Saturday, August 17, 2024

[RECAP] Australian vaccine biodistribution data (John Campbell)

TGA Pfizer document from January 2021

Editors's Note: This is reposted in light of the Monkey Pox threat. If the authorities want to jab people with mRNA shots the only thing you need to understand is that the material does NOT stay in the arm. It goes everywhere. The shots are inherently dangerous. People, experts included, are fooling themselves if they think these things are safe. Excess mortality is up around the world and it's undoubtedly caused by these injections. Refuse them as if your life depended on it. 

Recap text: An official TGA document, partly redacted, that shows they knew the injection material was widely distributed throughout the body, including in the blood, brain, bones, spine, heart, ovaries, testes, liver etc, after being injected into muscle(!).

The jab material does not stay in the arm. The TGA in Australia knew this, and should have realised the extreme danger - they said and did nothing (as if they were accomplices to injuring and killing people before the fact). They had this data in January 2021 before they rolled out the jabs in Australia.

Prosecutions are sorely needed to stop these criminals that are still standing by these injections. It's like we are dealing with a bunch of psychopaths. What the hell were/are they thinking/doing?

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, August 17, 2024.]

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