Saturday, August 24, 2024

The ABS covered up the increase in actual deaths - Senate Estimates (Gerard Rennick)

Every death was once a living person who deserves respect. Real deaths should not be homogenised to cover up government negligence.

In the same way the BOM homogenises weather records the ABS models expected deaths and then calls the differences between the modelled figures and the actual figures excess deaths.

This is a perfect distraction in order to stop looking at the increase in actual deaths.

The ABS cannot explain why they modelled deaths to rise to 169,000 in 2021, up from 162,000 in 2020.

Population growth was static, there were more lockdowns in 2021 than 2020 and there was no flu and no COVID in the community.

So why the jump, given lockdowns resulted in less deaths in 2020 than 2019.

The ABS can’t explain where they got their assumptions from, but by increasing the modelled figure they can claim that excess deaths was only 3,000 and not 10,000 which was statistically insignificant being one standard deviation from the mean not three which is statistically significant.

It doesn’t matter which way you cut it, the bureaucrats will come up with a way to lie every time.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, August 24, 2024.]

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