Saturday, December 14, 2024

THIS Is How The U.S. Will Start War With Iran! (Jimmy Dore)

If you want to know how the United States will gin up the impending war with Iran, we need only look to the past, and previous wars we’ve artificially precipitated with phony catalysts. So explained Middle East scholar Patrick Clawson in a now-notorious speech as he ADVOCATED for what he called “crisis initiation” to make war with Iran happen.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss Clawson’s description of past “crisis initiations” that have led to wars like the attack on the Maine, Pearl Harbor, and the Gulf of Tonkin incident.

The wars/conflict in the Middle East are all neocon driven adventures (The Project for a New American Century - named in the clip), that are succeeding, and aided by various countries in the region, such as Turkey and the Gulf States.

If you think that destroying these countries as a good idea then you'd be happy with the outcome, setting aside the mass killing aside. If you think that killing so many people, and balkanisation, should automatically rule out these sorts of regime change operations then you'd NOT be happy with what's going on.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, December 14, 2024.]

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