Monday, December 2, 2024

Total Non-Fed Agent Provocateur Ray Epps' Defamation Lawsuit is TOSSED! Viva Frei Vlawg

Epps was on camera encouraging people go into the Capitol Building, and nothing happened to him. Other people milling around ended up in prison. The protesters were basically entrapped by the Feds, and vilified, to hide the legitimate grievances they had about the 2020 Election, where no auditing of the suspicious, and ridiculous, totals was allowed (the courts refused to even look at the evidence).

In the case of Epps, he ended up taking the media to court for being called a likely agent provocateur. And the courts tossed out the case, for failure to state a claim - essentially because it was somehow being poorly argued?! WTH? 

And in separate testimony the authorities would not deny there were Federal agents or assets involved in what happened on January 6th. We can be pretty sure that Epps was one of those assets. There's also video inside of the Capitol Building of another 'protester' being let go after it appeared he claimed to be a law enforcement agent. The protesters were heinously set up.

If the same thing had happened to left wing election protesters they'd be a huge outcry, at least from those on the left who currently think that the imprisonment of these people was justified.

There was simply no insurrection.

People were angry, and protesting, about the lack of due process when it came to auditing the vote totals. If the same lack of transparency had happened in a third world country the media and establishment would be reporting the election result as illegitimate.    

Trump needs to pardon all those that were imprisoned by the corrupt Government regarding this matter. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, December 2, 2024.]

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