Wednesday, January 25, 2023


CO2 is a result of global warming, not the reason. This video shows how oceans are by far the biggest source of CO2, the source of life. Every time the oceans get warmer, they release CO2 but hundreds of years later than the warming itself. Now the climate is getting colder but as climate engineering was secretly causing the extreme weather around the globe, now suddenly it is offered to use it to cool of our supposedly overheated earth, which of course is already cooling down.

One correction is that the CO2 lag in the geological record is likely a lot less than 800 years. The problem is that trapped air in the ice cores migrates. There is still a lag, but it would be a lot less. One thing that is true is that over the last 2000 years temperatures have gone from a Medieval Warming Period and into a Little Ice Age while CO2 levels have remained low. In the 20th Century record shows temperature fluctuations up and then down while CO2 levels had increased. It was as if CO2 was not driving the climate at all. However, in much colder eras, like during an Ice Age, the low temperatures would likely lead to a reduction in the CO2s levels, such as we see in the ice cores. 

The bottom like is that CO2 output is not going to lead to the end of the world. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, January 25, 2023.]

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