Thursday, December 1, 2022

Liberal Hypocrites Now OPPOSE Lockdowns In China (Jimmy Dore)

Remember when truckers protesting COVID restrictions in Canada were labeled fascists, white supremacists and terrorists? Well would it surprise you to learn that many of the same people who lodged these accusations at the truckers are now actively supporting the lockdown protesters in China? How can they do that, you ask? Simple. Because they’re hypocrites.

Jimmy and The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal discuss the whiplash-like reversals coming from primarily liberals eager to praise the Chinese protesters.

This highlights the emotion driven left siding with things that make them feel good rather than being objective. However, the leftist world leaders are wolves in sheep clothing who just virtue signal to the emotional leftists. Logical consistency does not matter. 


Chinese Citizens POUND Cops During Lockdown Protests
(Jimmy Dore)

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, December 1, 2022.]

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