Sunday, September 22, 2024

'Days of democracy are GONE' seethes Neil Oliver as 'JAIL' awaits Brits DARING to speak up (GBNews)

Neil Oliver says Britain is now a 'controlled demolition project'.

The clip warns about the UK's involvement in pushing the war in Ukraine towards World War 3, sending money and weapons overseas, while things have become progressively worse for ordinary people at home. Both major parties are captured by the special interests and are war mongering. The video does not deal so much with the issue of censorship but it's worth checking out. The idea with this post is to raise awareness about the fact that those in power are not really working to help you anymore. When things come to the crunch they'll force austerity on the public for a situation that they themselves have created. Think about that.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 22, 2024.]

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