Thursday, December 12, 2024

A Brief History of the War on Syria (Corbett Report)

The foreign-backed terrorist insurgency in Syria has finally accomplished the globalists' objective: regime change in Syria. But how did we get here? Who was behind this decades-long plan for reshaping the Middle East? And what does it mean for the world? Today on The Corbett Report podcast, James dives through The Corbett Report's 13-year archives on the Syrian war to bring these events into focus.

Some background looking at news reports, admissions(!), that go back to 2011-12-13. This is actual research put into proper context as opposed to the MSM telling you what to think about an event in a near vacuum.

Various overlapping interests had a hand in the overthrow of the secular Government in Syria. The video explains what happened and points out that the leading fighting groups in the war, sponsored by the West, consisted of what can only be described as extremist groups. A US Defense Intelligence Agency document from August 2012, cited by General Michael Flynn in this clip, but not shown, stated that the leading insurgent groups consisted of 'Salafists, the Muslim Brotherhood, plus Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI)' and they were supported by "The West, Gulf Countries, and Turkey". The conflict was not a civil war but a proxy war that would have ended if not for all the outside support.

Hopefully the command/logistics structure that supported the extremists through Turkey will have enough control over them that they don't end up fighting among themselves like what happened for years in Idlib (occupied northern Syria) or Libya.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, December 12, 2024.]

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