Friday, January 3, 2025

Washington's Unstoppable Superweapon & How to Begin Defending Against It (TheNewAtlas)

"At first glance, the NED [National Endowment for Democracy] and other US efforts to control political and information space around the globe don’t appear to be “weapons” at all. Upon closer inspection, they represent the most devastating “weapons of mass destruction” employed this 21st century. They represent a serious threat to global peace, stability, and prosperity. Equally serious efforts must be made to expose and defend against them."

The clip is about CIA and State Department NGO operations designed to bring about regime change in various targeted countries. They do what has happened many times in the past when it comes to overthrowing governments - they sponsor fifth column organisations from within the targeted country to change the reality on the ground (changing public sentiment, changing the politicians, driving conflict - to do the before mentioned things, while sometimes introducing 3rd party actors into mix, notably in Syria). This is combined with mainstream media propaganda that helps hide the hidden hand that drives these operations.

However, Brian Berletić leaves out one critical factor when it comes to many of these operations, and that is they play upon real grievances and divisions, and sometimes oppression. Sometimes the wedge issues used by the NGOs are minor, but sometimes they are great. Having a recognised international border does not mean that the people living within the borders of the modern country are all being treated equally. Nevertheless, what the US does does lead to war and terror where it otherwise would not. It's important to understand this process. 

The solution to this ongoing problem, according to this clip, is draw attention to this corruption so that the NGOs and other nation destroying networks can be countered. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, January 3, 2025.]

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