Saturday, August 24, 2024

Oprah Is An Idiot (Paul Joseph Watson)

Oprah crying poor and oppressed. She may have had bad experiences in her youth, but what the heck was she doing being friends with known molester Harvey Weinstein, and hanging with other rich creepos/pedos?

Black oppression in the US can't be too bad when she's a billionaire, and where there are many other VERY RICH black people, and President Obama. This looks like playing the victim for sympathy and votes. 

Kenye West was right, when commenting on ordinary black people, that they are oppressing themselves with their mental attitude. Although the US is a heinous corpocracy, life in the black community could be made a lot better with a more responsible and less gangsta attitude. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, August 24, 2024.]

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