant amount of energy to heat up and deform (steel conducts heat very well so that localised fire temperatures do not lead to catastrophic heating).

Small intense fires will not cause deformations, and even large ones take time to heat a structure (this is why fire testing of steel structures are run over a number of hours rather than minutes). The fire temperature is not the same as the heat needed to weaken a steel beam or connection. This point is well explained in the following video:

According to NIST they could not find evidence of hot sustained fires in the WTC Towers. There was no sustained greater-than-600-degree-Celsius fire. There was no chimney effect, or enclosed space heating that might have raised the temperatures within a confined area (the aircraft gouged huge open holes in the sides of the buildings). Certainly the rubble pile could not be said to be an ideal fire environment - it was not a cauldron, or sea of coals, and there was no black smoke from a supposed intense conventional fire that would have burnt wood and plastic used in office furnishings - all we see is white smoke that is indicative of either steam or a thermitic reaction.

The problem the official story has is two fold - no evidence of hot conventional fires in the Towers or rubble pile, and damning evidence of an unconventional incendiary attack upon the steel structure.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 11, 2024.]

RECAP: Basic 911 Forensic Proofs: Gordon Ross Master of Engineering Investigation into the Collapse of the WTC on 9/11

Master of Engineering, Gordon Ross presentation of his analysis of the destruction of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre on 11th September 2001.

The speaker here describes the damage to the steel structure found in the rubble pile that is accounted for by the use of explosives.

The features seen are not explained by a gravitational collapse. In the opening he pointed out that the debris expulsions during the 'collapses' do not occur on every floor, but every three floors, where the columns are welded together.

The video also points out that the key features of the damage done to the buildings involved steel columns that were accessible via the elevator shafts. Weaker columns, that were not directly accessible, could still be seen standing after the 'collapse fronts' had progressed downwards. The video clearly points out that the top sections of the Twin Towers didn't 'simply' crush the bottom section.

Most interesting is the concave damage done to the steel columns which indicate strong lateral forces were applied to these elements. This further makes sense when we consider that a large portion of the debris pile formed well outside tower footprints - the debris didn't simply 'fall' into the basement areas. These strong 'lateral' forces also pulverised the concrete floors to dust in mid air.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 11, 2024.]

RECAP: 9/11 In Perspective

None of these buildings collapsed into their own footprint at near-freefall acceleration, so why did the World Trade Center buildings?

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 11, 2024.]

Osama Bin Laden DIED in Late 2001 - Don't fall for the "We Killed Him in 2011" Propaganda (Reposted from the original Spookyweather blog with broken video links)

Bin Laden has been dead for more than 10 years. Every video and audio tape after the "fat Bin Laden confession" have been fakes. Bin Laden likely had nothing to do with the attacks of September 11 (see links below). He almost certainly died in the months after the taped "confession" video.

The 2001 Bin Laden Confession tape is not a Confession.

The Real Bin Laden Denied Involvement in the Attacks.

Bin Laden's Personal Bodyguards were Captured in Early 2002 Absent OBL.

Swiss Scientists 95% Sure that 2002 Bin Laden Recording was Fake.

The 2004 Bin Laden Threat tape is a Fake.

Experts Agree: Bin Laden tapes are Fakes.

Osama Bin Laden: Dead or Alive?

The Real Bin Laden Died in Late 2001 or Early 2002.

The 911 attacks were an Inside Job.

The FBI admits there is no Evidence linking OBL to 911.

Bin Laden Was not Killed in 2011.

The Death of Osama Bin Laden - A Deception Too Far.

The reason for "keeping Bin Laden alive" for years after his death is because he represents a propaganda tool when it comes to the issue of 911 truth and his spectre helps limit dissent regarding the military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. After all, we are told that Bin Laden confessed to 911 and that we are fighting against fanatics who initiated the conflict.

Exposing the truth about the September 11 attacks will destroy this deception and end the costly wars in the Middle East. It is vitally important that we promote the facts and science proving 911 was an Inside job.

