Monday, November 18, 2024

"hottest weather in 120,000 years” (Tony Heller)

A look at the credibility of Michael Mann's Hockey Stick graph. [It has no resemblance to reality/the historical record]

If CO2 is working in the atmosphere as theorised by the climate scientists then we should see an increase in the overall temperature of the planet, but the only increases we get are via cooked data. US real temperatures are stagnant or declining - which can be seen if you take out the official 'adjustments' and UHI effects (shown in other videos) to look only at the raw data.

There's clear evidence of hotter periods in the recent past, 5000 years ago, when there were lower CO2 levels - where we have evidence of trees growing where glaciers now exist, and where the treeline went right up to the edge of the Arctic Ocean. The weather back then was clearly warmer than today. Real world observations disprove what the climate theorists and models are telling us about an overheating planet.   

Why is this important? Because Western industry is being shut down before a viable replacement is ready, and other parts of the world, China/India etc, are ramping up their outputs so that what we do does nothing to change anything. It's 'jumping off an economic cliff' climate policy for the West.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, November 18, 2024.]

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