Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Neil Oliver Interviews Dr Clare Craig - Under attack!!!

…a runaway train with no brakes…

Dr Clair Craig talking about institutionalised science, group think and a lack of humility that undermines the scientific process. She highlights the point that the situation we face today, when it comes to facing up to the truth about the pandemic and the jabs, is being shaped not just by big money but by failures of thought and human psychology. We're in a world where too many people are worshipping false idols, in the form of authority, where this has undermined how people with scientific training should be operating.  [Not mentioned here; It should also be pointed out that doctors have tended to follow rigid top down protocols for legal reasons too, to avoid potential prosecution]. 

Dr Craig's closing words are excellent when it comes to her uncertain future; that she's rather be where she is now, and says "I don't know if I've burnt all my bridges, but I'd go back and burn them again if so". Meaning she'd do it all again, losing the security she had in the past for where she is now in terms of her role the world as she now understands it. Neil Oliver also talks about his own awakening to the fact that things are off the rails, and that he's give up wealth and comfort in order to have the knowledge he's recently gained. 

In the opening of the video they talk about the pandemic measures and 'group think' as being like a runaway train, with the the lack of a proper dissent process, with experts in denial, with many caught in the grip of a mass psychosis event. Despite this they remain hopeful about what they are doing in communicating what's happening to the public and look towards a time in history where we've learnt from the present day epistemological mistakes being made.  

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 16, 2024.]

Scott Ritter : Can Israel Survive a War with Iran? (Judging Freedom)

The clip opens with talk about Ukraine where Ritter points out that the war will only end with Ukraine's surrender. In the Middle East Israel faces attacks by drones and missiles that they cannot stop. In a war of attrition the Israelis will struggle without the direct intervention of the USA, which may be the long term plan. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 16, 2024.]

Retreat From The Zaporozhye Direction. Victory Plan. Kursk Trap. Military Summary For 2024.10.15

Latest map update and political developments. What is Zelensky's victory plan? At present the Ukrainian Army is being demolished on the battlefield.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 16, 2024.]

Appellate Court DESTROYS Trump’s Prosecutor- Ready To TOSS OUT $450 Million Verdict! (Jimmy Dore)

The political persecution of Trump is a clown show. Any sensibly operating court will throw out the case.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 16, 2024.]

Don't Be Fooled by the Stock Market Melt-Up. It's a Currency Event! (maneco64)

The markets are obviously being juiced up. This is a sign that there's a big problem when it comes to genuine investment into stocks - and it's a bad reflection when it comes to the real economy. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 16, 2024.]

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Young Hearts Part 62 - Lies and Doublespeak - 13th Oct 2024 (Check Ur6)

Doctors and Medical Professionals/Administrators are 'baffled' by all the sudden illnesses and deaths over the last 3 years. After 4 mins of intro this clip opens with a lot of kids under 20 suffering from heart attacks playing sports, mostly in the USA - in just the last three weeks. The big problem is they're still pushing the jabs that are undoubtedly the cause. This really needs to stop. And to counter all the sudden deaths, and near deaths, we need more research to test people to understand the risks. People at risk need treatment or to avoid straining themselves. This is still not happening. Facing up to the truth, by those in authority, is not happening. Hence this post. 25mins total.

ps. If clips like this were shared like wildfire online, and people in the medical community, and politicians, saw them, then the pressure to do something would build - especially if their family members were sharing the content, or at least seeing the content and talking about it.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 15, 2024.]

Before NZ’s COVID VAX rollout, just 2,000 attended A&E for 'CHEST PAINS' a year – now it's 30,000 (World Orders Review)

The truth of this crime cannot be kept hidden. The jabs need to be banned immediately. Justice for what happened will come eventually.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 15, 2024.]

Is THIS Why They Want Ivermectin Banned? This Is About To Change EVERYTHING (Russell Brand)

Ivermectin might be effective in treating cancer, but big pharma won't touch it because they can't profit from it. Also, MDMA might be effective in treating PTSD. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 15, 2024.]


She's a dumb ass globalist stooge that has no problem throwing everyone under the bus, and people are waking up to it!

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 15, 2024.]

Take this survey please it's only two questions... (Mind Treasury)

From Søren Korsgaard: I am currently conducting research for a paper on the phone calls made from the hijacked airliners during the events of September 11, 2001. As part of my study, I am interested in understanding different perspectives on this topic, particularly within communities that question the official narrative. To gather insights, I have created a survey to explore beliefs about whether these phone calls were genuine or faked. Your participation will provide valuable data for my research and help shed light on various viewpoints regarding this aspect of 9/11. Please take a moment to participate in the survey below. Your responses are anonymous and will be used solely for academic purposes.  

Søren Korsgaard is also the author of a paper in the Journal of 9/11 Studies: 


[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 15, 2024.]

Private Equity -The New Subprime? Global Banks Have Significant Exposure.(maneco64)

A good explanation of the situation from Mario about excessive debt racked up by the Private Equity Groups, and rising defaults. There are a number of different things that can cause an economic crisis at present and this is one of them. The problems unfolding here are likely to increase pressure to lower interest rates. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 15, 2024.]

Monday, October 14, 2024

Australian Senator Issues Emergency Warning To The World: Humanity Is Coming For The Globalists! (Infowars)

Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts joins Alex Jones to give an emergency warning to the globalists that they won’t be able to flee from justice after perpetrating the COVID plandemic and many other crimes against humanity.

A really good interview with Jones pointing out the fact that we're being put under the thumb of anti human globalist minded corporatists (predominantly from the highest levels of the financial sector via the WEF etc).

Their plans are the sort dreamed up by mad scientists, where their goals are to eventually have everyone on a social credit system. It's crazy, but they're trying it on.

We've also had to content with being damaged and killed by experimental jabs, likely intended to cull our population, but this has woken up the masses, at least a large chunk, so that the maniacs in charge are now in big trouble. Their plans for a 'Great Reset' are facing a great level of resistance. More people need to be aware of what is happening, hence sharing videos like this. Play at 1.75 speed to get through it. Listen as radio noise. You don't have to agree with all the content to understand what we are facing. So stand up and do not comply with any more of their madness.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 14, 2024.]

Western Narratives Unravel in Ukraine Including Ukraine's Black Sea "Victory" (TheNewAtlas)

Russian forces have made significant advances all along the line of contact including beyond the now Russian-held city of Vugledar, around Pokrovsk, and toward Torestsk;

Ukraine’s Western sponsors continue to incrementally admit the limits of their military support for Ukraine;

Limitations to Ukrainian manpower are also increasingly being admitted to;

Recent Russian missile strikes on Ukrainian maritime shipping have reversed the so-called Black Sea "victory" the collective West has hailed for months (if not years);

Ukraine's "victory plan" most likely entails Ukraine being admitted into NATO as the conflict continues, creating similar dynamics to the US occupation of Syria, and locking Western military power in Eastern Europe making pursuit of US primacy elsewhere more difficult;

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 14, 2024.]

