Saturday, June 3, 2023

British Police Detain Grayzone Reporter For Exposing Government Lies! (Jimmy Dore)

The Grayzone reporter Kit Klarenberg was recently detained and interrogated for five hours by British police after entering the country to visit relatives. As Max Blumenthal explains, Klarenberg was forced to give up his phone and sim cards and answer endless questions about The Grayzone, the publication’s funding, how much he earns, how he pays for utilities and a range of other inquiries, all upon threat of arrest.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Max about this outrageous attack on the free press and how it suggests The Grayzone is making powerful people very nervous.

The cops said they were acting to fight terrorism, but they acted more like agents of a terrorist state. A UK dictatorship. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 3, 2023.]

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