Sunday, October 29, 2023

Very Bad News For Pro Vaxx Narrative -New Study (Jimmy Dore)

Since the COVID vaccine was made available to the general public, anyone reluctant to get the jab was widely derided as selfish and unconcerned about the health of their fellow citizens. But it turns out, as nursing instructor Dr. John Campbell pointed out in a recent video, a new study out of Chicago suggests that being vaccinated does little to nothing to prevent an infected person from transmitting the virus.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss this stunning revelation and the apparent fact that it will make no difference in the public discourse about COVID and the vaccine.

We knew before they rolled this stuff out that it was a therapeutic and did not stop you catching it, except officials lied and said the opposite. This test, which should have been done before mass roll outs, showed little real difference in the material exhaled for those that did and did not take the treatments. They were unnecessary, unless you think it helped keep you out of hospital, except that official health stats showed the opposite was true. And original trial data also showed more injuries, that would send you to hospital, than it saved people from ending up in the same place. This is all ridiculous stuff, and it's why informed people refused to participate from the start. The risk of adverse reactions was too high for something that did next to nothing.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 29, 2023.]

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