BIG APPLE INJUSTICE! New York AG Letitia James & Judge Arthur Engoron DESTROYED by Court of Appeal! (Viva Frei)

A case with no victim and no fraud !

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 14, 2024.]

Society ‘put to the torch by PROGRESSIVES’ as Labour nudge UK towards digital SLAVERY | Neil Oliver (GBNews)

‘All the generations held dear, is put to the torch by self-proclaimed progressives!’

Neil oliver discusses the assault on freedom of speech by the Labour Party and Tony Blair's possible involvement behind the scenes.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 14, 2024.]

Poland BANS asylum seekers! (Jeff Taylor)

Would you believe it, that arch Europhile the Prime Minister of Poland, Donald Tusk, will temporarily ban migrants from claiming asylum in Poland.

Reality eventually strikes. Meanwhile in the UK the globalists continue to destroy the country with mass migration. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 14, 2024.]

Toyota REJECTS Woke | Joins List of Major Corporations ENDING DEI Programs as Disney Flounders (Doomcock)

In a major blow to DEI and ESG governance, a corporation much larger than Disney steps away from "the agenda" and announces it will no longer fund or participate in divisive political sponsorships or endorsements! In other words, Toyota has decided moving forward it is in the business...of doing business! This is not an anomaly folks...while we were focused on pop culture, we failed to realize that quietly and surely, major corporations outside of Hollywood are moving AWAY from all this woke madness! Here's my analysis of the situation, and my explanation of why this is a major win for us!

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 14, 2024.]

Sunday, October 13, 2024

DNA [Contamination] - John Campbell

Compelling evidence that excessive synthetic foreign DNA encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles

Mr. Russell Broadbent, MP

In short, there is compelling evidence that excessive synthetic foreign DNA encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles can integrate into human cells, potentially leading to genomic instability, cancers, immune system disruption, and adverse hereditary effects.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 13, 2024.]

U.S. Phases Out project Ukraine (TheDuran)

Ukraine was always completely expendable for the US neocons who were driving the war. The bottom line is that the Russians will win. By continuing to fight the West is pushing things to the point where the Ukrainian Army will likely collapse. The US and other countries will walk away from the disaster, while 'suffering' momentary embarrassment, and then continue with other projects, such as the fighting in the Middle East.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 13, 2024.]

They're Panicking (Paul Joseph Watson)

Trump's leading in the polls and the establishment hacks are worried, at least those that don't factor in the vote rigging. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 13, 2024.]

The BRICS' UNIT Will Mean End of Dollar Dominance But Won't Guarantee Sound Money.(maneco64)

The debt burdens on many Western countries will be their undoing despite whatever gold holding these countries have. For individuals, hedging your wealth with hard assets is always a good idea.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 13, 2024.]

Fact-checking science communicator Flint Dibble on Joe Rogan Experience (Graham Hancock)

On 16th April 2024 Joe Rogan hosted a debate between archaeologist Flint Dibble and author Graham Hancock. Dibble said he came to debunk "pseudoarchaeology" with a "truth sandwich". What were its ingredients?

00:00 Shipwrecks
15:22 Metallurgy
23:45 Racism
47:15 No evidence?

You don't have to agree with everything Hancock pushes when it comes to his argument for an Ice Age civilisation, but his rebuttal here is very good in many respects. 

Expanded comment/Editor's note:

Whatever you might think about Hancock, this video is important as it shows you (teaches) the process of investigating issues when you find them debated online, or anywhere else. It's simply not good enough to watch one rebuttal video to something without looking to see if there is any feedback to the rebuttal. A lot of people are complacent and simply take whatever the mainstream rebuttal says at face value when such things can be actual disinformation (clever lies), or misinformation (it is actually less likely the mainstream is making a mistake).

This video is a response by Graham Hancock to being rebutted in a live debate and then realising that he'd been ill prepared to address what was put it him, and also realising he'd been grossly misled or lied to in the rebuttals.

I don't agree with everything Graham Hancock puts forward when it comes to exploring the issue of a lost human civilisation, but in this case he's pointing out instances of fact that demolish what was claimed. This is the sort of process one needs to follow to get at the truth. If there's another rebuttal to Hancock then you follow that and see where it goes. However, the problem for the mainstream defender is that he's clearly using cherry picked and strawmannned arguments to make his case. So there's not much comeback when it comes to pointing out that the mainstream guy seems to be a disinfo artist. This stuff is common. It does not mean that Hancock is 100% correct either, but it does show that his opponent seems to be a disingenuous character.

The most important thing is to drill down into the data and understand what it actually says and to understand areas where the material draws no solid conclusions. It's a lesson in basic comprehension and doing the work in listening to all sides of an argument to see how they are comprehending the data, or misrepresenting it. You learn this stuff from reading debate threads on forums and it's VERY important to employ the same mindset to EVERYTHING when it comes to exploring controversial issues.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 13, 2024.]

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Pepe Escobar : Latest from Moscow LIVE (Judging Freedom)

When engaged in conflict it helps to listen to what all the participants are saying, outside of what the mainstream media is saying. Alt media reporting is doing a much better job relaying what the 'Global South' is doing in reaction to the war in Gaza and Lebanon. 

One interesting point raised by Escobar is that Israeli hardliners are still talking about taking over large areas of the Middle East - into Saudi Arabia, Syria and Jordan. What's going on, over many decades, is ethnic cleansing, by mass migrants from Europe. However, Arab resistance to this cleansing might turn the tables on what's happened, although this would draw in the United States. There seem to be no good solutions aside from a Two State solution with viable (redrawn) borders in Israel. The wars are about people fighting over a secure place to live. 

When it comes to Ukraine, the war is not being rushed. Escobar talks about it continuing into 2025 with the same strategy of attrition - where the US and Europeans cannot win. Calls for a diplomatic outcome are a more realistic approach for the losing side, while the Russians should push for a complete surrender and change of Government in Ukraine. Anything less will result in the continuation of the war at a later date via Western rearmament.  

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 12, 2024.]

She's in BIG Trouble (Paul Joseph Watson)

While the polls might show that she's in big trouble a lot of Dems are not concerned, likely because of the vote rigging that will be used in the key swing states. The only thing that might be able to stop this fraud is if there are a lot of Republican under cover agents recording the corruption. They were caught last time, in 2020, but got away with it. The second time around there needs to be better documentation. The other big problem is that the judiciary refused to see any of the evidence that would have overturned the election. This is still a big problem. If they cheat again then various States in the Union need to break away from the Federal Government due to it becoming a lawless body.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 12, 2024.]

