Thursday, August 29, 2024

Zuckerberg Admits Biden-Harris Pressured Facebook To Censor Content (Salty Cracker)

Zuckerberg: the establishment "asked for a bunch of things to be censored that, in retrospect, ended up being more debatable or true." No joke !

The problem was that anyone could objectively see the information that was being censored was valid. It was obvious the jabs had not been properly safety tested and that there were inherent risks with the technology. The authorities were straight up lying when they claimed the experimental Covid injections were safe, and the mainstream media, and social media, went along with these obvious lies. They were complicit in the biggest ever crime against humanity.  

Best comment on You Tube:


This man helped violate peoples rights, ruin peoples careers, and destroy peoples lives for politics. He deserves to be put in prison.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, August 29, 2024.]

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