Thursday, November 28, 2024

EMERGENCY ALERT: NATO Announces Plan To Sneak Attack Russia In Attempt To Escalate Ukraine War! (Infowars)

Alex Jones covers the alarming news that NATO Admiral Rob Bauer this week announced the body of nations has changed its stance from waiting to be attacked by Russia to preemptively striking the Vladimir Putin-led country.

The overall idea will be to take the West to war in Ukraine to cover up the fact that our countries are falling apart under globalist policies - where people are waking up to the scam. The globalists are getting desperate. The solution to this madness is military coups in Western countries to remove the corrupt political leadership. The military has a duty to step in to stop this criminal conduct, which is the escalation of an unnecessary war that is no threat to their nations.  

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, November 28, 2024.]

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