Tiny Town Receives HALF its Population in Migrants - "They Just Wave Them All Through" (Red Elephants)

All these people need to go back. The countries they come from are not at war. They're not citizens. They can all be sent back to where they came from.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 12, 2024.]

Reviewing IDIOTIC Leftist Tweets: You Can't Save Them From Themselves! Viva Frei

A lot of people on the left talk about suffering from mental illness. You should believe them. They don't seem to engage in a mechanical understanding of how things function but one based on fuzzy generalisations that don't match reality. 

The bottom line is that the US is controlled by a corrupt globalist corpocracy and the best chance to change things is by voting for nationalist candidates - however problematic they may be. The America First idea is the right way to go. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 12, 2024.]

NEW Discoveries and Digs at Pyramid Site of Abu Sir! More Ancient Egyptian Lost Technology...(UnchartedX)

The Ancient Egyptian Old Kingdom Pyramid site of Abu Sir is rarely visited, closed to the public since 1907, yet contains almost endless examples of lost ancient technology, in the precision stonework and architecture found across the site. Recent excavations at Abu Sir have revealed some remarkable new details, more examples of advanced stonework, and connections to other, out-of-place artifacts found across Ancient Egypt. These connections lead to some startling possibilities of longer timelines and a lost ancient civilization. Join me as we get into the history of excavation and discovery on this site, and dive into the details of the new finds!

0:00 Introduction
2:24 Channel Update / Value for Value
3:51 Upcoming tours and conferences
6:01 Abu Sir location, history, finds
12:09 New digs and archaeological work, academics vs independent researchers
17:52 Flint Dibble and Vases
20:27 Abu Sir new finds and links to other sites/artifacts
34:33 My history with Abu Sir
36:50 New tubular drill holes
39:58 Precision boxes, changes, and the Mastaba of Ptahshepses
48:06 Scanning Electron Microscopy and wrap up

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 12, 2024.]

Friday, October 11, 2024

COL. Douglas Macgregor: Israel After a Year of Slaughter (Judging Freedom)

Is Israel facing its 'Little Bighorn' moment? Every country in the Middle East has politically turned against the Israelis. Previously numerous Governments in the region had been placated.

The end game now for the Israelis would be to escalate the situation so that the US becomes involved. When it comes to Iran, they also have Russian support. 

All sides can back down right now, but this would leave a mess when it comes to the status of Gaza and the border with Lebanon. There seems to be a win or be destroyed mentality at place in the minds of the Israeli leadership. The removal of Netanyahu might change this situation. However, practically, the Arab States surrounding Israel have grown much stronger in the last few decades, and if the Israelis don't act now they face annihilation in the near future - if there is a serious war. This present war could certainly be viewed as their 'End Game'.  

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 11, 2024.]

“We Need TOTAL CONTROL Of Social Media!” – Hillary Clinton (Jimmy Dore)

Ever since she was calling for the assassination of Julian Assange, Hillary Clinton established a well-deserved reputation as an enemy of the first amendment. Now she’s burnishing that reputation by insisting that the government needs to “control” social media to prevent the spread of disfavored ideas.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the increasingly fascistic tendencies of the Democratic Party as reflected in Clinton’s statements.

The establishment crooks have finally woken up to the fact that online media has destroyed the MSM propaganda bubble, but it's too late. The crooks reveal themselves with these calls for censorship. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 11, 2024.]

BOMBSHELL: Judge Rules Fluoride In Water Harmful To Human Health! w/ Michael Connett (Jimmy Dore)

It's forced medication which should never be allowed. It's one thing to have clean water and another thing to put something in the water that is neurotoxic at low levels.


The Fluoride Deception - Full Length Documentary

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 11, 2024.]

How is the fair work commission independent when they follow whatever the government says? (Gerard Rennick)

The behaviour of the Fairwork Commissioners throughout Covid is another reason why we need an Independent Judicial Commission.

The judgements of the Fairwork Commissioners in regards to Covid mandates were quite frankly callous, uninformed and just plain wrong.

Take some of the downright stupid statements from Commissioner Colman in the Coopers Brewery case:

• “[39] First, it is a matter of public record and a notorious fact that ATAGI is an expert body whose role is to provide evidence-based advice on the administration of vaccines to the Commonwealth, and also to the general public. ATAGI’s fifteen members hold senior positions at major universities, hospitals and research institutions around the country. ATAGI’s status as an expert body that provides advice to government and the public cannot seriously be doubted and indeed the applicants did not seek to impugn that status.

Wrong. Colman’s job was to test ATAGI’s expertise and advice for accuracy. ATAGI provided no evidence based testing around the safety of the vaccine and ignored well known phenomenons such as original antigenic sin. To fail to do proper diligence shows Colman was negligent in his duty.

• “[40] Secondly, ATAGI has been continuously evaluating the epidemiological state of the country in respect to COVID-19 at its weekly meetings and updating the advice that it provides to the public on its website. Its advice has therefore remained current. I note that the formulation of ATAGI’s advice about the effect of vaccines on transmission of the virus changed over the relevant period. In updates from September to December 2021 ATAGI stated that vaccination was an intervention to ‘prevent infection, transmission and severe disease’. A statement on 24 December 2021 said that booster doses were ‘likely to increase protection against infection with the Omicron variant’. Then on 17 January 2022, an ATAGI update stated that vaccination ‘prevents serious disease and death, and reduces disease transmission’.”

Wrong. The fact that ATAGI kept changing its advice in such a short period of time as it become evident the vaccine didn’t work shows ATAGI had no idea of what it was doing.

• “[41] The fact that there may be views in the scientific community that differ from those of ATAGI about the effect of vaccines on transmission of the virus is neither surprising nor a reason to doubt the reliability of ATAGI’s advices.

Wrong. Either Colman’s mental capacity needs to be seriously questioned with this statement or his impartiality. If there are different scientific views to ATAGI then that is a reason to question ATAGIs advice, especially when their initial advice was shown to be incorrect and they kept changing it after evidence showed they were wrong. Experts know in advance what is going to happen, not after the horse has bolted.

You can read the rest of the findings yourself below but there is no way Commissioner Colman should be allowed to get away with this judgement.

It is seriously flawed and yet again the question needs to be asked - who will hold the judges to account.

The authorities at every level got things drastically wrong, and did not take in the dissenting evidence that clearly pointed out all the relevant problems. Almost no one along the chain seemed to comprehend some very BASIC things and just differed to other establishment authorities. Like their brains were switched off. It's their JOB to objectively consider various situations that come before them.

