Saturday, September 21, 2024

NASA Sea Level (Tony Heller)

When their sea level rise predictions were failing, US government agencies simply moved the goalposts, and made up fake data.

It's really important to understand that 'trusted institutions' and authority figures can be corrupt, or act corruptly for whatever reason. It's more common than people think. The video shows you how, after 1995, NASA has cooked their tide gauge summary data to show an acceleration in the sea level. However, no such increase exists if look at the tide gauge data. The clip shows you the data. There is no acceleration. This cooking of the data, when it comes to the climate is, unfortunately, common. Part of the reason for cooking things is, if there was no 'emergency', the money would dry up. We know this happens.

The good news is that we're not in any danger. The bad news is that this scam is being used to impoverish and control ordinary people. It's being used to grind people down and won't end well, which is why it's important to expose what's happening at to ask people to vote for anti globalist parties and independents.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 21, 2024.]

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