Without specifically exposing false flag terror we can never be free of the War on Terror.

[Reposted in light of the recent 'Bin Laden wives witnessing Osama's death' propaganda story that has been doing the rounds (http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/world/wives-recount-the-killing-of-bin-laden-20130709-2po86.html). ]

Related Info:

Bin Laden was a US Intelligence Asset Right up until 911

Faking Bin Laden is Easy: Osama Bin Laden 911 Anniversary 2007 video

**Fake Al Qaeda Exposed: Adam Gadahn Yousef al Khattab

A Summary of the War on Terror and Circumstances of Bin Laden's 2011 Hoaxed Death:

What really happened with the 2011 Bin Laden 'Kill' Propaganda Mission (Navy SEALs were not involved?).

**In reference to Fake Al Qaeda Exposed, Yousef Al Khattab apparently now preaches a message of peace. Nevertheless, we must still be wary of hyped threats and false flag terror.

Note: This story has been copied with the broken links, from where it was posted at the original Spookyweather blog. Some of the data from the link can be found using the Wayback Machine while some of the video content if currently missing from the Web as far as this author can determine. Everything was functional and accurate at the time it was first published.  

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 11, 2024.]

LOOMING FINANCIAL CRISIS ALERT: Warren Buffett Just Dumped $7 Billion Of Bank Of America Stock! (Infowars)

Berkshire Hathaway billionaire Warren Buffett’s $7 billion Bank of America stock sell-off, falling Dollar Store stocks, and Biden’s fake job numbers are raising red flags. Economist Dr. Kirk Elliot and Alex Jones explore these troublesome indicators and what you can do to secure your wealth.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 11, 2024.]

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Young Hearts Part 60 - 5th September 2024 (Check Ur6)

A lot of young people are dying of heart attacks and strokes. Do not comply with any more jab mandates. And VOTE for people, or parties, that stood against the Covid madness in order to install anti establishment types that have a chance of addressing what's happening.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 10, 2024.]

Vuhledar Direction Has Collapsed. Novohrodivka Has Fallen. Military Summary And Analysis 2024.9.9

Latest map update.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 10, 2024.]

DOJ is Trying to SET UP Dave Rubin, Tim Pool & Benny Johnson? RussiaGate 3.0 Smells FISHY! Viva Frei

If any of these victims sit down and talk to the FBI they could be entrapped, like General Michael Flynn, into making a false or misleading statement. They'd do well to not speak to them at all.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 10, 2024.]

Gavin Newsom LAUGHS About Dems Rigging Their Primary & Installing Kamala! (Jimmy Dore)

During the recent Democratic National Convention in Chicago, California Governor Gavin Newsom joined the Pod Save America hosts to discuss the highly democratic, ground-up process that led to Kamala Harris receiving the nod as the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee. Oh wait, that’s exactly the OPPOSITE of what happened, which the foursome all laugh heartily over, showing just how little the Democratic Party respects democracy.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss how openly these Dem Party insiders discuss the evisceration of the party’s principles.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 10, 2024.]

Trump - It doesn't matter if you believe him or not (Sanity4Sweden)

At least Trump is saying the right things, for the most part. The other lot is pretending there's no problem. And Trump's ideas are correct. He is spreading the message to the general population about the real issues and what should happen. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 10, 2024.]

Residents Freak Out as Haitian "Immigrants" Kill & Eat Their Park Animals

You can't save the rest of the world by inviting them into your country. It does not work. The best policy is to help people in the places they already live.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 10, 2024.]

Bank Crisis & Inflation: The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind - Hidden Secrets of Money Ep 4 (Mike Maloney)

Who owns the Federal Reserve? How does the Federal Reserve work? You are about to learn one of the biggest secrets in the history of the world... it's a secret that has huge effects for everyone who lives on this planet. Most people can feel deep down that something isn't quite right with the world economy, but few know what it is.
Gone are the days where a family can survive on just one paycheck... every day it seems that things are more and more out of control, yet only one in a million understand why. You are about to discover the system that is ultimately responsible for most of the inequality in our world today.