How hard is it to understand the inherent dangers of the mRNA tech, and that the virus posed little harm to those of good, or even average, health? How hard is it to understand that the jabs were never intended to stop the transmission of the virus - but they talk about intention of the shots to do just that? How hard is it to understand that the jabs being rolled out in Australia at the time were out of date when it came to the current strains of the virus, and were almost certainly useless? How hard was it to look at overseas data to see that the more jabs you got the more likely you'd end up in hospital - which showed they did not work and made things worse (NSW health records later confirmed this fact)? How hard is it to understand that coercing or tricking people into taking an experimental drug is a crime against humanity? The Fair Work Commissioners acted like Na zi judges approving a crime against humanity. Under International Law (ICCPR) they should also be held to account for their actions. Without accountability the crime of tricking and coercing people into take these harmful experimental shots will continue.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 11, 2024.]

HERE’S WHY They Won’t Allow Volunteer Hurricane Aid! (Jimmy Dore)

Best comment from You Tube:


This is EXACTLY what I've been saying. During a disaster, the people in power get rich. It's not about helping anyone. The name of the game is: the government hands out a huge contract to a friend or family member. That person then takes a small portion of that money, and buys supplies. They then stage a photo op, or film some videos of them helping people, because the appearance of helping is the goal. Finally, they go home, and pocket the overwhelming majority of the money from the government contract, and start looking for another mansion to purchase. Look no further than what the Clinton's did in Haiti. Their friends got very rich off of that disaster.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 11, 2024.]

LAWYERS REACT! Commie Colorado Judge Sentences Tina Peters to 9 YEARS in Prison for "Election" Stuff (Viva Frei)

Many US Judges are out of control. The defendant was simply trying uncover evidence of vote fraud. 9 years is excessive considering violent criminals get shorter sentences.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 11, 2024.]

Debt Tsunami, Heavy Taxation and Big Government Barreling Towards U.K. Economy. (maneco64)

Rather than the financial system facilitating economic activity the sector has become a self serving entity - which is why QE, to prop up the massive debt pyramid, continues. Taxes are going up in the UK to cover the out of control Government spending and debt. How long can this go on with a weak underlying economy?

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 11, 2024.]

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Naming Names and Connecting Dots in the Globalist Agenda (Corbett Report)

So, you want someone to name names, cite documents and expose the facts about the decades-long globalist takeover? Then, you've come to the right place. Join James for this week's edition of The Corbett Report where he breaks down Dr. Meryl Nass' presentation to the International Crisis Summit in Tokyo and provides context and further reading about the cadre of elitists who are attempting to take control of the planet and its resources.

An important video on who the key Globalist thought leaders are and the policies they are pushing that get taken up by various Governments around the world. The key idea is the replacement of National Sovereignty with Global Governance. They use excuses about climate, and now pandemics, in order to place the assets of Nations around the world, including people, under top down control. And if they have to burn some things to the ground in order to get there they'll do it - or take advantage when this happens. It's why the Globalists are happy to see Nation States in a chaotic (economic/social) condition so they can do things over, and impose draconian controls on people and take control of their property. 'You will own nothing and be happy'. They will erase your individual rights for the 'greater good/for your protection' while a small group of elites will run around and do whatever they want. They'll also be a social credit system and strict control on everything you do, with activity rations, which sounds insane, but we already have a social credit system operating in China. These people are maniacs who are working to legislate all of these plans so that you'll end up in prison if you refuse. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 10, 2024.]

Cauldrons in Donbass. Zelensky buying time, hopes US enters conflict (TheDuran)

Ukrainian resistance is obviously weakening due to a lack of personnel and equipment. They're overstretched everywhere which means the Russian forces can more easily cave them up - maneuvering to encircle positions where the Ukrainians are forced to concentrate in urban areas.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 10, 2024.]

Ukrainians Retreat From Toretsk.Breakthrough At Siversk.IDF Advance🎖Military Summary For 2024.10.09

Latest map updates from Ukraine and the Middle East.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 10, 2024.]

CONFRONTED Over Money For Lebanon But Not Hurricane Victims?!? (Jimmy Dore)

The politicians in Washington likely see the areas impacted by the Hurricane as Trump voting areas, and so they're happy if they all die.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 10, 2024.]

UK population CRISIS - Society is collapsing! (Jeff Taylor)

UK Population number rockets again to over 68 million - but ONLY due to inward migration.

The West is being invaded thanks to globalist policies. They want Europeans impoverished, in conflict, and treated like second class citizens so that they can be controlled and diminished as opposition to their 2030 Agenda.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 10, 2024.]

Aussies rally against MAD censorship bill (Rebel News)

Australia's Misinformation and Disinformation Bill threatens free speech and shields mainstream media and the government from accountability.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 10, 2024.]

Hold On to Your Gold and Silver for Dear Life! (maneco64)

The Gold Price has been kept low but it keep rising - which means the powers that want to keep a lid on things are struggling. The big problem is predicting how things will unfold and when. The paper money manipulators have endless credit, so they can play this game for a long time. However, this does not mean that the crunch will never come. The best thing to do is to hedge yourself against possible disasters, without putting yourself under too much financial stress in doing so.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 10, 2024.]

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

LtCOL. Karen Kwiatkowski : Resist; Do Not Comply! (Judging Freedom)

Coverage of the Middle East conflict. The agenda is the elimination of the Palestinians, at the very least. The Colonel points out that Israel will recover from an economic slump following the war, but the Palestinians won't be able to recover lost land or lives.

Both Napolitano and Kwiatkowski accurately point out that US politicians are effectively controlled by the donor class in Washington, especially money coming from the Israelis, and so they support the wars and actions of the Israeli Government.

While there are some calls for restraint in this war, no real action to limit weapons or other types of support have been taken to bring an end to what is happening, at least in the short term.

A lot of new alternative media are waking up to how things really operate in recent years, especially following the Covid Jab genocide (where everyone ended up being victims of an out of control establishment). In this case they've understood that Washington is absolutely under the control of the lobbyists. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 9, 2024.]

Important letter to [Australian] PM (John Campbell)

Mr. Russell Broadbent, MP, Letter to Anthony Albanese, Australian Prime Minister

Mr Broadbent is warning of the dangers posed by the mRNA jabs and rightly wants them banned. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 9, 2024.]

Ry On Attwood About P Diddy (Ryan Dawson)

Ry is better researched in these areas than most analysts and talks in detail about what was going on. In this video he brings up the web of people running blackmail operations in the USA. None of this is new either. These sorts of things have been happening for many decades.  

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 9, 2024.]

1 in 100 UK Residents are Illegal immigrants?! (Jeff Taylor)

It brings me zero pleasure to inform you that shocking new figures show that 1 in every 100 people living in the UK is an illegal immigrant - further, Britain now has more illegal immigrants than any other European Nation ... AND the true figure could be many multiples higher than that. We are in deep trouble!

