Monday, August 19, 2024

Ukraine's Kursk "Success" Speeds own Defeat + the Next US "Wonder Weapon" for Ukraine (TheNewAtlas)

As Ukrainian forces continue military operations in Kursk, Russia, the actual line of contact continues to crumble as Russian forces advance;

- Ukrainian progress in Kursk was due to a lack of Russian troops which are now flooding the area to contain and then roll back Ukrainian troops;

- Russian advances along the line of contact consists of overtaking extensive Ukrainian defensive positions;

- The Kursk incursion will raise the cost for Russia, but ultimately will accelerate the collapse of Ukraine’s own fighting capacity;

- US JASSM cruise missiles are being considered for Ukraine, a critical munition required for any future operation against China and a munition that is not produced in quantities equal or larger than even Russian-made cruise missiles;

- JASSMs are air-launched, meaning their use will be restricted by Ukraine’s small number of military aircraft capable of launching them;

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, August 19, 2024.]

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