Wednesday, September 25, 2024

"P Diddy" Sean Combs DENIED BAIL! Are They Going to Epstein Puff Daddy? Viva & Barnes

The charges against P Diddy did not include anything related to Epstein-like blackmail that we know, from witnesses, was happening. And now he's in the same jail as Epstein when he was murdered.  The mainstream media story has avoided the blackmail aspect to what's happened here. Remember that none of the Epstein clients were ever charged, or for that matter officially acknowledged as participating in criminal activity. A plea deal will be cut with P Diddy, or he'll end up dead.

Note: It's often been pointed out that the US is controlled by the intelligence agencies and organised crime/corporatists (who are often working together) ...

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 25, 2024.]

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