The illegals have to go back. The West is facing balkanisation and collapse from what is essentially an invasion.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 9, 2024.]

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Changing views (John Campbell)

Changing Views toward mRNA based Covid Vaccines in the Scientific Literature: 2020 - 2024

Before the global Covid-19 pandemic mRNA based vaccines had never been administered to the public,
(outside of a single clinical trial that was not completed at the time.)

The aim of this article is to raise awareness that medical science can be biased due to social and economic influences, especially during high stress epochs in history.

Scientists should be conscious of always being objective and sceptical regardless of what is happening in the wider world.

Best comment from You Tube:


It's not time to move on. People who want to move on are those who feel guilty about it and just want to forget. This situation needs to be fixed, recognized for what it was and stopped. Not forgotten.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 8, 2024.]

FBI Whistleblower's Warning To America Is Terrifying (Russell Brand)

The FBI is a lawless agency, acting more like The Gestapo in defending a corrupt State rather than protecting the rights of the people. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 8, 2024.]

FEMA Gives Free Homes to Illegals While Hurricane Victims Left Homeless (Salty Cracker)

The Federal Government in the USA is no longer fit for purpose. They're acting as the enemy of ordinary people. States need to take over all operations when it comes to their populations with the Feds only providing funds when needed. With FEMA helping illegals, they're acting, under the orders of people at the top, to essentially destroy the country.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 8, 2024.]

We are Already in the Dystopia (Sargon)

The dream of Utopia becomes the reality of Dystopia.

Excessively liberal/tolerant policies have put people to sleep and lead to the downfall of Western society as the corrupt have taken power. We've allowed too many lying and conflicted people into office. Now the globalists want to usher in a command and control system that crushes the lives of ordinary people. They will wipe out the voice and interests of the local inhabitants to put in something which only really looks out for the interests of the elites/establishment.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 8, 2024.]

Monday, October 7, 2024

Scott Ritter : The Middle East One year after October 7th 2023.(Judging Freedom)

Ritter is correct in stating that the world has changed since October the 7th. However, the calls for an inclusive Israeli-Palestinian State do not seem viable, and never were. The only solution seems to be the forming of Two separate States or the elimination of one of the sides. 

The central problem is that what we're seeing is the result of mass migration - something that is never a good idea for native populations. At the same time this is not to say that the Islamists are any good either. They need to remain in the Middle East, and other parts of the world, so that they do not mass migrate to the West which will lead to similar conflicts (war vs violent/aggressive colonists),

Note: A lot of the video deals with the present day reality that Iran can massively harm Israel via conventional missile strikes that could wipe out their power and water facilities. They could also rapidly develop nuclear weapons that would destroy their country, or pack thousands of missiles with chemical weapons. War with Iran is not a good idea.  

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 7, 2024.]

Helicopter Pilot THREATENED WITH ARREST For Rescuing Hurricane Victims! (Jimmy Dore)

Private individuals eager to bring aid and other supplies to Hurricane Helene’s victims are upset and frustrated at government restrictions on anyone providing unauthorized assistance. One helicopter pilot who said he had begun a life-saving mission to fly out desperate victims published a video to social media insisting that he had been threatened with arrest if he continued his relief flights.

Jimmy discusses the reasons why the government would only want to allow “authorized” individuals and organizations to provide victims with essential aid.

Those in authority seem to have a God complex, or a control complex. It's not just with this helicopter pilot. Ground relief was also being blocked, with highly competent private individuals told to stand down while the authorities did next to nothing. They should have coordinated everything by sending one liaison officer, from the National Guard, to radio back what they were doing etc. Some private relief efforts did get through tho. I saw a mule train going in someplace, and efforts from people like Dr Phil ! Elon Musk complained that his efforts to help were being rebuffed, or he was commenting on the fact of other efforts being rebuffed. Things are very broken. This stuff keeps happening too. It's common in most of the major US disasters over the last 20 years.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 7, 2024.]

Stunning Internal FEMA Videos Reveal Agency's ACTUAL Top Priorities (Mark Dice)

Newly resurfaced videos of FEMA executives, including the director, reveal what the agency's top priorities are, and while they seem like satire, they're actually real, and this is what they're doing. Media analyst Mark Dice has the story.

Their priorities have been to help illegal aliens and roll out woke policies. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 7, 2024.]

Neil Oliver: WATCH How The Elites Are EXPOSING Themselves For Who They Really Are..(GBNews)

Neil Oliver explores the increasing tension between freedom of speech and the powerful elites who aim to control the narrative. From social media censorship to state secrets, Oliver dives deep into the challenges democracies face in an era where self-selected information is deemed a threat. Watch as he unpacks the impact of censorship on free expression and the alarming influence of state control.

The idea with these posts is to give people some idea about what's really going on out there - with the power structure that 'rules over' us. It's actually really important. You can cut these megalomaniacs off at the knees by voting for independents and anti globalist nationalists.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 7, 2024.]

Roseanne Lodges DISTURBING Accusations Against Hollywood Elites! (Jimmy Dore)

We know they have Satanic themed parties, and there's a lot of pedos operating in Hollywood circles. We need some massive leaked videos or pictures that proves what's being claimed here to open a can of worms on these people, and also on the corrupt politicians mixed up in these crimes. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 7, 2024.]

Elon Goes "DARK MAGA" - Joins Trump ON STAGE! Media Melt Down Ensues (Mark Dice)

Who is actually going to go out and vote for Kamala? Not many, except via more fraud.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 7, 2024.]

This is why physics is dying (Sabine Hossenfelder)

In which I get very depressed that nothing has changed in 20 years.

Apparently untestable(!) theories are still being pushed that have a number of unresolved issues when it comes to explaining the nature of the Universe. This is obviously not good. This supposed circus is being continued because this is where the money and politics is at. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 7, 2024.]

Sunday, October 6, 2024

What’s Wrong with Boris Johnson’s Plan to “Save” Ukraine? (The New Atlas)

Former UK PM Boris Johnson suggests Ukraine join NATO even as the current conflict rages on, and committing NATO troops to a standoff with Russian forces. The highly reckless plan to "save" Ukraine is unlikely to stop the war and will further compound the crisis that has led to the West's failure to win its proxy war in Ukraine in the first place.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 6, 2024.]

Residents Screaming! Government Not Helping Hurricane-Devastated Areas! (Jimmy Dore)

As the devastation from Hurricane Helene slowly became evident, the public also slowly became aware of another disaster: the reponse — or lack thereof — from FEMA to get aid to the desperate millions without power, without water, without food and without medicine. Multiple videos from irate residents decrying FEMA’s absence have since gone viral.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 6, 2024.]

