Saturday, June 3, 2023

Jimmy Dore Reveals Stories Of Chicago Priest Who “Abused” Children (Jimmy Dore)

Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul announced Tuesday that the state has corroborated more than 1,900 victims’ child sex abuse claims against Catholic clergy in Illinois. The reported cases go back to 1950 and represent hundreds of abusers who were not previously made public.

Jimmy talks with Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger about his own experience growing up in Chicago with a priest who was widely known to sexually abuse child parishioners.

It seems the first act of any powerful institution, whether The Church, within large corporation or in politics, is to cover up acts of corruption rather than rat out the corrupt. There are a lot of pedos out there too. They seem to be everywhere. Very disturbing. It's surprising that lots of Catholic Priests have not been murdered by those they victimised, or that the parents have not killed them. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 3, 2023.]

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