Friday, September 6, 2024

Kursk Offensive Failed; Rus Unfazed JSSAMS, Ukr Collapses Vuhledar, Rus Pushes Velikaya Novosilka (Alexander Mercouris)

There's strong indications that Swedish technicians and trainers were killed in Ukraine from a missile strike. The fact that military assistance of this sort is in operation makes them targets of the Russians. They're effectively participants in the war, along with NATO countries. 

Summary comment from You Tube:

00:06 President Putin discusses economic development and military situation in Ukraine
03:07 Putin confident about Ukraine situation
09:25 Rumors of Western involvement in the Ptera missile strike
12:29 Russian Advance slowed near Pakos due to logistics challenges
18:17 Population decline in Pakros before and after Soviet collapse
21:01 Russian assault on Pakros unlikely by mid-September
26:38 Russian military reliability and distortion of information
29:20 Ukrainian losses in Kursk Offensive and ongoing fighting in specific villages
34:45 Ukrainian Armed Forces face significant armored vehicle losses in Kursk region
37:15 US to reduce arms supplies and seek aid from European powers
43:02 Kursk Offensive Failed; Ukrainians on Back Foot
45:35 Russian operation extending over several hundred kilometers
51:27 Russian strategy to encircle Vuhledar jeopardizes Ukrainian forces
53:57 Ukrainian military officials intend to defend every millimeter of territory
59:31 Russian military strategy focused on key positions and villages in Ukraine
1:02:04 Russian forces advancing successfully in the Toret and Bmud Chua areas
1:07:47 Russian escalation in Ukraine
1:10:25 Military industrial balance favors Russia in the war
1:15:53 Reminder to engage with the video
Crafted by Merlin AI.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 6, 2024.]

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