OUTRAGEOUS! FEMA Has SQUANDERED $650 Million on Illegals - Has No Money Left For Hurricane Season! (Viva Frei)

Government has become the enemy of the people, especially in red areas of the electorate. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 6, 2024.]

Turning Off the UK. Electricity is being rationed. If you were given a ration book, you’d understand (Katie Hopkins)

The UK is being deindustrialised by globalist policies. The West overall is being deliberately dismantled - culturally and economically.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 6, 2024.]

The most dangerous legislation in Australian history.(Reef Rebels)

The Australian misinformation laws which are expected to pass through parliament this year are the biggest assault on free speech in our history. and free speech is one of the foundation stones of our civilisation.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 6, 2024.]

Saturday, October 5, 2024

NEOCONS search for VICTORY narrative in Ukraine (TheDuran)

No Ukrainian victory is possible. The media will spin the loss as a strategic blow to Russian, which is not true. The Russians have only grown stronger militarily and economically as a result of the conflict while the West has faltered. 

Realistically the most likely scenario is a Russian military win and control over the entirety of Ukraine with Zelensky, or someone else, forming a Government in exile. The Russians cannot accept anything less than complete control, via proxy perhaps, or else they will face a rearmed opponent, and more fighting, in the coming years.  

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 5, 2024.]

Max Blumenthal : Iran/Israel: Who Provoked Whom? (Judging Freedom)

Detailed discussion covering the geopolitical situation in the Middle East. A realistic assessment.

The basic situation is that, to deescalate the conflict, there needs be a viable two state solution. The Israelis and the Arabs cannot live together. It's either a two State solution or the elimination of one side. The guests on this program are calling for a multicultural solution, but this is unlikely to work.  

The conflict here is a direct result of mass migration out of Europe into the Middle East. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 5, 2024.]

HALF Of Ukraine Land Has Been Sold To Western Corporations! (Jimmy Dore)

From the very beginning, since the coup in 2014, the Ukrainians have been treated like entirely expendable pawns. The lives of those living in Ukraine don't count for anything in the eyes of the neocons that have driven the war, and sabotaged all the peace efforts. The idea is to use Ukraine to give Russia a black eye, and to loot as much money/Ukr assets out of the conflict as possible. The war basically transfers money out of the public coffers into private hands.   

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 5, 2024.]

Border Agent Whistleblower Explosive Interview Will Shock Your Conscience! (Jimmy Dore)

The border is a lawless and dangerous place.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 5, 2024.]

Colorado Trump 2020 Election Case: Clerk Tina Peters CONVICTED on 8 Counts! Viva Frei Clip

A vote fraud whistleblower convicted. The outcome of this case is a disgrace since the judge blocked key information, and the actions of the defendant was justified by what was going on (corruption). The decision should be reversed on appeal since the case looks like it was improperly conducted, with a lot of double standards.

This case dealt with Dominion voting machines/technology.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 5, 2024.]

Parliament at a standstill over scandal-plagued yet immune-from-liability Liberals (Rebel News)

As the Liberals continue to violate parliamentary rules by withholding documents relating to their corrupt conduct, the Conservatives are stepping up with motions to force disclosure around the rampant misuse of taxpayer dollars funnelled into private companies, representing a crucial step toward restoring accountability and transparency in government.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 5, 2024.]

Investors to Iger: FIX Star Wars NOW | PURGE Lucasfilm, Hire Experts, and Make Us MONEY (Doomcock)

Suddenly Star Wars rumors are rolling in again, which suggests things are happening at Lucasfilm, and changes are in the air! In this report I detail a recent report from my spies about how some major investors are pushing Iger hard to make Star Wars profitable again, and they have some ideas on how to do it! Here's what I've been told is happening!

The SJWs have turned Star Wars into a dead brand. Perhaps the only way they can fix the mess is to completely void all the Disney Star Wars content and start again. The brand needs a rest too, after all the damage that has been done. Come back again in 10 years.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 5, 2024.]

Friday, October 4, 2024

Iran Readies For War, Bombs Shake Beirut; Kiev Crisis All Fronts; Kurakhovo Troops Trapped; 72 Brig Destroyed (Alexander Mercouris)

Summary comment from You Tube:


00:07 Israeli bombing strike on Southern Beirut and reports of fighting in southern Lebanon
03:18 Intense fighting in southern Lebanon and Iranian missile impact on Israel
09:21 Discussions on possible American involvement in Israeli attacks on South Lebanon
12:26 Iran and Hezbollah believe duplicity took place regarding ceasefire
18:34 Netanyahu wants to ramp up conflict with US support
21:24 Iran expresses reluctance for all-out regional war.
27:20 Iranian actions in conflict discussed at Friday prayers
30:06 Iranians feel pressured by Israelis and Americans leading to nuclear weapon consideration
35:45 Israeli attack on Iranian energy facilities could impact global energy prices
38:38 Hezbollah has survived and remains strong despite attacks
44:15 Ukraine conflict overshadowed by Middle East crisis in global diplomacy
47:00 NATO's principle of allowing countries to join at will is criticized
52:27 Battalion of the 72nd Brigade suffered heavy casualties in an attempt to escape
55:25 Russian Marine Brigade captures and holds Ugad after a difficult battle
1:01:09 Russian advancements and control of villages near Kurakhovo
1:03:56 Russian forces advancing in multiple areas
1:09:51 Russian advance in strategic locations threatens Ukraine
1:12:39 Russian advancement and strategies in Ukraine
1:17:54 Russian advances near Osol River
1:20:50 Russian air strikes intensify in Ukraine
Crafted by Merlin AI.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 4, 2024.]

Elites Are Sh*tting Their Pants Over 1st Amendment At WEF Forum! (Jimmy Dore)

At a recent World Economic Forum event, wooden-sculpture-come-to-life John Kerry recently spoke passionately about his desire to take a hammer to the first amendment. Elites are having a really tough time controlling the narrative, Kerry says, and they need to find a way to take back control despite irritating obstacles like free speech protections.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss how people like Kerry are the actual source of the most misinformation and disinformation, so it’s no wonder he’d like to silence anyone else he views as competition.

Excellent rant from Dore in this clip pushing back against Kerry talking about holding people accountable for their online social media words while people like him are not held accountable for lies about Covid, and the multitude of wars in which we find ourselves.  

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 4, 2024.]