The powers that be DO NOT want you to know about this, as this system is what has kept them at the top of the financial food-chain for the last 100 years.
Learning this will change your life, because it will change the choices that you make. If enough people learn it, it will change the world... because it will change the system .

For this is the biggest Hidden Secret Of Money.

Never in human history have so many been plundered by so few, and it's all accomplished through this... The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 10, 2024.]

Desperation As BRICS Put Dollar's Exorbitant Privilege on The Line.(maneco64)

Trump threatened a 100% tariff on countries dumping the US dollar. Mario's solution is to go back to a Gold Standard. The video goes over the history of the US dumping this standard in the 1970s. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 10, 2024.]

Banking is an essential service. Branches must stay open (Gerard Rennick)

Banking is an essential service. It’s why we need a Public Bank.

Earlier this year the Senate RRAT committee handed down its recommendations from the inquiry into closure of bank branches in the Regions.

The key finding was that a Public bank should be started by the government combining the physical presence of the post office with the payment systems of the RBA. In short most of the Infrastructure is already in place to make this happen.

All it takes is the willpower to do it.

As I state in my speech, Banking is an essential service like health and education. The best way to ensure its delivery is through a public/private model of delivery similar to what we have with health and education. Private banks can offer higher quality bespoke services at higher prices while a public bank can offer standard services at a cheaper cost.

The Public bank would be self-funding and aim to make an ROE of 5-6% v 10% for the private banks.

Additional services like Insurance and Superannuation accounts can also be provided.

The inquiry found that certain sectors were particularly vulnerable to bank closures. These were:

1) Businesses who need access to cash
2) Retirees who no longer feel comfortable using the internet or are vulnerable to scams
3) Regional communities who have to travel hundreds of kilometres to the next branch or don’t have access to the internet
4) Immigrants with poor English who need help with setting up bank accounts

Banks are profiting from closing down branches via

1) fewer running costs
2) greater merchant fees by forcing people to use credit cards
3) reduced CO2 emissions enabling them to meet their net zero targets (in other words the regions are the ones suffering thanks to the woke inner city mind virus)

The only party to fully support a Public Bank is peoplefirstparty.au

You can check out my other work at www.gerardrennick.com.au

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 10, 2024.]

Monday, September 9, 2024

As Ukrainian Lines Crumble, Kiev Asks For, "Receives" Non-Existent Missiles (TheNewAtlas)

- Ukraine’s Commander-in-Chief General Oleksandr Syrskyi admits that Russia outnumbers Ukraine in terms of manpower, arms, and ammunition;

- General Syrskyi also admits that new Ukrainian conscripts are not properly trained, with less than 2 months of training before being sent into combat;

- General Syrskyi claims that his incursion into Kursk, Russia has forced Russia to redeploy forces to Kursk, grinding Russia’s offensive to a halt elsewhere despite all evidence suggesting otherwise including pro-Ukrainian map projects;

- Ukraine complains about a lack of air defenses following increasingly large and effective Russian missile and drone strikes;

- The UK has announced it will supply Ukraine with up to 650 air defense missiles, however these missiles have not been produced yet, with the first batch to reach Ukraine no earlier than the end of the year;

- The UK, under Labour leadership, is continuing its support of Ukraine uninterrupted and is only flagging because the UK’s ability to produce and supply arms and ammunition is limited;

- 650 missiles will likely not last past 2-3 large Russian missile strikes;

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 9, 2024.]

Macron names EU loyalist Michel Barnier as new PM (TheDuran)

For real change to occur in Europe, and elsewhere, a lot more people need to be voting for anti globalist parties. The overarching problem is that any establishment politician is likely a controlled asset, either via bribery or blackmail. The other problem is that those promising change, like Meloni in Italy, have proven themselves to be untrustworthy. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 9, 2024.]

