Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Week America Picked the Road to Currency Destruction. More Big Government and Red Ink Promised. (maneco64)

00:00 Introduction
01:43 What Ron Paul told me at the Mises Institute
04:22 The American people will get more inflation no matter who they vote for
08:47 The Fed is the inflation machine
10:07 Government imposing price controls lead to higher prices
13:36 Abolishing the Fed, sound money and cutting the size of government is the only way to drive prices lower
14:13 Gold and silver are the ultimate insurance policies against currency destruction
15:42 How to ride the coming bull market in gold and silver
18:00 A look at the gold price and what it is pointing to

The spending is creating more debt, but this Fed created debt can be cancelled. In the meantime prices are pushed up.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, August 18, 2024.]

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