Assange’s FIRST WORDS After Release From Prison! (Jimmy Dore)

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange spoke publicly on Tuesday for the first time since he was released in June from London’s Belmarsh prison. Assange addressed the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in France about his 14-year legal saga after publishing evidence of U.S. war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Assange was freed after pleading guilty to a U.S. charge of obtaining and disclosing national security material. “I eventually chose freedom over unrealizable justice after being detained for years and facing a 175-year sentence with no effective remedy,” Assange said. “I am not free today because the system worked. I am free today, after years of incarceration, because I pled guilty to journalism.”

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss how Julian Assange was punished for revealing the rot at the core of our alleged democracy and how the establishment seeks to punish anyone who challenges elite interests.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 4, 2024.]

Bankruptcy Court Authorizes LIQUIDATION of Alex Jones and InfoWars Assets for Sandy Hook Judgment! (Viva Frei)

The court will get the Infowars name, web domains, and studio, but nothing else. It's not worth that much without Jones. Alex Jones can still operate as an individual, or in some other capacity in the alt media. Roger Stone looks like he'll buy the Infowars brand from the Sandy Hook victims. And then there's the appeal against the verdict with a high chance of victory for Jones (because of legal malpractice). 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 4, 2024.]

Corrupt New York Judge Engoron's ABSURD $450 Million Trump Ruling is in SERIOUS TROUBLE! Viva Frei

There simply was no crime. Both parties were happy with the deal that was made, which was essentially standard practice when it comes to property evaluation.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 4, 2024.]

Reform UK MASSIVE win! (Jeff Taylor)

Should yesterday's result be replicated in a future general election, both Labour and the Tories will be in a world of hurt!

Council seat victory for Reform UK.  The bad news in this clip is the UK simply giving away overseas territories that don't have any claims upon them. A new Nationalist Government should seek to take back the territories, perhaps via a generous cash offer.  

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 4, 2024.]

Thursday, October 3, 2024

COL. Douglas Macgregor : Iran Hits Israel. What’s Next? (Judging Freedom)

MacGregor points out that Israel is intent on waging a war of extermination and seems to have few limits to whatever it does. The Colonel is concerned that the US is sleepwalking into a wider war. The longer the war continues the more likely that other countries in the region will take a more aggressive stance against the Israelis, such as Egypt, Jordan and Turkey.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 3, 2024.]

Ukraine Suffered Huge Losses In Vuhledar. Escalation In The Middle East. Military Summary 02.10.2024

Latest developments on the battlefield. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 3, 2024.]

Young Hearts Part 61 - Human Experiments - 21st Sept 2024 (Check Ur6)

Govts have conducted scores of human experiments (that we know of). How many are there we don't know of and how many are being conducted at the moment?

This video is posted as a warning because not everyone 'gets it' yet. The listings of dead and injured starts after 4:15. The opening 4 mins covers heinous past medical experiments on the public, led by small groups of academics, who deliberately injured and killed people. What's going on currently was also led by small groups of (corrupt) scientists who undoubtedly knew what they were doing in terms of injuring and killing people. This seems to be the point of the exercise. Opt out of any future experimental jabs. You have the right to say no without suffering persecution. The people pushing these shots are criminals.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 3, 2024.]

Host Goes Silent When RFK Jr Delivers BOMBSHELL Vaccines Revelation (Russell Brand)

RFK Jr talking about childhood vaccines and their likely link to chronic disease.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 3, 2024.]

Why Are So Many Americans In A Trance? Alex Jones Reports (Infowars)

With the upcoming election things are on the edge. The establishment, if they win, is going to change the game so that the public won't be able to easily get out of the dictatorship. This is the idea, but the fly in the ointment is State's Rights. Their plan should ultimately fail, but if Trump doesn't win there's going to be a big old mess as the country splits apart. US citizens really need to fully wake up. Many already have. More need to, especially those working directly for the establishment. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 3, 2024.]

JD Vance Mops the Floor with Tim Walz at VP Debate Last Night! Media in Panic (Mark Dice)

At the Vice Presidential Debate Tuesday night, JD Vance put on a masterclass of how to debate, as he humiliated Tim Walz as he tried to defend the Democrat agenda and Kamala Harris's record. Media analyst Mark Dice has some of the highlights and analysis.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 3, 2024.]

UK REJECTS Political Leaders! (Jeff Taylor)

What a bloody mess UK politics is in. A newly elected Labour government is now despised more than the last lot of Tory time wasters we've just comprehensively binned.

So who will the public vote for in the next election? They must NOT vote for ANY of the establishment parties.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 3, 2024.]

Why the UAP Disclosure Act Failed | Richard Dolan w/Christopher Sharp

Richard Dolan's guest is Christopher Sharp, a journalist from London who has been investigating UAP and related government programs. Chris is the author of a recent article detailing the failure of the UAP Disclosure Act to be included in U.S. legislation for the second year in a row. He provides insights into the political dynamics behind this failure, including potential opposition from certain members of Congress, defense contractors, and elements within the intelligence community. He also touches on his previous reporting about the CIA's Office of Global Access and its alleged involvement in UAP retrieval operations.

Throughout the interview, Sharp elaborates on various aspects of his investigative work, including a USO retrieval program, potential space-based UAP recovery operations, and the interplay between government agencies, military branches, and private contractors in handling exotic technologies.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 3, 2024.]

UbiSoft MELTDOWN: Delays Assassins Creed, Publicly Rejects Woke, Tells Woke Employees to F*** OFF! (Doomcock)

UbiSoft is panicking according to my sources, who say that in the wake of their decision to delay Assassin's Creed: Shadows in order to remove as much woke as possible, woke employees are angered by their rejection of "the Agenda", and UbiSoft is telling those employees to get onboard or get OUT! In this video I make the case that it doesn't matter how much wokeness they remove from this game, the simple fact UbiSoft has taken these steps at all sends a signal to the rest of the industry and Hollywood, and is a huge win in our fight to SAVE POP CULTURE!

Smaller companies simply can't afford to fail in the same manner as the larger established entertainment corporations. They don't have the financial depth to absorb huge monetary losses. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 3, 2024.]

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Scott Ritter : IRAN HITS ISRAEL.(Judging Freedom)

Against ballistic and hypersonic missiles the Israelis don't have a good defense. If they keep lashing out at their neighbours they'll be bombarded. The underlying cause of the problem is the fact that the Israelis, who are mass migrants from Europe, are kicking out the native Arab population in this region. The two solutions to what's going on here is; a land for peace deal or, the complete removal/extermination of one of the opposing sides.

Of course the ideal solution for the Israel extremists/neocons is to have the US enter the war and wipe out their enemies. An escalation to nuclear war is something that should not be ruled out - which could be instigated by a large scale chemical attack or a false flag chemical attack. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 2, 2024.]

RFK Jr. speaks at Michigan Trump rally: FULL SPEECH (Fox 4 Dallas)

Trump supporter Robert F. Kennedy Jr. speaks to a crowd of supporters at a rally in Michigan on Friday, Sept. 27, 2024.

