Monday, January 30, 2023

95 Percent Effective: A FAILURE of the Medical Profession (Dr. Suneel Dhand)

Every time I remember those words, I only think one thing…

A good 7 min rant from this Doc pointing out that other medicos didn't even look at the data when he raised concerns about it. The average person on the street, who had concerns about the jabs, often knew more about the flawed studies and the science than most of the doctors. Most medicos never did any research when it was easy to do. They failed massively. It's the truth.

Best Comment on You Tube:

Melissa Rexroth
Exactly!!! As an RN I made a post against the mandate as there wasn’t sufficient testing. I was crucified and vilified as well. I’m just in awe at the medical community and their willingness to ignore true science. I’m so glad to be out of the medical field!!

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, January 30, 2023.]

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