Friday, October 18, 2024

They Quietly Admitted It (Paul Joseph Watson)

A short clip from PJW pointing out that the FBI now admits that violent crime rose over 4% in the US rather than it falling 2% as previously reported. The only reason there was a drop was because they were no longer collecting the data. But residents could see it with their own eyes.

What's the point of this news? The FBI and MSM regularly LIE to ordinary people to serve political interests. If someone is telling you that the FBI is a reputable agency, or you are watching a TV show that paints them (their leadership) in a good light, then you are being hoodwinked. They operate more like a secret police agency, at least a key section of it, coming from the top down.

They have a documented history of forming and aiding terrorist plots, so they can bust them, that would have otherwise not have happened. They gave live bomb material to the terrorists who blew up the World Trade Centre basement carpark in 1993, they covered up the US Navy shootdown of TWA Flight 800, they executed a friend of the alleged Boston Marathon bombers, they played along with the Russiagate Hoax, and going back in time they were involved in blackmail via J Edgar Hoover and operated COINTELPRO to vilify and set up anti war activist opponents of the Government. The point is that major US institutions are all corrupted, especially anything with 'Federal' attached to it. 3 mins

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 18, 2024.]

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