Great speech covering many issues, from health, overseas wars, economic prosperity, and freedom of speech. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 2, 2024.]

Why did they release a vaccine that makes more of the spike protein than the actual virus? (Gerard Rennick)

TGA lies to cover up its negligence causing injury and death.

“TGA: Covid causes myocarditis at about seven times the rate of the vaccine.

Me: Have you got a study for that.

TGA: No, we do but I just don’t have it in front of me.


TGA: It’s fairly clear that vaccination against Covid is associated with a decrease in mortality.

Me: That didn’t happen in Australia.

TGA: It did happen.
At the last round of estimates it became clear that the TGA were colluding with Labor to filibuster their answers to cover up their negligence causing vaccine injuries.

To try and claim the Covid vaccine reduced mortality when deaths exploded in Australia is an insult to every deceased person and their families.

Likewise to claim the virus causes myocarditis at a rate 7 times higher than the jab knowing the spike protein was optimised to be toxic is also an insult to everyone who has suffered from myocarditis, pericarditis or POTs due to the jab.

But unlike like the TGA who use studies conducted by people who receive support from Pfizer (study referred to), real world data showed that deaths and cardiac presentations jumped before Covid was even in the community. So how does this bloke justify his claims?

But that is what we are dealing with when it comes to bureaucrats and weak politicians in this country.

They will ignore injury and kill people in order to avoid responsibility and protect their jobs.

There is no greater evidence of the leadership crisis we have in this country than acknowledging the violence these people inflicted on the Australian people.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 2, 2024.]

Biolab Chemical Plant Blows Up in Georgia Releases Massive Toxic Cloud (Salty Cracker)

Mr Cracker goes on a rant about out-of-control biolabs that the US funds all over the world. Are they going to use the destruction of this plant to trigger new lockdowns ahead of the upcoming US Presidential Election? The crooks in power will want to keep using those mail-in ballots and are looking for any excuse.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 2, 2024.]

Austria election, Freedom Party wins, Globalists rejected (TheDuran)

The people of Europe are slowly waking up. Unfortunately the establishment parties are working together to block those that will bring the necessary change. To overcome the blocking MORE people must vote for the anti globalist nationals in the next round of elections. As Europe crumbles this possibility increases.  

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 2, 2024.]

Russia Fires a Shot Across the Bow of the Paper Boys on Comex and LBMA (maneco64)

Russia is set to buy up precious metals aside from Gold.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 2, 2024.]

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Lebanon Ground War Begins; Ukr Vuhledar Disaster, Zelensky Sacks Commander; Kursk Pocket Being Cut Off (Alexander Mercouris)

Summary comment from You Tube:


00:07 Israel continues bombing Hezbollah positions in Lebanon.
03:07 Expected ground operation by Israel in Southern Lebanon.
09:36 Hezbollah appoints new leader and rebuilding leadership after recent disaster
12:50 Hezbollah leadership weakening due to lack of experienced commanders and potential corruption.
18:45 French Army's rapid collapse and Germany's victories in World War II
21:27 Prediction of Hezbollah gaining advantage and support in the conflict
27:06 Iranian political disarray affecting decision-making
30:01 Tensions rising in the Middle East with talks of a prolonged war
35:38 Lebanon faces potential ground war and escalating conflict with Hezbollah and Iran.
38:31 Continued ground war in Lebanon could create major stresses in US and Europe political systems
44:10 Contrasting Western and Russian war strategies
46:45 Discussion on Russian military strategy in Ukraine
52:21 Russian forces have effectively surrounded Vuhledar, trapping Ukrainian troops.
54:57 Ukrainian officer dismissed amid rumors of negotiating surrender in Vuhledar
1:00:38 Lebanon Ground War intensifies, Ukr Vuhledar significant loss
1:03:30 Ukrainian troops sacrificed in indefensible Vuhledar
1:08:40 Russian soldier spotted on motorcycle in Ukraine-controlled area
1:11:26 Russian army gaining control in Ukraine
1:16:28 Russian advancement into Mirad and control over Pakros predicted before New Year
1:19:11 Ukrainian successful defense near oskal river and Russian advancement in different regions
1:24:34 Possibility of sacking Ukrainian military commanders
1:27:20 Potential dismissal of Bdan of
Crafted by Merlin AI.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 1, 2024.]

All Routes Under Fire Control. Tsukuryne On The Verge Of Collapse. Military Summary For 2024.09.30

Latest map update.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 1, 2024.]

Congratulations Austria! Great Election Result! (Sanity4Sweden)

Fortress Austria. Ending aid to Ukraine. Sensible stuff. Unless they get excluded via a coalition of opposition parties when trying to form a Government.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 1, 2024.]

The truth is the leaders we are cursed with are not in charge in any meaningful sense, we are.(GBNews)

Keir Starmer, Granny-Harmer is all by himself, the embodiment of insincerity.

He’s not alone, rather he’s surrounded himself with others just like him, but I digress.

By now we’ve all heard about the tens of thousands of pounds worth of free clothes, for him and the missus, from a multi-millionaire Labour donor.

Aside from the cost … it’s the principle.

The public REALLY NEEDS TO VOTE AGAINST MAINSTREAM GLOBALIST PARTIES. The clip is correct in pointing out that the present crop of politicians are making life worse for ordinary people while feathering their own nests.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 1, 2024.]

No, The Voice Didn't Fail Because of Misinformation. (Quillette)

The 2023 Australian Indigenous Voice referendum failed, according to “Yes” advocates, due to misinformation. Figures like Marcia Langton and Noel Pearson cited false claims as key factors, though dissent was often dismissed. The Guardian labeled concerns about the Voice’s legal risks as "misinformation," yet opinions cannot be held to the same factual standards as empirical claims.

The term "misinformation" is increasingly weaponized beyond politics. Academics and government officials, like Chris Bowen, have used it to stifle debate. For example, critiques of gender identity concepts or nuclear energy policies have been dismissed as misinformation.

While misinformation is indeed a problem, it’s dangerous for governments to regulate truth. The Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation Bill proposes to do this, giving the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) the power to regulate online content. Critics argue this will lead to censorship and a chilling effect on free speech, as platforms lack expertise to judge content fairly.

The Bill’s timing, following the referendum defeat, suggests it’s part of the government’s grieving process. Rather than accepting the shift in public discourse, the government is in denial and anger, trying to regain control through legislation that redefines public debate.

Claire Lehmann reads her latest article in The Australian:

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 1, 2024.]

The TRUTH about Al Gore's climate lies (Rebel News)

A new film claims to reveal the real truth behind Al Gore's climate change agenda

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 1, 2024.]