Monday, December 16, 2024

FBI ADMITS Capitol Was Crawling With Feds On January 6th! (Jimmy Dore)

The protesters were almost certainly set up by the Feds to take away from the fact they had legitimate grievances about the election. Due process was not followed when it came to auditing the ballots, and so people were angry and protested. It was not an insurrection.

If the same thing had happened to a Democrat candidate they would have had the same right to vigorously protest what happened. Justice was not served, and many protesters were heinously locked up in what was an example of political repression.

It's the sort of thing you would expect from a Fascist State and yet many on the left blindly cheered this on, buying into the idea that what happened was an insurrection. 39 mins, Jimmy Dore Show, going into a LOT of DETAIL.

It should also be recognised that no amount of factual information will convince some people when it comes to what actually happened on that day. Yes, there was some rioting. Who was leading it? Who encouraged it? Why did they LET people into the Capitol Building? Why were some of the agitators not arrested while others were given multi-year sentences for doing almost nothing? It's obvious that what we saw was entrapment and an episode of political oppression/intimidation.

It's been estimated that there were OVER 200 Federal assets present at the Jan 6th protests. You can bet that all files and information pertaining to this operation have been deleted. However, some records may remain, and witnesses can still be called. Watch the clip and learn something (about political corruption) if you don't know much about this incident.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, December 16, 2024.]

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