Saturday, November 18, 2023


In 2002 the Guardian newspaper released Osama Bin Laden’s “letter To America” that he allegedly wrote after the 911 attacks. Tick Tock users have recently learned of this letter, they’ve read it and they agree with some of the things he was allegedly saying, like that he hated the United States because of its support for Israel and that they should leave the Palestinian people alone.

The guardian newspaper ended up removing the published letter claiming that it was being taken out of context…

But by simply engaging in censorship the Guardian is actually AMPLIFYING and perpetuating this lie that Osama Bin Laden is responsible for the attacks!

Not only that, TikTok is also conditioning the minds of the masses for another false flag attack that would be carried out by the CIA and blamed on Hamas operatives.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth breaks down the latest propaganda about 911 that is currently being used to condition the masses for another attack!

The clip warns about a CIA-Israeli false flag attack on the USA to be blamed on HAMAS, or likely Iran. 

Important Note: Be mindful that false flag attacks are a real thing, and are fairly common. The video here warns of such an attack in the West designed to sway public opinion, although the public is now fairly well informed about certain conflicts and it might not work.

After 911, because it was so bad, a lot of people were stunned/shocked and were thinking how could it have come to this situation?

People ended up reflecting on real world issues in the Middle East, and what could be done to solve them, even tho, in reality, the issue was being used, in combination with the attacks, to kick off unnecessary wars with countries that had nothing to do with the attacks - which were Afghanistan and Iraq.
Note: If you believe the official story it is a fact that the Taliban were not responsible for what happened, and same with Saddam's Iraq.

Hopefully the 'powers that be' will consider that staging something like a false flag today would be too risky with alt media dominating the mainstream/propaganda news.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, November 18, 2023.]

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