Saturday, June 3, 2023

“Your Organization Is A CIA Cutout” – Grayzone Reporters School NED VP (Jimmy Dore)

Leslie Aun, VP of Communications and Public Engagement for the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) recently called Max Blumenthal and Alex Rubenstein of The Grayzone to dispute their characterization of the NED as a “CIA cutout,” although she admitted she didn’t know what the term “CIA cutout” means. In response the two journalists educated Aun about her organization’s sordid history and many of the ways the NED has served the interests of empire but with the sheen of “democracy” to protect its image.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Max about the surreal conversation and whether he felt Aun was genuinely ignorant of the subject matter.

They make a good point, at the end of the clip, that a lot of people on the left are now backing everything coming out of the establishment because it is seen as anti-Trump. The leftists are now pro war, pro CIA etc.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 3, 2023.]

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