Friday, October 18, 2024

Misinformation bill equals censorship to suit the Big End of Town (Gerard Rennick)

Try not to laugh

“Would you not assume there is inherent conflict of interest between what the mainstream media reports as news and what the government wants reported as news given the mainstream media relies on the government for a significant part of its advertising revenue?

There’s no conflict of interest between the journalists or the editorial teams……..there are internal mechanisms regarding journalistic integrity and editorial decisions where those commercial decisions do not come into play.”
I put this question to free to air media executives in the misinformation bill Senate inquiry.

I have been told first hand by journalists that they are not allowed to talk about certain topics because their advertisers wouldn’t like it or they would be threatened with legal action despite the information being true.

Editor's comment:

At the end of this clip, regardless of the role Gov money has in influencing the MSM networks, she says that the media are trusted sources of information. This is complete garbage. They've been pushing disinformation about things like terrorism and war and Covid for decades. I know because I've been trying to correct them when it came to the former two issues and they did nothing. They're near useless propaganda outlets. The issue with the censorship bill is that it does not apply to the MSM, and they claim to be the most honest source for information. At least it seems they're against the bill. Such a disgrace. When it came to sharing lies about Covid, and especially the jabs, media chiefs should be facing jail time. People pointed out that what was happening was an obvious crime and they covered it up.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 18, 2024.]

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