Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Phil Donohue was RIGHT on Iraq and they SILENCED him | Redacted w Natali and Clayton Morris

Phil Donahue died at the age of 88. He was should be remembered as the antiwar voice that the media canceled for its own corporate interest. It is haunting to wonder what would have happened had we listened to his caution against the 9/11 wars. May his antiwar soul rest in peace given that he was on the right side of history and may the rest of us remember that our souls will be called upon to answer for our stance on war one day too.

Pretty decent clip about the firing of Phil Donahue for raising questions in the lead up to the 2003 Iraq War (which was a neocon project). The Gov and MSM have a history of shutting down dissenting voices when it comes to war. His talk show was number one at the time. Today mainstream voices that speak out against unnecessary wars end up in the alt media. Back in 2003 the online media wasn't anything like it is today with today's video streaming platforms and social media. When the Donahue Show disappeared I had no idea what was going on. In 2024 we can find out in less than a minute. His show was good, better than many others, because it would tackle almost any issue. It did have its sensationalist side, but the fact this 90s show was open to almost any issue, was a good thing. RIP Phil.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, August 21, 2024.]

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