Friday, September 27, 2024

COL. Douglas Macgregor : Putin's Patient Plans (Judging Freedom)

The clip opens with a discussion about the conflict in the Middle East and that any land offensive into Southern Lebanon will likely result in large scale missile attacks that will draw in the USA. Things are escalating rather than cooling off which seems to be the intention of the more extreme elements on either side. MacGregor warns that what's going on is actually a ruthless war of extermination, coming from the Israelis, but also in the mindset of their Arab neighbours (at least from many on the street). He sees the real flashpoint in the world today as being in the Middle East. 

With the war in Ukraine the Russians are warning that strikes upon their forces coming from NATO allied countries at their border will be met with massive counter strikes. The warning here is to discourage further interventions in the conflict, and there's every chance the US will back off and focus on the fighting in the Middle East.   

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 27, 2024.]

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