Ice Cube Is FUMING Over Black Voters! (Jimmy Dore)

Prominent rapper and actor Ice Cube recently posted a video directing people — in particular black people — not to just give up their vote without any expectation of getting something in return. The statement was clearly a tacit criticism of Democrats insisting that Americans vote blue just because Donald Trump is so terrible.

Jimmy and Due Dissidence hosts Keaton Weiss and Russell Dobular discuss why it’s such a difficult message for so many Democrats to hear that citizens should demand something in exchange for their vote.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 9, 2024.]

Politicians Produce Disastrous Policies As A Result of Stage One Thinking | Thomas Sowell

“The feeling that the government should “do something” has seldom been based on a comparison of what actually happens when the government does and when it does not “do something.”

Whether you agree with everything that Sowell contends or not, his observation here about one stage thinking is correct. A lot of globalist aligned policy ideas are sold as being good intentioned, but the longer term consequences of these ideas, such as open borders, is disastrous.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 9, 2024.]

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Max Blumenthal: Stealing a Jet and Applauding a Psychopath (Judging Freedom)

A US military officer is reported to have died in Poland at the same time as the recent missile strike on a training facility in Ukraine, which looks like a cover-up story to hide the fact he was in the war zone. Swedish and Polish officers were reported killed in the strike as well.

In the war in Gaza the heavy handed actions by the Israeli military continue to kill hostages in their war against HAMAS. Peace offers put out by Israel are centred around dividing the Gaza strip into two and controlling the border with Egypt, which appear to be unacceptable offers. 

Whatever you are seeing with the war in Gaza the bottom line is that the ultimate goal for those in power in Israel is the eradication of the Palestinians. This has been the case since 1947-48.

Note: The stolen jet reference, in the title, is from the US taking a jet belonging to the Venezuelan Government. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 8, 2024.]

Russians Landed In Kherson. Pokrovsk Logistic Collapsed. Kursk Adventure. Military Summary 2024.9.7

Latest update.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 8, 2024.]

'The West is made being made to forget who they are, and it's NO accident' | Neil Oliver

'I say the nations of the West are being made to forget who they are, who they were, and that it’s no accident.'

Neil Oliver says national identities are being 'deliberately and malevolently dismantled'.

People in the West have been trained to NOT stick up for their rights and property because they fear being called racists. As a consequence globalist policies of net zero plus open borders, and political censorship, that undermine wealth and human rights respectively, gets rolled out.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 8, 2024.]

CORRUPT Judge Merchan POSTPONES Trump Sentencing in CORRPT New York Hush Money Trial! Viva Frei

The issue with these cases against Trump is that if the same standards were applied to you you'd be screaming at the injustice of it all and demanding the cases be tossed out of court. The problem is that not many people are aware of the actual details and don't care about the underlying injustice because it's Trump. In the end all of the cases should be dismissed on appeal or at the Supreme Court.  

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 8, 2024.]

Every Shitty Republican is Endorsing Kamala Harris (Styx)

All the establishment hacks are backing the establishment puppet. This is a good reason to vote for Trump, despite any reservations one might have about him. The huge problem Trump faces is vote fraud, via mail-in ballots or machine vote flipping 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 8, 2024.]

Venezuelan Gangs Sent To America By Design by Greg Reese

Destruction of America happening now from within

This has been happening since last November. All the crooks in South America have moved to the USA and the US Government knows this fact. The only solution for the US is to close the border, begin mass deportations and/or declare war on the gangs (El Salvador measures).

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 8, 2024.]

Why Is This History Of Slavery Hidden In Schools? (Thomas Sowell)

Thomas Sowell points out that large numbers of Europeans were enslaved by the North Africans. Raiding Europe for slaves went on for many hundreds of years and few Europeans survived. Also, the Arab slave trade, encompassing all nearby regions, went on for thousands of years. It should not be forgot that the Africans the Europeans took to The New World came from African slavers.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 8, 2024.]