Monday, August 26, 2024

Pro-Ukraine Protesters Easily Stumped With Questions About War (Jimmy Dore)

Outside the recent Chicago Democratic National Committee, Jimmy Dore spoke with a pro-Ukrainian protester. She claimed not to know why Russia invaded Ukraine except that Russians are all imperialists and Putin is insane while also demonstrating no knowledge of previous peace deals scuttled by NATO or just who was shelling the Donbas region for years prior to Russia’s invasion.

The protester being questioned by Dore considered that the factual information he relayed was simply Russian talking points or propaganda. She had not even heard of the Minsk peace agreement and thought that it had only been the Russian side that had shelled people in the lead up to the full scale war that erupted in 2022. It appears that these protesters (likely not just her) are heavily propagandised individuals and are very ignorant about the causes of the present conflict - either that, or they're deliberately lying about what they know. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, August 26, 2024.]

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