Saturday, September 21, 2024

DARK DAY: Federal Court sides with Trudeau censorship ruling against Rebel News (Rebel News)

In free countries, readers get to decide which journalists to trust. But in Trudeau’s Canada, that’s now a government decision, and Trudeau hand-picks the censorship panel making the decision.

This is not just about Rebel News, whatever you think of them, it's about any form of independent media. They're going to appeal it.

Additional Comment:
If you have issues with any media, the ones that come across as being dishonest can be roasted. But with censorship you can't do that. Presently the MSM is loosing out to the alt media in general because they keep lying to the public. They're being roasted. If there was harsh online censorship there would be little avenue for dissent. The same roasting of media content can also be applied to the alt media. If you don't agree with a story from Rebel News you should be able to roast them. In the end, the news consuming public will (largely) ditch media that pushes too much spin or outright lies. Often it's a simple matter of observing the primary source material being offered by different outlets, plus looking at the historical content (context) they air, and then people can work things out. Censorship is a bad idea.

Editorial/Clipped Comment: This Gov censorship issue is not unique to Canada either.

One last comment. Cracking down on dissent can get a lot of people killed if the Government policy is off the rails, like getting involved in unnecessary wars, or misguided/corrupt medical interventions (pushed by big pharma connected officials and administrative stiffs). The ability to offer up dissent is important.

I think what people fear, when it comes to the masses, is them being swayed by propaganda. But if people are properly educated, with the sort of things I continually post here about the scientific method, enlightenment thinking, psychological aspects to how one thinks, and psycho-social aspects to institutional power (power corrupts/attracts the corrupt,conformity issues with the political party system) then, with this sort of education, one can do a lot better when it comes to voting for independents and minor parties. And this knowledge helps drive the debate when it comes to wanting more checks and balances on the systems that 'govern' us - where we need a LOT more transparency on the bureaucracy and the elected politicians.

So with better education the public can be entrusted to navigate through the forest of media, being mindful of a number of pitfalls, and wanting real open discussions - as opposed to staged debates with approved participants.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 21, 2024.]

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