Saturday, September 14, 2024

Putin Warns Missile Strikes Equal Rus West War; West Dithers, Zelensky Rages Brazil, China; Ukr Kursk Collapse (Alexander Mercouris)

The big issue with the long range missiles from NATO is they can only hit targets inside Russia with the use of Western satellite systems. This means direct involvement with NATO personnel. This intelligence sharing is already happening, but Russia is drawing a red line here. They don't want longer ranged attacks coming unequivocally from NATO officers which they consider an act of war. 

Summary from You Tube (provided by Alexander):

00:00 Putin issues strong warning to the West on potential missile strikes
03:12 NATO countries' direct involvement in Ukraine conflict
09:19 Putin warns of potential war with NATO over missile strikes
12:30 Putin warns of potential war with West
18:54 During a state of war, seizing assets of the enemy country is possible
21:31 Russian warning on seizing assets
27:06 Putin's warning about the consequences of missile strikes inside Russia
29:57 British military fragility in facing off against Russia
35:43 Russia's response to potential missile strikes
38:17 Russia warns against missile transfer to Ukraine
43:35 Putin warns against missile strikes on Russia
46:17 Putin places the point of no threat near Ukraine's Polish border
51:43 West pushing for escalation in Ukraine conflict
54:23 Controversy surrounds decisions on missile strikes in Russia
59:33 Missile strikes against Russia may eventually be carried out.
1:02:21 Zelensky rages against Russian counteroffensive
1:08:15 Zelensky furious about Western response to Ukrainian demands and lack of confirmed summit meeting with Biden
1:10:50 Russian forces advancing in western direction capturing key villages
1:16:11 Russian repelled Ukrainian counterattacks near the Nim river
1:18:56 Russian forces advancing south and preparing for a major attack on Kurakov
1:24:23 Russian forces gain control of industrial area in New York
1:27:02 Putin warns against dangerous missile strikes
Crafted by Merlin AI.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 14, 2024.]

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